Flash back

Memories of yesterday came flooding in Alicia's mind.

Raymond her fiance.....no her ex fiance called to call off their engagement and worst of it was that he was getting married to her step sister. He got to know about her past, her worst nightmare and he couldn't deal with it. After Alicia got the news she felt like her world was collapsing, she felt totally empty as she didn't want to believe.

What if it was a prank?!!!, what if he's lieing?!!!.....she kept questioning herself, as lots of things were running in her mind.

Yes she was so sure he loved her well. They were both in good terms yesterday and she didn't even see this coming at all.....Alicia kept trying his number several times but it wasn't connecting.....she picked her bag and headed straight to Raymond's house, she knew by this time he should be on his way home. She was in a confused state that she wasn't in control of herself anymore. she hasn't felt as vulnerable as this before, she was always a proud woman who always lifts her head high no matter what circumstances she was facing.

Alicia was drawn back to reality by sharp pain she felt on her legs 

"Madam are you okay?"... "Are you hurt?"...."are your legs broken?"....."you need to go to the hospital you are bleeding?"....."how can someone be so careless not to check the traffic signs well before crossing?" different passerby kept scolding her, but she didn't care about what they were all saying, all she wanted to hear and see was Raymond .On getting to Raymond's villa, the door locks were already changed, she had no option than to wait for his arrival under the heavy rain....

      After 3 hours of waiting heavily drenched by the rain, she finally got to see Raymond's car parking under the parking lot. Raymond together with her step sister Evian stepped out of his car. Raymond was irritated with Evian suddenly encircled his waist with her tiny hands. He knew she was doing all of that to make Alicia more jealous, but there was nothing he could do, they were truly engaged.

"Hey sister, we finally meet again, Its been a long time though. What a surprise visit!!!"Evians said pretentiously. 

Alicia didn't even pay attention to her pretentious act as she quickly made her way towards Ray,  but he shocked her more by moving three steps back like he was avoiding a plague. She felt really hurt, confused and also concerned by his sudden change.

"Ray.... Raymond how are you doing?" Alicia managed to speak as she choke within her sob.

"I'm gud and what I said earlier is true please stop wasting your time here and return back home" his voice were hoarse like he was trying to force those words out. Even before Alicia could ask him any further question, he walked passed her leaving her in the cold rain.

"I never knew Ray could be the cause of your tears, if not I would have tried this earlier. Everything that belongs to you will eventually be mine. Your lovely family, Raymond and every single thing thats supposed to be yours"

"Looks like the fun is beginning" Evian said as she kept laughing hysterically making her way to Raymond's apartment with an evil smirk, she locked the door, making sure Alicia doesn't have a way in.

Alicia sat on the cold wet floor clenching her chest "why are all this happening suddenly?" She didn't want to believe earlier but this is reality, she had to face it.

Her heart was completely shred to pieces, the pain of a broken heart was worse than the leg pain or headache she was going through.

After several minutes of crying she stood up and started walking staggeredly. She wouldn't give Evian the joy of seeing her in this vulnerable state. Alicia headed straight to a bar, she didn't want to immersed in her sorrow, she wanted to drink away her sorrow even if it was only for the main time, she want to be free from the pain she was going through.

Alicia drank many bottles and was now fully drunk. She stood up in her drunken state as she was about making her way out until she bumped into a fat man. Her skin were so pale, her clothes were transparent due to her wet clothes she was wearing, reavling her inner wares.

The fat man was so tempted by her beautiful face and transparent clothes that were reveling her fill size br**St. 

"Hey beautiful lady, do you like to play games" Alicia was irritated by the man's touch on her body. She tried pushing him but his grips on her tiny waist were so tight 

"No I'm not interested in your games. I just want to go home. I want to see Raymond"