Flash back 2

Williams who have been on the other side of the bar feeling uninterested by everything happening, finally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. He could see the evil smile plastered on the fat man face and the innocent look on the young lady. He knew it was none of his business, but he couldn't help himself from interfering as he walked straight to the fat man. 

Suddenly, the atmosphere became so hard for everyone within the surrounding, they found it so hard to even breath. The fat man found himself trembling by the aura surrounding Williams. 

"Hand over the girl" just those few words from Williams made the surrounding more intense. 

"But....I....got her first" the fat man managed to argue without realising who he was speaking to. Although, he can't really be blamed since Williams was on a black face cap and nose mask. 

Williams was already getting impatient by the man as he shot him a very deadly glare, making the fat man quickly handling Alicia over, afraid he might be dead in the next few seconds. 

The fat was very annoyed, he had never felt so humiliated before, and as scared as this. The fat man has always been known as one that always got what he wanted. 

"Ray...Raymond is that you?....I know you will come back for me" Alicia said as she huged Williams tightly, still not realising what was going on. Williams was slightly irritated as how proximate they were. He tried pushing her away from him but she held onto him more tightly. 

"Pls don't push me away....i won't let you go".Alicia tiptoed and started kissing him wildly, before Williams could even get to ask of her phone.

"Oh Williams!!, what have you gotten your self into?, this is why you shouldn't interfere in other people matter" his inner voice kept scolding him.

Williams was really annoyed, he pushed her hard this time around since she was being to clingy to him which made her hit her back so hard on a very sharp edge, but she was stubborn not to lose him again.

With tears rolling down her cheek, without minding her pain, she quickly crawled back to him tuging his pant.

"Please don't leave me...please don't go". Her warm tears kept rolling down her cheek freely, before she fell unconscious.

"Young lady...hey...wake up"williams tried waking her, but she wouldn't wake up.

He quickly went in search for her bag, hoping to find any other useful information about her since her phone was off and soaked by the rain, but unfortunately for him, he couldn't find any other thing aside her broken phone.

"Damn it" he cursed inwardly .

He picked her up and headed directly to his hotel, since he owned one of the biggest hotel in the city.

"Raymon, please don't leave me ...don't go....stay with me" Alicia subconsciously tightened her hands on his neck.

"I shouldn't have gotten myself into this mess" williams said almost regretting his action.

Since her clothes were drenched in rain and vomit, he called few of his staff to help take care of her. She was changed into a comfortable night wares till her clothes were dried.



********************** present time**************** 

Alicia could be seen sleeping in a majestic bed in one of the biggest hotel in new york. The sun rose and shined upon her face but she was really enjoying her sleep as she turned to the other side of the bed. Could it be because it's been long since she slept on such a comfy bed?. After some minutes passed by she started regaining consciousness as she slightly opened an eye, she saw a big chandelier hanging under a transparent glass which was made as a roof. She sprang up from her bed, as she was fully awoken by the sudden change in the environment. Its was an extravagant room, the golden lamp, the golden table, the majestic chairs, everything there were magnificent polished gold, the room spoke of wealth. 

Why am I here?....where am I?....she was brought back from her confused state by the smell of coffee which was still lingering in the air ...she was suddenly surprised by the man sitted not too far from her and got startled by the man's cold aura emanating from him, that made her subconsciously flinch. 

The cold handsome man sat leisurely sipping his coffee on the couch. He wore an irritated face noticing she was awake. He was on all black, everything he wore were all black making him a handsome devil. 

"What am I doing i here?.....why am I here young man?...." Alicia asked in a confused manner. 

"Your cash is over there and your clothes are being prepared. Leave immediately you are done" he replied in an uninterested tone like he was being disturbed. 

Wait....what's going on?....my cash?....my clothes?.... Then she realised she was in a comfortable night gown, but this wasn't what she was wearing yesterday. She stood immediately from the bed, she felt pain in her lower abdomen, her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand properly, and the white bed sheet were already stained with blood. Alicia could feel her anger burning within her, and all she wanted to do was to teach the pervert a lesson even though the deed was done already. 

"Not all girls are cheap didn't your mother teach you that?... why are men scum?..."  regardless of who he was, he was caught off guard by a resounding slap that landed on his face. 

The maids with her clothes were extremely shocked. No one dared insult their master not to even slap him. They knew things wouldn't end well not only with the insult but the slap he received. 

"You this stupid pervert, what do you take me for?" As another slap landed on his face, not that he couldn't dodge the slap this time, but he still let himself get slapped. 

"Did you take me for a slot or a cheap thing your money can buy?" Then the third slap landed on his face. 

"Must you take advantage of someone's weak state to please yourself". Alicia found it hard to believe she fell into another misfortune after Raymond's incident. She was engraved with so much anger seeing the evil smirk plasterd on his handsome face, like he was enjoying the fact that she was angry. Not even a single feeling of being remorseful could be seen on his face. 

"You are an idiot, a stupid scum, a fool that I wish I could strangle right now" She really want to curse him but, those words weren't coming to her mouth. Another slap was about to land on his face but he held her hands firmly this time around. 

"Firstly, I think you should adjust your clothes well" his icy voice came into her hearings. 

Her face flushed in embarrassment as her nip**es were about peaking out of her clothes. 

"And young lady is this how you treat your saviour?". 

Alicia didn't know if she should start laughing or crying. 

"Old man what do you mean savior?"..Alicia managed to ask 

"Please think properly before you act rashly" here he was again too lazy to explain ...