
Mama-Tina couldn't believed her ears, when Patrick told her that he knew Chris to well as Chris was his bossom friend.

Mama-Tina was speechless the more when Patrick also said that Chris even visited him last week before he travelled home, and she became worried.

"What if he is not the one that took Tina away?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick, getting more worried. As she assumed, if truly Chris came to visited Patrick, and Patrick told him that his girlfriend and child was missing, then that means Chris wasn't the one behind Tina and Godsent disappearance.

Patrick stared at Mama-Tina, and he gave her back her phone, and said,

"Mama, if Chris is not the one behind Tina and Godsent disappearance, then we will find out. Don't call his number, As I already left my Village and I cannot drive back there, to go check in his family house, to know if he took Tina there, but I will go to check his house in the city, even if it means me arresting him, As he can't take Tina away, and take my son away too, it can't happen" Patrick told Mama-Tina, just as he set to leave.

"Mama, I will be going back to the city now. If Chris is innocent, why didn't he told me he heard of it?. But instead, he never told me he knew Tina. He never mentioned anything like that to me, even though I told him everything that happened between me and Tina. He never for once told me that he knew Tina too, or he was even dating Tina too. I can't believe I have such an evil friend, tueh!" Patrick spat out, As he gave Mama-Tina some money, in case she needed anything and told her not to worry about going to the village police station again, that he would handle everything from the City, and gave her feedback.

"Okay my son, bye bye, and drive safely" Mama-Tina wave to Patrick, as he crossed back the road, and entered into his Jeep and drove off.


Patrick arrived City A in the evening, And he couldn't got it off his mind that Chris was the one behind his troubled heart.

Patrick was worried sick, as he really misses Tina, her soft lips, her chubby round face, her beauty fair in white skin, curvy hips and big buttocks.

"So Chris, You knew all this while who Tina was, hmph.. No wonder he advised me to go and marry Anita and was angry with me the other day I told him I made love to Tina and she loved it to, Mm." Patrick was angry, as he couldn't waited for the following day to arrived.

He looked at his wristwatch time and assumed the police station would still be on duty, as he needed to taught Chris a lesson.

And he didn't wanted to imagined Chris touching Tina, let alone making love to Tina, As the thought of it irritated him.

Patrick drove straight to City A police station, and reported the matter to the police officers on duty. And with the evident of the matter been handled previously by the Village police.

Patrick knew where Chris live in City A, as he used to visited Chris before, when he wasn't that rich and also when sleepless nights of what he had done to Tina disturbed him badly.

Chris was like a brother to him in City A, as both of them where from the same hometown, but he couldn't just let it slided. As Patrick assumed if he didn't taught Chris a lesson, Chris would still do something more drastic than that in future, so he needed to be punished.


Chris didn't spoked to Tina again, after that Sunday night of discovering Tina was pregnant for Patrick again.

Chris hated to saw Tina as he murmured, "Why would she even allow Patrick to touch her again?. Was it also forced this time, or she was just confuse?" Chris thought.

Chris managed and went to his work place, but he couldn't even concentrated too at his office, As he was thinking, what to do?. As the doctor, had told him that it was dangerous to aborted the pregnancy, as it wasn't discovered on time, and it could cost Tina some bodily damages if they continued.

Chris frowned, thinking about what he would do, and he thought, "Should I just take Tina back to the village?."

Chris shook his head in irritation as frustration washed thru him.

Mella wasn't on duty that Monday as he heard from their senior staffs that Mella, didn't came to work, even though she was the new head of office, she could still took some leave, whenever she wanted too.

Chris felt it was better that she didn't came to office, if not Mella wouldn't allowed him rest, As she would be requesting to see him, or probably notice his irritated mood too.

Mella has told Chris before, that she would like to visit where he lived, but she hasn't officially told him when she would liked to visited his home.

And Chris came back from work that Monday, and he saw Tina sat outside, while her son was playing with his toys, and she greeted him, "Good evening" but Chris didn't answered her, as he walked in.

Tina stood up from the outside bench, and she went to carry her son and went inside with him, As she knew Chris was still very angry with her, for lying to him, but she couldn't brave up to told him the truth then.

Tina wondered who told Chris that she went to Patrick village, and was receiving pleasure from Patrick, As she knew, she never told Chris that, she travelled, let alone mentioned Patrick's name to Chris's ear.

Tina went inside and saw that Chris has gone to his room, and she sat at the couch and waited for Chris to came out.

"Chris has been ignoring me why?" Tina asked herself, as she sat down on the couch, And after some minute that seemed like an hour Chris finally came out and stared at her with irritation, and he went to the kitchen to got what he wanted to eat.

The domestic staff already prepared something, so Chris told her to serve his food while he waited for it at the dining table.

Tina stood up and walked over to where Chris was sitting, and Chris looked at her and stared away waiting for his food and for the servant to bring it.

"Chris am sorry, please forgive me?" Tina begged Chris, from where she was standing ,closer to the dinning table and a little away from Chris.

"Forgive you for what?" Chris asked her, As he stared irritably at Tina.

Tina bited on her lower lip, before she replied, "I really wanted to tell you the truth before, but I don't know how to tell you, am sorry please."

Chris shook his head and he looked away, and asked, "Do you know Patrick is my childhood friend too?."

Chris stared to Tina, and saw her looked surprised at him.

"Am sure, You saw we are from the same village. As off course, you knew, because you travelled there when I invited you over for my sister's marriage.." Chris paused and closed the food the domestic staff served to his front on the dinning table, and he continued.

"Do you think am a fool Tina?. I couldn't believe it at first that same lady that my friend told me he was so much in love with, and took advantage of her innocence.. Is the same lady, I also fell in love with. I know Patrick, Tina.. I knew him very much" Chris almost bursted out in tears, but he shook his head in disappointment and continued,

"Because of a woman, I betrayed my own friend. I couldn't tell Patrick that I also love you too. Yes Patrick has money than I am, but he never looked down on me, he always welcomed me and treated me like am his brother. He told me everything concerning you both and how he even took you to the village this last time and made love to you again, telling me you love it and wanted more, I couldn't believe him, Tina.. I just couldn't" Chris shook his head in disgust.