Pregnancy Symptoms

Chris got back home feeling relieved, and he assumed that with time Patrick would move on with another lady, just like how Patrick dated Anita, The Billionaire's daughter.

The following Sunday, Chris planned on taking Tina outing again to any place of her choice, so she wouldn't felt bored, but Tina wasn't feeling to well again.

Vomiting in the washing basin, Tina rinsed her mouth as she suspected maybe she was pregnant. But how would she tell Chris that it wasn't really malaria, that was worrying her, and that she had missed her period.

Tina got nauseous again and threw up in the basin, just then Chris caught her and approached her. As Chris rushed up to her and asked, "What's wrong with you dear?."

Chris held Tina for a little support, And Tina replied to him, "I don't know Chris. Am not feeling too fine, maybe I should go back home to the village, so I can get some herbal drinks," Tina suggested, As she has been looking for a way to get Chris to took her back home to her village.

"No!" Chris immediately refused, but Tina vomited, again due to irritation, And Chris got really worried.

"Don't worry, I will call on a doctor to come check on you here. Or we can go to the hospital to run some test, which do you prefer?" Chris suggested, they should go to the hospital so it wouldn't looked like he imprisoned Tina, but the past memory of how her mother reacted when she first got pregnant made Tina refused going with him to the hospital immediately.

"No. I don't want to go to the hospital I will be fine here" Tina replied quickly, trying to act like she was fine, and there was no need of them going for check up.

"Are you sure you will be fine?" Chris asked her, And Tina rinsed her mouth, and came out from the kitchen, As she replied, "Yes I will."

Tina went and sat down on the couch. And off lately, she hasn't been feeling too well, and it was so unlike her past pregnancy and she didn't knew why.

"Maybe it because am always indoors, I should be coming out to receive fresh air" Tina said to Chris as he approached her on the couch.

"Yes, you can be sitting at the front yard if you want, but don't go outside the gate" Chris agreed.

"I want us to go out before, to any place of your choice, but I guess we will have to postpone it" Chris said as he sat with her, massaging her feet.

"Hm, okay" Tina replied .


Patrick decided to travelled home to the village the coming Sunday. As first, he would have to go and see Mama-Tina at her shade, to knew about any recent update from the police search, and how Mama-Tina was doing. And secondly, he wanted to inquired from Mama-Tina who Tina's boyfriend was?.

Patrick felt that Mama-Tina would knew about Tina's boyfriend, Whom Tina had previously told him about. Saying to him that she wanted to marry her boyfriend instead of him.

Patrick travelled early on Sunday morning, as his mother had already called him to returned home as well, because of his elder brother returned to their village.

And to Patrick's surprise, he also heard that his junior sister Sharon Scott, was also back in the country as well, and she was already at home in their village too, and his immediate younger sister Cindy, was getting married as well.

It was all a good news to Patrick, expect for him, As Tina has left him, so he thought.

Patrick arrived Ochanda village, and he head straight to Tina father's compound, As it was already noon.

Mama-Tina was at home, and Papa-Tina had gone out to his supposed village elders meeting when Patrick arrived with his car and parked.

"Good afternoon Mama" Patrick greeted Mama-Tina politely, As she was just coming out from their house to sat in frontage.

"Welcome my son. Seems you left the city early?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick abc he replied, "Yes Mama, I did. I will be going home to my village too, As am also needed there, so I won't be staying over here in your place today."

Patrick smiled, remembering the last time he visited, when he travelled straight to Mama-Tina home, after hearing of Tina's disappearance. He had stayed back at Mama-Tina's place, and he was asked to shared the room with Tina brothers.

Patrick never minded that the room was not furnished nor advanced, As he had also lived in a local home before he became wealthy. So he never found Tina brother's room local, as he slept there comfortably and it made him felt warm like he had Tina by his side.

"Mama so what's the update from the police station?. Am planning we will go to see them first, after I return from my village. As I do not want my mother to know of Tina's disappearance with her grandson, that's why I didn't reached home before. Now I will be forced to lie to my mother, As she has high blood pressure, and I don't want any sort of panic heart attack on her" Patrick explained.

"Is okay my son, I understand. When you return, we will go together to the police station" Mama-Tina replied as she encouraged Patrick whom said, "Okay Mama."

Patrick went to his car and brought out all the things that he had bought from the city for Mama-Tina. And he told her, "Mama, I will be back in two days time. And I have to be on my way now to Ujunwa Village."

"Okay my son. Thank you." Mama-Tina replied as she watched Patrick left her compound.


Patrick arrived home in his village and he was thrilled to saw his big brother, of course as it had been long they saw eachother lastly, As off when Patrick didn't have enough money, compared to how wealthy he was now.

Patrick's brother, Victory was marvel at how Patrick had renovated their father's house, and turned it to a big mansion with different quarters, As he was very happy and impressed to know that his own brother was the talk of the Town, and he wasn't jealous of Patrick, but happier to have Patrick as his own brother..

Patrick and Victory, both sat out drinking, while discussing.

"How is city life in City A? Mama told me that you now have a cute son, and wife to be. I guess am the only single guy here" Victory chuckled while asking Patrick, whom replied,

"Yeah. Mama told you right, so what up with you? Are you still going back to the military or you have retire?" Patrick asked his brother, just as he drank from his cup of wine.

"Well I can't just retire, I will still be going back, unless I found otherwise"

Victory replied

"So how about getting married and finding a wife?" Patrick asked him and Victory laughed out.

"I will get married before going back, if that will make Mama happy," Victory said.

"Well we have to prepare for Cindy in-laws you know they will be coming next week" Victory added.

"Hmm, I am aware, but I might not be around, besides papa is around he can handle it" Patrick replied to his brother

"Why won't you be around?" Victory asked in surprised.

"I have an important appointment, and I still want to see my wife-to-be mother before leaving for the city" Patrick said, not wanting to tell his brother the whole truth, as he knew his brother might as well tell their mother, and he didn't wanted that.

"Okay, That's fine" Victory replied, as he drank up  all his drink in one go.