Inheritance Test (6) - Saving a Hot Woman

Samantha was the person who answered his questions and shared a lot of information with him. Arthur did not like the idea of letting her get hurt or even dying.

"To even up the odds."

Arthur owed her after all the help she handed to him, but saving her at that moment would surely make both of them even, and he liked that.

She was running away from a group of beasts, and appeared near the cave Arthur was hiding in. Was it a coincidence?

It was not the first time those two had met, and surely it would not be the last. Samantha screamed and was almost giving up, but then Arthur showed up!

For a moment, she did not believe her eyes. Arthur again? Samantha also felt the coincidence was too much, but obviously did not show any of that, and smiled when seeing him.

"Arthur! You are an angel! Please, help me!"

They barely knew each other, but Arthur was already an angel in her eyes, showing up just in time to save her life, like a knight in a white horse.