Looking Surprised

Tina stared at Chris in shocked, As she couldn't believed her ears, that she was so stupid to think Chris wouldn't knew whom Patrick was.

She never thought of this, at first, as she knew Chris was from same village as Patrick, and Patrick was also well known even in the city, only by searching his name on the internet, she saw him, so how would Chris not knew so much about Patrick too.

Tina stared downward, as she couldn't meet Chris gazed again. So Chris was even friends with Patrick, and closed to Patrick, why didn't he tell her all these while?.

Chris knew Patrick to well, and knew everything about her, and he watched Patrick told him, how he made love to her, and how she was craving for his touch, Tina felt disgusted, as to how some men could boldly tell their friend about their sexual life.

She couldn't even told her best friend nor her mother, As she can't discuss something as private as that with anyone.

"So was that why you brought me here to the city, out of jealousy?" Tina suddenly questioned Chris, and she asked,

"You knew Patrick all these while. He told you everything and yet you still wanted me, why not quit and tell me that you knew my son's father too well to betray his friendship with you?."

Chris just stared at Tina. Looking at her, he assumed she didn't knew how beautiful and tempting she looked,, and probably she didn't knew how many other guys may be lusting after her, apart from him and Patrick.

"Chris just take me back home to the village. I don't want to be here with you anymore, you disgust me" Tina cried out, feeling ashamed, but Chris ignored her and rather opened up his food, and started eating, As he didn't wanted to said anything again to Tina.

Tina was telling him, he disgusted her, if only she knew how heartbroken he was, then she would let him be.

Tina started sobbing, as she walked over to Chris side and started hitting on him with her girlish hand to took her back to the village, "Chris take me home, take me back to my parents house" Tina cried, and Chris abruptly stopped eating, as he dropped his spoon down and stared to her.

"Why should I take you home?. Is it because you are pregnant for Patrick, no way" Chris scoffed, and he said,

"I still love you Tina, and am not going to take you back home to anywhere. So Patrick will now come and marry you, no no!" Chris scoffed again, then he turned and looked at her face, as Tina was too surprised to spoked a word.

"Look Tina, do you realize how beautiful you are?. I am not as ruthless as patrick or am I?" Chris chuckled as he laughed out, scaring Tina.

"I really do love you, but since you are already carrying Patrick seed, there's no problem with that. As I will allow you to birth the child first. And after that, you will now carry mine, is as simple as that" Chris smirked and Tina immediately shifted backward away from him hitting him, as she couldn't just believed her ears.

Chris laughed out wickedly, and he said, "Patrick has it all. He has money, power, connection, and now he thinks he will have you too, no way. I cannot let that happen, As you will be my wife, when you put to bed, and deliver that seed you are carrying, we will get married, until you bear me a beautiful child like Godsent, I will let you go" Chris said out, and he went back eating his food, while Tina started crying, as she couldn't believe what Chris just stated to her.

That until she birthed him a child like Godsent, that she will be allowed to go back home.

Chris looked at Tina, and he saw her crying, and he said, "Ain't you suppose to be happy, that I have forgiven you for cheating on me?. Or don't you want us to get married again" Chris looked at her redden face and he frowned, and asked,

"Oh! You don't want to marry me anymore?. Is Patrick you want right?, There's no way I will sit and watch you become as Patrick wife, so just forget about him Tina," Chris continued eating his food, and when he was thru, he called on the domestic servant to asked if Tina has eaten, and he was told that she has eaten.

"Good for her" Chris said, then he stood from the dinning and went to his room to prepared for his Tuesday work..


The police officers went with Patrick to Chris's house. As Patrick couldn't waited till the following day as he feared maybe Chris might be making love to Tina, And it irked him to the core, as he hated the thought of it.

Arriving at Chris house, it was already getting late, but Patrick knew Chris would still be at home in the evening as Chris do close from his new office work by 6pm in the evening, And so Patrick arrived with the police officers around after 7pm in the evening.

Knock knock, The police officers banged on the gate, while the gate keeper went to the gate to check whom was knocking, as his boss hardly got any visitors, and his own work was just to open the gates for his boss to drive in or drive out, and then he closes the gate, that was his job.

The gate keeper was shocked to saw lot of police men with guns. And the first police man ordered, "Freeze and don't move!."

The gate man was ordered to opened the gate properly, and the police men drove in ,along with Patrick.

"Is your boss around?!" The second police officer thundered, frightening the gate keeper whom shivered in fret and he replied, "yes , yes his inside.."

"Good" The police officer replied, as he beckoned on the other police officers to go in and check the house.

Tina was in the parlour as usual, As she hasn't been herself ever since Chris told her that he wouldn't allowed her to returned back home to saw her parents, the previous day, except she birthed him a child. As only that would he allowed her to return home.

Tina cried her eyes out all thru the Monday night, after Chris told her that, and even the following Tuesday evening, she was still crying and sobbing.

Chris had earlier came back from work and saw that she was still crying, and he first asked the domestic staff if Tina has eaten anything, and he was told that she only ate once in the morning.

So Chris asked the domestic staff to go and prepared a warm food for Tina to eat as she wouldn't starved at night too.

Chris walked over to where Tina sat, after he dismissed the servant, as he just returned back from his office work. So he decided to talked to Tina, before going into his room to changed his clothes.

"Tina, You shouldn't be looking like this. What's wrong with what I have said to you, to make you these sober?" Chris asked her, as he sat down beside Tina on the couch, but she shifted away from him, making Chris to frowned.

"As it gotten to these now? In you and I, who is supposed to be angry with the other, As you told me before that you didn't loved Patrick, and yet you love to carry his seed in you, Why?. Why didn't you shifted away from him, when he wanted to touch you again?" Chris asked as he spoked with irritation, but Tina ignored him and went to sat on another seat.

Just then, they heard a loud bang on the main door, And the police officers didn't even waited for whom was inside to came and opened up the door, As the door wasn't properly locked so they pushed the door opened, and badge in.