The Kind Old Man Returns(2)

"Who are you?" One mage from the group said.

"You can't tell? Hahaha, we are bandits, and you are about to die."

The group of bandits was not playing around, and all of them had their weapons ready. They were not there to only rob, but to kill that group of adventurers.

Arthur changed his appearance to that of an old man and pulled out a bottle of wine from his magical pouch. Then, he slowly walked towards that group of people, as if he was drunk.

Everyone had their attention on him when he appeared. It was uncommon for people to be traveling alone in that area, especially during the night. Add the fact that it was an elderly man, then it was almost an impossible sight to behold.

"Old man, don't come any closer."

Even though they were bandits, they still felt pity to kill or steal from an old man. Arthur was holding a bottle of wine, looking completely drunk. It was enough to get their compassion, although for a few seconds.