Dropped The News

Tina wasn't feeling fine all thru the whole night, As she was very sick, making Chris to worried seriously.

"Tina I told you that we should call the doctor earlier today and you refused, now it already getting late, And I can't leave you like this, and go to work tomorrow. We will have to go to the hospital this night" Chris said to Tina, looking at his time, and it was already after 8pm.

Tina couldn't refused Chris again, as she was getting irritably sick, and she knew truly, she needed to visit the hospital.

Chris help Tina got into the car, as he told his domestic staff that he was living with her to the hospital, so the servant should take care of Little Godsent, while he took Tina to the hospital, telling the staff they wouldn't stayed long in the hospital.

Chris drove to the nearest hospital, with Tina in his car, and he was ask to fill a form for Tina, before all the necessary check on her could be conducted.

Later, Chris and Tina went in to saw the doctor on duty, And the doctor examined Tina, asking her series of questions like, "When last did you met with a man?."

Tina gulped, because Chris was by her side, And she stammered to replied,

"Mm, it's been being long doctor. I don't think I have met with anyone" Tina lied.

Chris just stared from the doctor to Tina whom sat at the second seat, next to him. And when Chris heard the doctor questioned, he stared at Tina, And he remembered Patrick had previously told him, that he slept with Tina again, and she loved it.

Chris shook his head, not wanting to believed what Patrick had told him to be true, As he felt Patrick didn't lied about that.

Chris looked at Tina again, and she denied it, making him to be calmed.

"Okay, We will undergo some test now, but when last did you saw your monthly flow?" The doctor asked again, looking at Tina.

And Tina said, "Doctor I don't know, but I know I have seen it not to long and I don't know the date."

"Okay. Not to worry. We will carry out some blood test on you now, to know what's the problem is?" The doctor replied, as he beckoned on the lab physician to carry out with Tina's blood test sample.

Tina was asked to wait for the test results and to saw the doctor before leaving.

Chris didn't said anything to Tina as he was quiet all thru..

After some hour, The test results was out and when they got back into the doctor's office, the doctor smiled at Tina and to Chris and said, "Congratulations."

The doctor stared to Chris first and asked, "She's your wife right?."

"Well yes doctor, but congratulations for what?, What's her problem?" Chris replied and asked the doctor, whom smiled at him and said,

"Well, your wife is  eleven weeks pregnant."

The doctor dropped the news, and he added, "And at this stage, she has to be careful so as not to lose her life or the baby's life as well."

"What!" Chris exclaimed as he looked from the doctor to Tina.

"Doctor are you sure the test result is correct?" Chris asked the doctor annoyingly, startling the doctor, whom looked surprised at Chris.

Tina stared downward as she couldn't face Chris, seeing Chris got annoyed.

"The test results are correct Sir, or would you like us to run another test on her, but the results are very correct" The doctor told Chris, looking from Chris to Tina in confusion.

"Isn't she your wife?, or did you both plan not to have a baby yet?. Well I could have suggest an abortion if you don't want to keep it, but it already to late as the pregnancy is already going to is second trimester" The doctor said, As he advised Chris on how dangerous it was to abort the pregnancy at that stage.

Chris looked at Tina, As he couldn't said anything yet to her. He was very angry, and he looked back at the doctor, seeing that Tina didn't want to looked at him, or the doctor. And Chris said, "Thank you very much Doctor, but we are not going to abort it,"

The doctor packed all the prescription medicine to help Tina improve on her health and to make her fell better, while he put both the test results in an envelope seal, and handed it over to Chris.

Chris collected it, and asked Tina to stood up for them to leave, as it was already getting too late.

"Make sure she eat something tonight and take her medication, I already wrote it down for her, how she will use them" The doctor told them, just as they were leaving his office. And the doctor wondered how a husband will react sadly to his wife pregnancy.

"Or is she not his wife?" The doctor questioned out, as he shook his head, and went on continuing with his office work..


Chris drove back home with Tina, And he felt his blood rushed up to his face, as he was really angry. So all Patrick told him that Tina was with him at his home in the village was true.

So Tina was now pregnant for Patrick again.

Chris jammed the door hard, while Tina shuddered in fret as she was frightened.

"How could you Tina?!. Just how?" Chris raised his voice at Tina, As he almost cried out.

Tina shifted backed, and she apologized, "Am sorry Chris, Am truly sorry."

"Just shut up your mouth there. So you have been lying to me all these while?. What did you took me for, A fool?" Chris asked out, As he drew forward, while Tina shifted backward out of fear that Chris might hurt her, or beat her up, with the way he was reacting.

Tina couldn't forgot how her mother, had also wanted to hit her during first pregnancy and she begged,

"Am sorry Chris, Please forgive me. I don't know how I will explain it to you."

"Really? You don't know how to explain whom you slept with to me?. I should have trusted my friend more than I trusted you" Chris said, shaking his head in disgust

"Tell me Tina, Who is responsible?" Chris asked her angrily, almost pushing off the table out of annoyance

Tina couldn't answered him, As she looked down not saying anything.

"You don't want to tell me right?" Chris asked her again, And he laughed out hysterically, making Tina got scared

"Please Chris, am sorry. Let me go back to the village, please" Tina begged in between sobbed.

Chris looked at Tina and he said, "Don't provoke me to hurt you this night. Tell me first, who got you pregnant?!."

Chris obviously knew the truth, but he wanted Tina to said it out to him, but Tina started sobbing, As she couldn't mention Patrick's name to Chris.

She had seen how Chris reacted whenever he ask her anything related to Patrick, even how he stared at her son with disgust. How can she possibly tell him the truth? And she was quiet again.

"Patrick right" Chris finally said it out, and Tina shivered and stared at Chris with pleading eyes.

"Am sorry Chris, please forgive me" Tina pleaded.

"First you lied to me Tina, You went with Patrick to his village, and allow him touch you, kiss you, and made love to you" Chris stated angrily, and Tina was shocked, as to how Chris knew she went to Patrick village.