Shocked To Saw Her

Evan calmed down and said, "Fine I will explain the situation more better to you, for you to understand what I meant," then he paused and looked at Mella face and he continued,

"My brother is in love with the same lady Mr Patrick, his friend is also in love with. My brother and her has been in a relationship too for up to a year now, and am only just getting to realize from the police station that the said lady already has a child for Mr Patrick before she meet my brother, and Chris knew about this, and still want her even though she has a child for Patrick."

"What!" Mella exclaimed as she stared at Evan in disbelief.

"Honestly, the situation at hand now is that my brother kidnapped her from the village, and brought her here to live with him in the city, even with her son, and that was why Patrick arrested him. Because the said lady and his son had been declared missing by the lady's parents in the village" Evan said.

"Hmph..." Mella sighed with a deep frowned settled on her face.

"So you mean Chris kidnapped this lady from the village, and brought her here to live with him, why?" Mella shook her head in disgust, thinking Chris also made love to the said lady Evan was talking to her about..

"Yes he did, for almost a month now" Evan admitted.

"What!!.. Was that why, he requested and took a leave to kidnapped someone's daughter, oh my goodness!, and he even came to me those period and made love to me too, despite having a lady with him, under his roof" Mella blurted out and Evan stared at her in shocked at her revelation, and he sighed.

"I heard the said lady is also pregnant now from the police men" Evan said and Mella looked at him in horror.

"But.. the pregnancy is not for my brother, as she's pregnant for Patrick again" Evan said with irritation, making Mella to calmed.

"What!! What sort of a lady is she that your brother will still be wanting her, despite her being pregnant for another man?" Mella asked out, just as her heart relaxed to knew that the lady wasn't pregnant for Chris.

Evan opened his phone and showed to Mella Tina's photos and Mella was stunned, seeing truly Tina was beautiful and she felt sorry for Chris.

"Can you take me to the police station? I want to see Chris and talk to him, and possibly see if they will grant him bail" Mella requested.

"Okay, but Mr Patrick has refused the police officers from granting Chris bail" Evan responded, as he stood up and followed Mella in her car to the police station to go seeing Chris, and Mella sighed.


When they got to the police station, Mella requested to saw Chris, as she was a politician and billionaire daughter, and they finally allowed her went in, to saw Chris.

When Chris came out, He was surprise to seeing Mella.

"Mella!, you're here?" Chris asked in surprised as he smiled faintly at her.

"Yes, Am here Chris, I came to see you" Mella replied, as Chris approached the interrogation seat, she sat waiting for him.

"I observed you haven't been to the office, so I went to your house and your brother told me everything that'' Mella said as Chris looked down, and couldn't face her, realizing she already knew.

"Why Chris?, Why did you have to kidnap someone, because you love her?. Why didn't you let her be since she's already seeing another man?" Mella asked out, just as she shook her head, as she sat down back to face him.

"Even when you told me you had a girlfriend, I had thought she was a single lady like me, only to heard from your brother that she already has a child and is also currently pregnant for same Patrick Scott again."

Chris hit the table hard, hearing Patrick's name and he shook his head,

"I never knew she was still in love with Patrick. She lied to me and made me believed she loves me too and that was why I went to bring her. I was sad when Patrick told me he had sex with her again, that was before I went to brought her to my place, so he wouldn't touch her again, but I was wrong, as she's already pregnant for him" Chris said faintly in pained voice.

"Is okay Chris, I wouldn't blame you either, but am not happy to hear about these. I have requested for your bail but it seems the police are hell-bent on sending you to jail, unless I go to see Patrick to resolve the case or talk to my father on your behalf" Mella said, looking up to Chris.

"Why should you go thru all those stress for me?" Chris ask her, and she smiled, not replying.

"You shouldn't go seeing Patrick, just leave him to do whatever he wants" Chris said.

"I can't sit and watch you going to jail, I can't" Mella shrugged.

"It okay, you shouldn't stress about it, highest I will be jailed for a year or two and am out, Patrick is just bitter that I had an affair with Tina, so he wouldn't want the case to slide" Chris explained, wanting Mella to just leave and not bother about his case.

Mella shook her head and took Chris hands in hers, and she looked directly into his eyes and said to him, "Chris .. have always wanted to tell you this, but I don't know if you will accept me nor reject me.." Pausing Mella still stare deeply into Chris eyes, and she continued,

"I love you Chris, and I really do mean it. Have always loved you from the first day I saw you at the firm, but I was scared you might reject me or be after my father's wealth like the other men, but after I got closer to you, I found out that you were different. I don't know how to tell you my true feelings before, but I can't keep it anymore to myself. I want you to know that I love you and will do anything for you."

Chris was speechless, as he couldn't replied nor looked away from Mella's beautiful face, and he felt sorry for her, to have lusted after Tina, when he had a golden treasure right in front of him.

Chris was dumbfounded and he just stared at her, before he finally replied,

"Am sorry Mella, I should have known better.."

"It okay Chris, I can understand if you choose her over me" Mella replied him immediately, but Chris responded and smiled at her,

"It not like I choose her over you, she never even for once allowed me to touch her, and I couldn't force myself on her either or ràped her, No! I can't" Chris replied, still holding Mella's hands in his.

Chris gripped on her hand tightly and raise his gazed to her face and stared into her eyes.

"Am sorry for everything, but I really liked you too, as you made me feel good despite all the turmoil I was passing thru. I might have not realize it on time, but I love you too Mella, am sorry" Chris said and Mella smiled sweetly at Chris. Just then her time for seeing Chris was up, and the police officer came to reminded her to round up, and she spoked to Chris

"Am pregnant.."

Chris stared at Mella speechless again and he remembered all the hot sweet moments they had together, and he just smiled back and replied, "For me right?."

"Yes for you my love" Mella replied and wink at Chris, Then she stood up and said to him,

"I will have to go and see Patrick, I can't watch you go to jail, no matter what, I try and see to bailing you from here."

"But.." Chris wanted to refused her from going to see Patrick, but Mella quickly responded

"He wouldn't do anything to hurt me Chris, I still need to go and see him first, if he refuse, then I will go see my dad, you know my father is a politician here in City A. He will soon be contesting for the governor's seat, that's why he handed over the company to me to manage as he had many other works to focus on.."

"Ooh!" Chris muttered.

"It okay, I will be back, everything will be fine, bye love you" Mella blew kisses to Chris, just then the police officer came to take Chris back to the cell.