The Kind Old Man Returns (1)

Nothing interesting happened while Arthur traveled throughout the Ragheroth kingdom. The reason for Melinda to choose that place was because it was the first kingdom on that continent that had the idea of invading another continent.

It could be said there were the ones that gave birth to the idea, and also the kingdom that created an alliance with all the rest.

Honestly speaking, Arthur was not that concern with it. Even if all of them united, there was no official mage among them, and Arthur was getting closer to that rank. He could single-handedly win the war, if is.

The only things that gave him some fear were the giants, but based on the information he got, as well as the memories from that giant, they did not mingle with humans and were viewed as myths.

"If only that giant's memory was not sealed, then I would already know where they live." Arthur thought.