Been Discovered

Patrick looked at Mama-Tina and he continued, "Mama, One of my assistant said he saw someone that looks like Tina with a man at an eatery."

"Man, which man?, Are you sure is my daughter that he saw?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick in surprised.

"I don't know Mama" Patrick admitted.

"Hmph.." Mama-Tina sighed

"But Mama.. Tina used to mentioned to me about a boyfriend, her boyfriend. Do you know that her boyfriend that she normally talks about, or where's he from?" Patrick asked Mama-Tina confusingly, And Mama-Tina sighed.

"Mm. I don't where he's from oo, but I used to saw him here before. He came to saw her father and I at out home, and said he wanted to marry Tina, but since then I haven't seen him" Mama-Tina admitted, and Patrick became quiet.

"Do you think he might know anything about my daughter disappearance?" Mama-Tina finally asked Patrick, feeling hopeful again.

"Well I don't know Mama, it depends.. but from the way Tina used to talked about him, it seem like Tina liked him, and probably she ran away with him and threw away her phone" Patrick assumed out.

"No!, my daughter can't do that" Mama-Tina immediately refuted such thought, remembering how her husband abandoned her for more than how many years..

"I do not raise my daughter to be like that, Maybe she was kidnap, or maybe is Chris that came and took her away, because I have told him before that he can't marry my daughter" Mama-Tina said affirmatively.

"Hmm.. then Mama let go to the police station, do you know where this Chris lives?" Patrick asked Mama-Tina, as he stood up from his seat, but Mama-Tina frowned and replied, "No my son. I don't know where he lives, or his village."

"Oh" Patrick frowned, wondering where Tina had meet such a man from, and he asked again,

"Mama, do you know anyone that knows him or has greeted him when you used to saw him before?."

Mama-Tina thought about it for a while, if she knew anyone closer or related to Chris, or as greeted Chris all those time he used to branch at her shade, but none, she could remembered.

"I don't know anyone, He only use to buy some fruits, from me" Mama-Tina said.

"Oh! So mama how do we find him?. What if is possible, that he was the one that kidnapped Tina?. I can't believe that Tina wouldn't contact you for more than three weeks now" Patrick murmured as he was almost breaking down in tears.

"Hmph. I don't know oh.. but is like I still have Chris phone number with me, As he gave me his number one time like that, that he bought a phone for my daughter, and said, Tina should use it and call him, but before I can even give my daughter his number, he already called her himself on the new phone. So wait, let me check first if I still have his phone contact" Mama-Tina said, making Patrick to calm down, and she brought out her small phone to check for Chris number, if it was still save there on her contact list.

Patrick was still standing and waiting for Mama-Tina to check, if she still had Tina's boyfriend number on her phone, As at least, his mind would be at rest, and he wouldn't go on with his plans of publishing her photos all over on the medias, news and television as Missing Person.. As he was intending to doing that, if there was no good result from the village search in the village police station.

Mama-Tina was still checking her phone contact list, while Patrick was almost running out of patience

"Mama have you found it yet?. Didn't you remember, what you save the number as?" Patrick asked Mama-Tina, staring to her and Mama-Tina replied,

"Hmm.. yes I think I remember. If I see it I will... I have found it!" Mama-Tina beamed and she repeated, "I found Chris number. I saved it as Tina's friend".

Patrick frowned hearing what Mama-Tina save Tina's boyfriend number as.

And he asked, "let me see it Mama. Should we call him, or take his number straight to the police station?" Patrick asked Mama-Tina, as he stared at the number on the little phone

"I don't know, maybe we should call him first and ask him, if he saw Tina or not. Or what do you think?" Mama-Tina suggested, as she stared at Patrick.

"Mama, I don't think that will be a good idea. What if he denies it?" Patrick asked, As he feared Tina's boyfriend might deny the question, and hide Tina away.

"Hmm, we should still call him first, and hear what he has to still say. Even if he deny not seeing my daughter, I will tell him to come that Tina has been missing. Am sure he will come" Mama-Tina agreed with herself, insisting Patrick should dial on Tina's boyfriend number and Patrick finally agreed, "Okay mama."

Patrick dialed the number on Mama-Tina's phone, but Mama-Tina didn't had airtime on her phone, making Patrick to frowned, and he said,

"Mama you don't even have Airtime to call. Let me dial his number on my own phone instead. When he picks up, I will give you my phone, so you can talk to him, instead of us wasting time and looking for where to buy Airtime" Patrick suggested.

"Okay, dial the phone number on your own phone" Mama-Tina agreed with Patrick. And she watched Patrick brought out his phone, and started typing the phone number he was seeing on Mama-Tina's small phone.

To Patrick's greatest surprise, the phone number was the same as his best friend, Chris's number too. And he paused, blinked his eyes, and looked at the phone numbers again, to ensured that he typed it correctly and it was still showing Chris name, as the number was already saved as Chris on his own phone before.

Patrick paused not able to dial Chris's contact as his hands started shaking and his heart started beating.

Mama-Tina was still waiting for Patrick to dial Tina's boyfriend number, and she wondered what was taking Patrick so long to dial the phone number to on his phone, And Mama-Tina thought maybe bigger phones do type faster than small phones, so what was delaying Patrick?.

Patrick looked down and looked away, looking around for fresh air to blew him, and hoping he wasn't seeing double.

"My son, what is it?. Is the phone number not connecting too in your phone?" Mama-Tina finally asked Patrick, getting worried, and she said, "Maybe I should go and buy calling card."

"No mama, wait," Patrick said, as Mama-Tina wanted to leave, to go and look for where to purchase airtime but Patrick immediate stopped her and said,

"I have Airtime mama."

"Eh eh!, So what is the problem?. Is the phone number not going?" Mama-Tina asked, looking worriedly and thinking probably the number was fake.

"No mama, The number is correct, I haven't dialed it yet" Patrick replied her calmly, just as he breathed out. As he couldn't believed what he was seeing with his owner eyes. And he wondered, is Chris the same Chris, Mama-Tina was talking about, that was also his bossom friend?. That even came to saw him of recently, before he travelled and even gave him advised. {These can't be true}, Patrick shook his head.

"What is it my son, Why can't you call the number?" Mama-Tina finally inquired, and Patrick sighed and said, "Mama, What do you say is Tina's boyfriend name again?."

Patrick asked Mama-Tina again, wanting to be sure, And Mama-Tina replied,

"Chris, yes, Chris off course. His name is Chris" Mama-Tina replied to Patrick. Whom became visibly angry, and Mama-Tina asked,

"What is it, do you know him?."

Patrick looked at Mama-Tina, as he couldn't speak, and his mouth was almost shaking as he tried to explained the situation, so he nodded and stammered,

"Yes Mama, I think I know him. I typed the number from your phone on my own phone, and it was showing me Chris, as Chris is on my phone too. I have his number before, and I think I know him".

Mama-Tina stared at Patrick in surprise, at least now she understood why he haven't dialed the phone number yet.

"So what should we do, do you know where he lives?" Mama-Tina asked Patrick, and he replied,

"Yes Mama, he is from my village. His my friend, I know him to well, but I still can't believe, if he's really the one, because I saw him last week before traveling down here again. I even told him my girlfriend is missing with my child," Patrick said, almost breaking down in tears, not wanting to believe, Chris was truly the one behind all his pain.