Am Sorry Anita

"Mom am sorry but I have to go out now, I have an.important audition to attend too" Anita quickly replied and Mrs Bright eyes narrowed at her daughter.

"Really?, And where's the auditioning taking place?" Mrs Bright inquired just as she took a seat in one of their living room couches.

"Mom! I will be late. When am back we can discuss" Anita quickly responded and she dashed out of their living room, leaving her mother speechless.

Anita wasn't so good with lies, so she knew once she started stammering to forge a lie to her mother. Her mother would definitely caught her lied and she didn't wanted them to discouraged her plans from going to saw Patrick, as she really want to see Patrick.

Anita drove out from her father's mansion in her car, off to the main road and to Pat International Furnitures, and parked in the company's garage.

Security in Patrick's company had became tighter, and so Anita had to underwent series of check and search by the company security men, before she was finally lead into the receiving area.

Patrick personal assistant was surprised to saw Anita as he was told by his boss, that Anita's parent didn't want him any where closer to their daughter again, And he hesitated if to let Anita in or not, but he got more confused as his boss was no longer looking sad or unhappy.

Dave assumed maybe his boss (Patrick) had settled his beef with Anita and her family, so he told the secretary to let her in.

Patrick was less busy as he didn't have much work to do. He had employed more staffs, so he had enough free time to rest.

Patrick wouldn't have increased the number of new employees, but he did, so he could spent enough time with Tina, especially when they eventually got married.

Knock knock!, Patrick heard the knocking on his executive office door and he replied, "Come in."

Patrick was surprised to see Anita, As he appeared shocked to see her.

Although he really missed Anita and wondered if she was fine and gas moved on, As he really couldn't understood why her mother was the one with her phone then when he called.

He was really disturbed, and wanted to knew if Anita was fine and he stared to Anita as she walked in.

"Hi handsome, didn't you missed me?"

Anita asked walking seductively to Patrick, as she finally took a seat across to him in the opposite guest seat facing Patrick, As she comfortably smiling sweetly to Patrick.

"Hmm... To what do I owe this pleasant surprise visit?, Long time Anita" Patrick finally smiled back at her, swirling his office seat as his gazed was fixed on her.

"You didn't missed me right?" Anita asked him with a subtly frowned and Patrick stopped swirling his office chair and sat up properly, now facing Anita and he spoke,

"Off course.. I missed you. I did called you severally before, but your mother was the one picking my calls, and she threatened me never to call you again" Patrick paused in his words as he stared at Anita's eyes saying, "Same with your father too."

Anita didn't said anything as she knew her mother never liked Patrick from the start, but she never expected her father to to also threatened Patrick.

Although her father was Mr Bright and he never joked nor allowed anyone messed with any of his children, so she gulped and said, "So that means, you didn't missed me at all, Nor cared to know how I was doing?."

"I cared Anita, I really wanted too see you too, but your parent stopped me. Am so sorry.. So what would you like me to offer you?" Patrick asked, standing up from his office seat as he walked to his bar to got her a cold drink.

"Am not tasty for any drink Patrick, what I want is you?" Anita replied him bluntly, making Patrick to paused in his track and he breathed out and turned back to the bar, to still get her favorite drink and he came back to his seat and gave her the drink while he went to got his drink with a glass cup, he sat down back opposite to Anita.

"So how's the village and your family doing?. I went to your home to check on you before, they told me, you weren't around and travelled home" Anita asked, opening the drink he brought for her and Patrick replied,

"They're all fine."

"How about your child, you told me, you just got to know about him recently, have you reunited with him and seen him, or what do you plan on doing?" Anita, staring at Patrick and Patrick meet her gazed and he sighed.

Patrick did loved Anita too, but he wanted Tina more than he wanted Anita, And If Tina hadn't accepted him this last time that he had travelled down to the village, he would've considered Anita back no matter what her parents might have threatened him. but Patrick's raised his gazed back to face Anita and he spoked,

"Anita, I really do like you too, but I do not want to be polygamous, I have reconcile with my child's mother, and will like to marry her, Am truly sorry" Patrick said faintly.

Anita couldn't said anything as the glass cup she was holding almost fell off from her hand and she managed to said,

"But I don't mind that Patrick, I still love and want you, even if you want to marry your child's mother, you can still marry me too. I won't fight her or cause you both any trouble, I just want to be with you."

"No Anita, you deserve better than me, Am truly sorry, if I didn't have any child with my child's mother then, I will have marry you instead of her, Please try to understand me, my people don't support polygamy and as per my village custom, I must marry the child's mother first so my child wouldn't be a bastard, Am sorry" Patrick tried to explained further but Anita bursted out crying,

"Why Patrick? Why did you slept with her without using any protection?. You never for once mistakenly did it with me without using protection on, but yet you did it with her and even got her pregnant too, why?" Anita began to sobbed again while Patrick couldn't said anything to persuaded her emotions as, he felt heartbroken for her too, but he couldn't do anything to appease the situation at hand either. And he watch Anita stood up and quietly left his office after wiping her tears away with her handkerchief, and she didn't stopped nor turned back and stared at him again as she just left his office.


Chris didn't worked on Saturday except for his own personal business, which he normally went to check up on the sales, the person he had employed there to work for him made.

Chris used the opportunity to went to visited Patrick in his office as he didn't knew Patrick's new home address either.

Chris really wanted to knew if Patrick has amended things with Anita or if Patrick still has Tina in mind, as Chris was really worried about it, and he knew his company wouldn't just gave him another leave, as he was previously given a 2-weeks leave not too long ago, when he had travelled and spent time with Tina, and the leave was granted based on his only sister's marriage ceremony, which he must attended.

Now he was asking for another leave and the company didn't saw anything significant reason as to why he should be granted another leave, so they kept his request on pending till they were ready to attended to it.

Chris woke up early and went to his personal workshop as he wanted to did all the checks and balances, as he knew he wouldn't had the time within the week, to evaluated his employee's works for him.

After Chris was thru by noon, he set to visited Patrick's company to saw Patrick as he wouldn't be abled to visited Patrick's home either.