Secret Plot

Chris got back home that evening and wasn't himself as he couldn't still believed what Patrick told him to be true.

Chris had called Tina severally that week and her phone wasn't even connecting and he actually believed the lie that Tina told him, that her phone got missing, whereas she was the one whom intentionally switched off her phone.

Chris sat down in his parlour thinking of what to do as he couldn't just let Tina just go that easily as he still loved her, and she made his beat and yearn to be with her, as he truly wanted Tina for himself, and he hated Patrick for it.

{Why's Patrick always lucky than I am. Patrick is Internationally recognized despite not having any master's degree or being a graduate of any university like me, yet Patrick seem to aim higher than I've. Patrick has money than me and now, he have Tina too, no way} - Chris said out as he boiled.

"I cannot let Patrick have Tina too, never!. He can't be better than me in all, Since Tina never told me that she meet with Patrick, then I wouldn't ask her about Patrick either. I will bring her here to be mine before Patrick goes to marry her. Let's see how that Marriage of him with Tina will work."

Chris thought as he spoked to himself.

"Since Patrick actually took Tina to his place and his family house in the village, then that mean, Tina's mother and father will be aware of him too. No wonder her mother never wanted me to marry her daughter, she already prefer her Grandchild's father to me, we shall see about that.."

Chris went to work the following monday although he felt sore all over as he wasn't able to slept the previous night, and during the weekend, as was still angry with the news Patrick told him about meeting with Tina.

Chris arrived early to his office as he needed something to preoccupied his mind, while he thought of what to do with Tina especially now that he saw Tina was secretly seeing Patrick behind his back.

Mella came early too work too, so she went to Chris office to chat with Chris as she admired Chris.

"Good morning Chris," Mella greeted Chris sweetly, Smiling at Chris and she asked, "You came very early today, hope no problem?."

Mella teased Chris, drinking from a hot cup of tea she was holding and she winked at Chris when he looked at her

Chris smiled obviously as he needed a distraction for the meantime while Mella seemed to be the best option till when he would be granted leave by the new company he was working with.

"Good morning to you, senior colleague" Chris finally replied to her with a smile as Mella was seen as the head of the company, even though he knew he was a bit older than her.

"Oh Chris! drop it with the formal way of other staff calling me senior colleague. You can just call me by my name Mella and I will appreciate that the more. Don't make it look like am older than you" Mella winked at Chris again and she asked him,

"Do you care for some tea, you know is good in this cold weather, especially for singles like us" Mella smiled and Chris smiled back to her, as obviously he was also feeling cold due to the annoyance he was trying to eradicated.

Chris then replied her, "I don't mind having some too."

Mella extended her cup to Chris, and dropped it in front of him, then she spoked to him, "So no much work today, actually I got to review your request to take another leave, as it has been kept pending by other seniors whom thinks you shouldn't be granted leave except you don't want to work for us again," Mella paused and looked at Chris face to face, then she continued,

"Well, I have decided to grant you your request, but that will only be on one condition?."

"What condition?" Chris asked as he sipped from the hot tea Mella has given to him, and he raised a brow staring at Mella whom smiled sweetly to him, And she stood up and walked over to where Chris was sitting and collected the tea cup from Chris hand, and dropped it on the desk in front of Chris, And she bent over to give Chris a peek on his cheek and she spoked softly in between Chris's ears,

"Except you go on a date with me this weekend then I will grant you, your request."

Mella winked at Chris and stood up straight then she turned and walked away while Chris just stared at her not knowing what to said as words refused to came out of his mouth.

Chris knew Mella liked him from the very first day he started working in her father's company. As Mella was hot, wild, and as well beautiful black skin lady, but he wanted Tina, as he preferred a village lady.

Chris heart has been broken twice by city girls, so he feared most of them, as he thinks a village local girl would be better, as he assumed a village lady wouldn't be too wild and classy like the city ladies, but he guessed he was now wrong, As Tina was now also at the verge of breaking his remaining heart to pieces and he frowned.


In Mr Bright's Resident.

"As Anita eaten her food yet?," Mrs Bright asked one of her maids as Anita had refused to joined them for dinner, And it was so unlike Anita as Anita never skipped any of her meals.

"No madam" The maid replied and Mrs Bright barked, "What sort of stupid audition did Anita went too, that's making her feel like these?."

Mrs Bright said out to the hearing of anyone whom might be standing close to her and just then Max came in as he obviously heard his mother's voiced.

"Mom, what's the problem, you don't seem to look happy?" Max asked as he sat down on the couch to stretched his long legs as he was just returning from one of the real estate project his father had assigned him to check, closer to Patrick's company. As the estate was on same road as PAT GROUP, just that one would drove passed Patrick's company first, before arriving at the real estate management.

"Mom you haven't said anything?" Max asked again, sitting up properly as he was very hungry. So he asked the maid in attendance to served him his food as he had missed dinner with his family.

"Can you believe your sister has started with her silly behaviors again. I really don't know what wrong with Anita as she thinks she's still a baby that needs to be pampering. A full grown ass woman" Mrs Bright ranted, just as she sat down opposite to her son and fanning herself with a hand-fan to cool down.

"Mom what as Anita done again,"" Max asked as he stood up to walked up to the dinning room, to ate his meal that was just served, as it was already getting late and he didn't returned home on time.

Max had issues with some of the new client that came to check their new estate with him, so he went over to the dining table and sat to ate his food, while he listened to his mother.

Although Max knew Anita to be stubborn as he had seen her drove into Patrick's company earlier, and he knew very well that his sister had been warned by their father never to visited Patrick's home nor office again. Nor spoked to Patrick either, and yet Anita still went there to Patrick's company but he wouldn't blamed her as he knew how easily his sister fell in love with anyone she admired.

Max had told Anita before, Advising her not all admirers truly loved her and she should guard her heart untill she saw a man that truly loved her, but yet Anita still longed for Patrick

Max didn't asked his mother anything again as he wasn't ready to told his either that he saw Anita went into Patrick's company, during her day as he assumed Anita lied to their mother about going for an audition.

And so he ate his meal knowing Anita was now suffering the heartbreak alone, and he knew that his mother didn't tolerated nonsense, but he didn't wanted Anita to be grounded for a month as punishment in that state of hers, and he thought to saw Anita and talked to her again out of it.

"You ain't saying anything Max?," Mrs Bright questioned as she stared at Max and didn't liked how he didn't gave her any response but just eating his meal.

Max smiled to calmed his mother, and he spoked, "Mom, am stressed for today. So let me finish my food first. You know Anita still behaves like a baby, so when am thru eating, I will go feed her, her food and she will eat it. So don't worry much about that. I don't know the type of audition she went that left her angry. But I will try getting her some international audition as I have some few friends abroad that are into film making, so  I think she will be happy to eat . Just let me enjoy my food first, so I will have enough strength to go talk to Anita and feed her."