Chris hoped Patrick was around in the city as he hadn't seen any recent news update nor post about Patrick with Anita on social media except for the Noble prize awarding ceremony, and since then he hadn't heard or seen another photos of Patrick.
Chris got to Patrick's company and had to underwent serious check and searches by the security men on guards, and Chris wondered how people still came to patronized Patrick with the kind of security Patrick had in his company.
Chris assumed probably the warehouse and branch offices security wouldn't be as guarded as their main head-office where Patrick normally stayed.
Chris was finally let to entered and was escorted to the receiving area to sat and waited for Patrick to be thru with the clients he was with.
After most of the pending clients had left, Chris was finally allowed into Patrick's office, as he was the next to seeing Patrick.
Chris knocked and Patrick voice responded to him from inside "come in."
"Long time old friend" Chris said as he smiled pretentiously and walked into Patrick's office, and Patrick stood up from his executive office seat and shook hands with Chris, whom extended his right hand out for a handshake with Patrick.
"Welcome man, long time truly" Patrick said, at he patted on Chris's shoulder and smiled, finally sitting back on his executive office seat and swirling it sideways.
"How are your people and work?" Patrick asked Chris first.
"We are all fine, good. Am less busy so I decided to come say hi to you today and to know how my very good friend is doing" Chris replied, smiling teasingly and Patrick smiled back at him and stood up from his executive black office seat as he stepped out to got Chris his favorite Non-alcoholic wine from his fridge
Patrick obviously served drinks to his clients too but not all, except for special visitors and important clients that he only served drinks too. and Chris was one of them too, so patrick brought two bottled drinks out and went back to got two glass cup and then took his seat.
Chris asked Patrick first, while opening the cold wine given to him.
"So how have you been, work, family? Chris asked as he finally conked opened the wine bottle and poured out the wine content into his glass cup and Patrick did same too, taking it up to his lips.
"Am fine, home is fine" Patrick responded smiling as he took a sip from his glass cup.
"Really, Did you travelled home again of recently?" Chris asked Patrick, still drinking from his glass cup and Patrick replied him, "Yeah, I did."
"How about your relationship, I mean the one with the Actress, I haven't seen any recent photos from her or you online?" Chris asked, like he cared to knew about it, and Patrick replied him faintly,
"She's fine but I told her we can't continue."
"Why?" Chris asked in panicked and Patrick sighed first, then he spoked,
"I have reconciled with my child's mother.. You remember I did told you about her before, I told you her name was Tina.. Well I recently travelled to the village and I saw her and tried to amended things with her instead, As i told Anita we cannot continue anymore as I don't want a polygamy family.. and you know what our custom demands, that I have to pay Tina's dowry and marry Tina first, even though she doesn't wish to be my with me, I still have to do all that for the sake of my child and as how our custom demands" Patrick said, while Chris gulped as he kept down his glass cup in his hand.
Chris knew of their village custom too, and knew even if Patrick paid all of that marriage requirement, Tina could still rejected him if she wanted too, and went ahead and married another husband, As it wasn't a must for Tina to marry Patrick, neither was it a forced marriage.
It was just done so the child wouldn't been seemed like a bastard, or someone without his father's background.
Chris was fond of hiding his true feelings about anything, so Patrick didn't suspected any foul mood changed in Chris's behavior, So Chris then asked him,
"So you mean Tina has already forgiven you?."
"Yeah, I think she as" Patrick replied smiling but Chris frowned a little, And still Patrick didn't noticed, as Patrick took a sip from his owned glass cup,
"What makes you think she has really forgiven you?" Chris asked again and Patrick swirled his office seat and smiled.
"She has bro. I took her to my place, and we both had a good time together for some days. I think Tina loves me now but she won't admit it" Patrick said, smiling sweetly and remembering his ordeal with Tina, but Chris head almost wanted to burst, as his blood rushed up to his face and became hot in anger, but still his temperament wasn't showing and so Patrick didn't noticed his mood changed.
"I don't get what you are saying" Chris said making Patrick to stared to his face.
"You mean, you both had a good time together.. how?" Chris asked, wanting to understood what Patrick truly meant better and Patrick laughed out and replied,
"What do you mean, you don't understand me? Hahaha" Patrick laughed but Chris wasn't laughing as he questioned,
"I really don't understand you, make me to understand better?",Chris replied, still not laughing and Patrick calmed and said,
"We had s*x bro, and she did loved it and wanted it too, Unlike before, Tina cannot resist me."
Chris almost reacted to what Patrick just told him, but his brow furrowed as he looked at Patrick in anger, and Patrick noticed Chris wasn't finding any of what he was telling him funny, so he calmed and said to Chris,
"I intend marrying Tina soon, so she will come live with me here in the City. That's why I told Anita we cannot continue. I love Tina and I really do mean it."
Chris said nothing to Patrick as he really couldn't believed his ears.
Tina never told him that she went to Patrick's village, neither could he told Patrick that he also knew whom Tina was.
Chris was in-love with the same Tina, but what annoyed him most was that Patrick told him that he had s*x with Tina of recently again, and Tina did loved it and wanted more, not resisting him.
Chris remembered he had called Tina last two week several times but she never picked up his calls, and later her phone got switched off.
Chris assumed that was probably the same period she was with Patrick and she lied to him that her phone got missing whereas she was in the arms of Patrick moaning sweetly to Patrick's ear..
"Guy! Chris!" Patrick called out to Chris as he saw his childhood friend looking lost and angered like he was remembering something or thinking deeply about something.
"Are you okay?" Patrick asked Chris and Chris regained his consciousness from his thoughts and looked at Patrick and said, "Am fine. Am just wondering how she easily forgive you, after what you did to her."
"What do you mean?," Patrick questioned and smiled as he looked at Chris, but Chris still wasn't smiling and Patrick said,
"She's a woman, and if am to be honest, she never really did fought me at the first night we meet. Just that, she wasn't ready to do it then."
Chris just stared at Patrick speechlessly, As this time Patrick could saw the pain contoured on his best friend's eyes, but Patrick didn't understood why Chris would be pained inside of Chris to be happy for him, when Chris wasn't in anyway related to Tina.
Patrick was expecting that Chris would atleast be happy for him that Tina has finally forgiven him, As Chris was even the one whom previously advised him to seek Tina's forgiveness.
Patrick smiled faintly and tried to changed the topic, seeing that Tina's topic was beginning to affected his friend's mood and he asked,
"Guy, let's leave Tina's topic for now, so what's up with you?. Have you found any woman of your choice yet?."
Chris just stared at Patrick for some minute, then he replied,
"No.. not yet. If I see I will tell you. I haven't found any one yet whom truly loves me."
Then Chris tried to finished all his remaining wine in one go as he gulped it down to calmed his raging nerves, and silence finally fell between them.
After finishing his wine, Chris stood up harshly and thanked Patrick as he said to Patrick,.
"Guy thanks. Don't mind my mood, Am just trying to comprehend the whole thing, I really felt pity for Anita and hope she will be fine, but good to know that Tina has finally forgiven you. I will be leaving now, thanks for your time and do take care, don't forget to invite me, when your wedding invitation is out."
"Okay" Patrick said smiling as he stood and Chris hugged Patrick as a form of greeting then finally left Patrick's office.