Inheritance Test (7) - Staircase to the Sky

The situation inside the dimensional realm was chaotic, with mages running around the plains and forest, trying to survive the attack of those beasts.

Arthur was also in the same situation before, but now he had a place to stay, one where no beasts would find him.

He did not have any tools to use, as his magical pouch was blocked by a strange force. So, he broke a few trees with his claws, and used his wood magic to manipulate the material, turning the logs into barrels.

A barrel was the best thing he thought of to carry water back to the cave, as Arthur and Samantha needed it to drink and shower.

The logs slowly took the form of a barrel, and Arthur was proud of it.

"Maybe I should open a carpentry shop?"

With a barrel in hands, Arthur went to a nearby river, collecting the water with little trouble. All his moves were fast, and the few beasts that were around the area died horribly before having the chance to do anything.