Thinking Of A Lie

Tina was back home as she didn't purposely charged her phone at Patrick's place, even when Patrick asked her, "What of your phone, bring it let me help you to charge it?."

She told him to leave it that she didn't wanted it charged as she didn't wanted her colleagues at work to start calling her or disturbing her.

Patrick complied and just had to let it be and didn't asked about her phone again, as it skip from his mind too.

As Tina was back to Ochanda, Tina went out to finally charged her phone as obviously she knew Chris might have been calling her to check up on her, and she started thinking of a suitable lie to tell Chris.

"No I cannot tell Chris that I was with my child's father," Tina thought as Chris might grew suspicious of her, so she had to think of something differently, like probably, she lost her phone, or misplaced it, Tina thought.

After charging her phone at her friends place, as they didn't had power supplied at her home, Tina switched on her phone after thanking her friend for helping her charger it and she left and came out to called Chris first.

Tina dialed on Chris's number and it rang in one go and Chris finally picked it up immediately while she spoked first, "Hello Good afternoon Chris."

"Good afternoon dear, Am so glad you called. I have been trying your number since and it hasn't been connecting, what happened?, You promised me you would called me back after your son's birthday celebration and didn't you called. Why has your phone been switched off since then?" Chris asked all in one go and Tina apologised,

"Am sorry, am truly sorry.. I misplaced my phone and have been looking for it since then. It was my brother that later helped me found it as I gave my phone to my son to play with when I gave him to my brother. I didn't knew if it was my brother that hide it either, when I saw it, we didn't had power supplied at home, so I have to wait to charge it at my friends place by weekend since is only on sunday as they do turn on their generator, That's where am just coming from now at her place and you're the first am calling" Tina explained to Chris hoping he would believe her lie and Chris sighed.

"It okay dear. Am glad you finally called. Have been really worried about you, wondering and hoping nothing bad has happened, but am happy to hear from you, how's mama and your son and siblings doing?" Chris asked.

"They're all fine, thanks for understanding me" Tina replied.

"Is nothing dear. Am just glad you're fine and nothing bad happened Am planning on taking a leave to come home to see you, you know ever since I started working for this new company, I don't really have the chance to be traveling home like I used to before when I was doing my own personal business, but once they grant me permission, am coming home to the village to see you, I really miss you, honestly, I wish you're here with me, I wouldn't had anything to worry about, don't worry am planning on it and I will come and see you okay?."

"Okay" Tina replied, scratching her head anxiously and Chris said,

"I love you, and I really do. Please take good care of yourself for me," Chris told Tina over on the phone and she replied him, "Okay I will, love you too, bye."

Tina finally ended the call as she couldn't told Chris the truth. As that would shattered Chris in the City, leaving him extremely heartbroken, And she thought it was better to try and explained things properly to Chris when he finally comes home, that she has reconciled with her child's father, and would want to marry her child's father instead of him.

Tina hope and prayed Chris would understood her too, when she explained to him as she thought about silently as she went back home.


Back in City A..

Patrick was the happiest man after he returned back to the city as he was looking more joyful and fresher than he was before he had left to the village.

Before Patrick had travelled to the village, he looked so pale and looking sick like one who was heartbroken or seriously sick, And all that was because he had a fall out with Anita and how her family treated him. Including Anita's mother not giving him a chance to spoke to Anita either on phone and her father severely warming him and threatening him never to seen him again with his daughter and Patrick sighed.

Patrick had thought of the advice Chris gave to him to amended things with Anita and probably adopted his son to come leaving with them when him and Anita finally got married as Tina didn't loved him then.

Patrick had wanted to bought the idea of making up with Anita and settling down with her as his wife, but her family never gave him the chance to saw her nor contacted Anita either, And he was grateful Tina has finally forgiven him and he was very happy about it as he made arrangements for their upcoming marriage ceremony, which would be held in Tina's village.

Patrick didn't wanted an elaborated wedding, or big traditional marriage, even as he has money, He didn't like the public show of wealth, as he wanted a simple wedding with Tina. With just few people in attendance and he smiled as he planned on when to fix their wedding date as he had been away from his office for some time and had series and several pending works and deals to be carried out personally by him.


Anita got the news of Patrick returned to City A and she hurriedly rushed to go prepared to saw him in his office, as she knew he wouldn't be at home either because he had been away for some time.

Anita knew how Patrick's work is, that he would be in his company, producing new designs and not at home, so she rushed into her room to go prepared to see Patrick.

Hailey saw how Anita looked overly excited and rushing to prepared to went out, and she stopped Anita in her track and asked her, "Where are you rushing too sis, this one that you're this happy and smiling to yourself?."

Anita hesitated to told Hailey that was going to saw Patrick, as she knew that they were all aware when her father warned her never to mentioned about Patrick to them again. And she hesitated a little if to told Hailey or not, so she lied to hailey instead, "I have a multi international audition to do, for a leading role as the female lead actress in an upcoming new season movie, so I have to rush to be there, before the audition closes."

"Where is that?" Hailey asked looking surprised and Anita quickly replied her, "There's no time to discuss about were it is for now Hailey. When am back we can discuss about that later, okay."

Turning to go applied her makeup Anita called out to Hailey whom was already leaving her room to give her some space to prepare, And Anita shouted out to Hailey's hearing,

"Hailey! When mother or father ask of me tell them I went for an important auditioning okay."

"Okay" Hailey replied and she closed the door behind her and left Anita's room, going back to her room.

Anita was thru with her preparations and so she took her car keys with her and kept them inside her handbag and she stepped out of her room to dashed out.

Mrs Bright just returned from her outting and saw Anita wanting to leave the house and she immediately stopped Anita questioning,

"And where are you heading too young lady?, Not even wanting to welcome your mother?."