Chapter 11 : A Loser Always Has to Cry

"Teepakorn! How was your Friday night?"

"Stop joking around, Fong." I answered gloomily after dragging my lazy body to the classroom at eight in the morning with every pair of eyes fixed on me.

The girls looked at me as if they wanted to bury me alive. Don't let me see Sarawat because what I will do to him will make everyone in here scream in fear. Crime will be then the talk of the town.

"I'm being serious right now."

"Serious? With that voice? It doesn't sound serious for me."

"Really? Is it that bad?"

This is the first conversation I had in my misty Monday morning. It is not because of the atmosphere that makes me feel so gloomy, but it is because Sarawat and the White Lions gave me the spotlight to be the center of attention all over the campus, despite the opening of the University's Sports Day. This week was supposedly a week full of excitement, but it turned out to be a day full of questions.

"What is your relationship with Sarawat?"

What the hell?! My peaceful life was ruined by The White Lions who played jokes on me without seeing the consequences. They are the real Troublemakers! I really want to lock myself in my room because I don't want to meet others and answer their questions.

What's wrong with Sarawat? Why does Sarawat have my photos in his phone? Why did his friends tag me on that post? And most especially, what is 'I luke you'? I want to have all my questions answered now. I am really annoyed.

"Sit down. Have you eaten?" Ohm tried to calm me down.

"Not yet."

"Want a sandwich?" He gave me a piece of bread in his hand with worried eyes.

"Thank you. Did you buy it for me on purpose?"

"No. It's a leftover." Damn it! Fate gave me friends like this.

"I am just thinking about that night where the White Lion caused you trouble. At first, I thought there was a problem with my Instagram. It turned out... Sarawatlism is the gallery of your amazing photos." Puek is still going on, adding insult to my embarrassing moment.

"They were just teasing me."

"No. I don't think so. More like, they are seducing you. Hahaha!"

"They worked together so well." I think Green will probably believe this now."

"Are you okay now?"

"Umm...Not as bad as before."

That made me unable to sleep until morning. Every second, a new notification will appear on my phone. To be honest, this is the first time something like this happened in my life. Since that night, I haven't talked to Sarawat so I still don't know what really happened. Is it all because his friends took my photos then uploaded it, or Sarawat really saved my photos but his friends posted it on Instagram?

Fortunately, people who are the cause of destruction came to defend themselves. Man told everyone that everything they did was just for fun. So, I can safely bring myself to the campus, even if they did not tell me what had happened that night.

"To be honest, I just want to know if there's something between you and Sarawat." Puek is eating my sandwich while telling me this.

"What do you mean?"

"Who knows? He never used Instagram but he made an account just to follow you."

"And the gallery on his phone is filled with your photos." Ohm added.

"Besides, that post seems like there's a secret behind it. Maybe, 'I luke you' means 'I like you'?"

"Umm... I think so."

"Stop this nonsense." I hurriedly stopped their wild thoughts before they went further. Damn! They were just cool talking and didn't give me a chance to say anything.

"I'm just speculating."

"Also, did Sarawat really typed that for you? We don't know yet. And his friends, especially Man-Oh-Hum, you think they were serious?"

"But this is the third day and Sarawat hasn't deleted it yet."

"I don't know! I will talk to him as soon as I meet him." Nobody spoke after that. They all nodded in agreement.

A few moments later, Ohm gently poked my shoulder, then showed me his phone. This online conversation is the only way to connect with him. You can really count on Ohm when it comes to social media. I reached out my hand to receive his mysterious goodwill then looked at the screen.

"I already asked ." He said while raising his eyebrows.


My friend's wondering why you don't delete his pics?

We have been waiting for so long, but there has been no movement from the person intended. Comments that are coming are from his fans because they were also curious. Until...

"He answered!" Fong shouted which shook the entire classroom, making a lot of people turn their heads to look at us with uncomfortable eyes.

We asked him around eight in the morning but he answered at almost noon. I guess that will describe his addiction to social media.


@i.ohmm I dunno how to deletr

Thank you! That is the best answer I've ever seen!

The morning class goes well. I felt a little relieved that nobody else came to ask questions, even though sometimes I was watched by some group of people. "What time are they doing your makeup today?" One of my friends asked me after we finished our meal.

"The seniors told me that the appointment is at three o'clock. Fortunately, our class finished early today."

"Do you want to eat something? I'll buy it for you later."

"I can eat anything. You didn't take care of me so well so you have to pay it yourself, deal?" I said it because these three bastards will run away everytime we have an activity. They always left me alone because they will flirt with girls.

Today is the match between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture. These teams have been mortal enemies since then. As for me, today is my bad day because the Committee of Student Association will come to select the university wide cheerleaders. I am one of the chosen few to be sent as a representative by my faculty.

You guys are probably wondering why there are many types of cheerleaders. The university wide cheerleaders consist of different cheerleaders from different faculties. It is about ten girls and boys. If you ask me if I want to become a part of it, I will answer 'NO'.

It will be so tiring. Imagine, I have to go to class, attend the music club, and do the cheerleading rehearsals. Sometimes, I just want to cry.

So after class, I have to go straight to do rehearsals for about an hour, then the seniors will do my makeup. After the makeup, I think it seems like I am going to show on the Chinese opera, just like Sarawat said.

The match is going to start at five. People began to arrive at the stands and prepared to cheer for their respective faculties. This is going to be a very exciting match.

I stood with my fellow cheerleaders on one side of the stadium. Meanwhile, my friends stood in the stands to wait and watch the football match which will begin before the annual selection of the university wide cheerleading team.

"Whoa! You're here! I was looking for you." I turned to that voice, it was Man and his friends, Big, Boss, Tee, and Theme. They are all walking towards me.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"I just want to see cheerleaders from the Faculty of Law."

"Why? Nobody from White Lion is as handsome as me?" After saying that, I raised my eyebrows at him. I also didn't see Sarawat today, but it is a good thing. I'm afraid he will be the center of attention, as always.

"Don't be so proud of yourself. Are you disappointed that we came without the person you are looking for?"


"Do you want to know where he is now?"

"Why should I know?"

"Sarawat can't come with us. He was dragged by his seniors at the music club to prepare for an event."

"Who wants to know?" Huh!? What is the event? I'm a member of that music club but I don't know anything about that event. Well, I've been busy training with the cheerleading team lately so I have no time to go to the club.

"Tine, can I ask you for a favor?" I frowned after Man said that with his mysterious eyes. Not only that, his friends all looked like nuisance, all looking at me now.


"Can I take a selfie with you?"

"Sure. I know I am handsome today so you want to take a selfie with me." So he tried to find me just to ask for a selfie...

I just stood still and watched them move slowly. He held his phone above our heads and let out a big smile. Whoever said that the White Lions are cool and hot, well, I could say that it is a lie.

"Look at the camera! Smile!" He said.

"Okay, okay." Then I smiled.


He took many shots, then his other friends also asked me for a selfie. Are they possessed by ghosts? There are many beautiful girls around here but they're asking me for a selfie.

After that, I was called by a senior from the cheerleading team to do the exercises again. Sarawat's friends began to leave afterwards. Luckily, I have time to rest before the game starts so I used my free time to check my social media.

I am now thinking about which photo should I post on Instagram and Facebook but before I could decide, posts from the people I followed are popping up.

And these are the photos taken earlier! Goddamit!


I'm here at the Uni's Cheerleading selection with the representative from Law.

Not so long after that, there are many comments from the White Lions.


Cute and adorable cheerleader.


Do I need to tag someone? I feel sorry for him.


Let's cheer @Sarawatlism


@Sarawatlism It's okay if you can't come. Don't cry.


@Sarawatlism Today, he is cuter than usual. Ouch... don't ditch your practice.

Wow! Very thorough and very detailed. It's not because they tagged Sarawat in the comments, but because they also tagged me in all five photos. Same angle, same place, just different people. But all photos have me in it.

Oh, no wonder why everyone wants to take a selfie. In the end, they only want to tease their busy friend. But I am curious as to why they have to tease Sarawat? I surfed back and forth on my timeline, but it only showed those photos. Should I give it a like?



Wow! Tine liked it! Thank you @Tine_chic


@Sarawatlism Tine liked it! Tine liked it! Wow!

I was about to type 'bullshit', but... "Tine, your turn."

"Yes!" I was interrupted by the seniors. I quickly put my phone in my pocket then gathered with the cheerleading team before the selection process began.

The songs we used to dance are the University's March, Faculty's March, and other significant songs. It is now getting dark and the sunlight was replaced by the spotlight. The cheers from the sidelines are so loud. I don't know if it is because of the cheerleaders or the football players.

I tried my best to do my job. If I didn't get chosen, that would be very good. But if they chose me, it would be bad luck. After the last song ended, everyone came back to their own sidelines. Then I saw a familiar face who was being surrounded by the seniors.

"Sarawat." I called his name unconsciously then the owner's name turned to look.

"Help me." He said with his deadpan face but I know he's cussing at the seniors in his head.

"Everyone, excuse me. I need to be with my friend for a minute." After finishing my sentence, I quickly pulled his wrist and we walked away from the stadium, far from them. He then spoke to break the silence.

"Have you eaten yet?" I shook my head.

"And you?"

"Not yet."

"Do you want to eat? But I have to come back for the result later."

Actually,I feel hungry now. Snacks bought by Peuk are gone and I don't know where it went .

"Wash your face first. You look terrible." His words stunned me for a moment.

"Why? Is my face oily?"

"No. I just don't like it. I already told you that I don't want you to wear makeup."

"I'm forced by my seniors ." He talks like my mom. I did not argue with him. I just let him pull me into the toilet near the stadium.

I am looking at myself in the mirror. There are sweats on my face but it doesn't look as bad as I thought. Sarawat didn't let me look in the mirror for a long time. He then took a rubber band and tied my hair. After that, he washed my face with water.

"What are you doing?"

"Washing your face to remove the makeup."

"Damn! This is waterproof. You can't remove it." I tried my best to stop him, causing my clothes to get wet now.

"But I can." He then took out a little blue bottle out of his bag. Come on! How does he know about Makeup Remover? He then scrubbed the cotton pad on my face so hard, as if my face is made from asphalt. Doesn't he know that it hurts?

"Ouch! It hurts, damn it! Be gentle. You are about to remove my eyebrows."

"I don't know how to do this."

"What? You don't know? Then how the hell did you buy that makeup remover?"

"I asked the staff at 7/11 and she gave me this."

Is my face really disturbing you so much when I have makeup on?"

"Umm. You look annoying."

"One day, you will be forced to wear makeup as well. It will make you uglier."

"They can't do such bullshit to me."

We were just arguing so I walked out of the restroom, leaving him inside. I am annoyed. But Sarawat is like a ghost, he appeared beside me right away.

We had dinner at the food stall near the university. Sarawat and I immediately went back to the field for the result. As I expected, this year is my bad year. Ever since I met Sarawat and Green, everything is fucking bad...

I got accepted... as the university wide cheerleader... Damn!

I walked back to Sarawat at the sideline after I knew the result. I am sure he also knew it because it was announced by the emcee at the stage. As for the match, Agriculture was defeated by Engineering.

This means that Sarawat will continue to bother me in the future. He will scold me again and again, and will keep on complaining about the makeup.

"Hey..." I called him, showing him my sad and disappointed face.

"Why are you frowning?" Instead of comforting me, he just rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to join anymore."

"But you don't have a choice."

"I am tired."

"You get to wear makeup again. That's good." Are you being sarcastic? But I don't understand myself. Why do I need to care about that so much? If he doesn't like it, so what? Damn! I'm confused.

"So, can I have the makeup remover?"


"You are so mean."

"I will come to all of your shows and erase the makeup for you. Don't be sad. It bothers me."

Then this bastard Sarawat rubbed my hair, then left me standing and confused, like he always does. I am really sad today because I was selected as one of the cheerleaders, but I can tell that I felt good when I heard that he will come to me in all of my events...

Which is fair enough. Because I will be cheering for him in all his matches.

The music club is now really silent and lonely. Today, my class finished early, so I am here to practice guitar and wait for others. But before I could enter the room, I suddenly stopped because I saw Green and Sarawat talking inside the music room. That's good! Because the possibility of Green and me to be together is zero percent, maybe, encouraging Green and Sarawat to be together will be better! But I only dare to think of that only to myself. I have not entered the room yet because I don't want to disturb them. So I can only listen to their conversation from the outside.

But why do I feel like a jerk right now? "There's no one here."


"And also Tine." See? My name is in their conversation.


"How close are you guys? Are you really close?"

"Very close." Good job! Sarawat's answer makes me feel so pleased.

"So, is Tine's type like me or not?"


"Then what does Tine like?"

"Big boobs."

"What's his favorite food?"

"I won't tell you."

"What's his favorite band?"

"Linkin park."

Give him an Oscar now! Good job, Sarawat! When did I ever say I liked Linkin Park? But it is good because his answers are helping me to get rid of Green. I am so touched. I have to pay his goodwill by watching and cheering for him on his next match wholeheartedly.

"Eh? Why is Nong Tine standing here?" When I was eavesdropping, P'Air immediately greeted me, making Green and Sarawat turn to look at me.

"I'm going in now. Oh! Hey! Are you guys here already?" I pretended not to know and sat immediately to the seat next to Sarawat.

After that, nobody said anything. Green just came straight to me, constantly rubbing his flat chest into my arm. Holy mother...

The members arrived gradually. P'Dim then ordered us to record a personal video once again. But this time, the deadline is not early so nobody complained. Prae is still not here and rarely comes to the club. My heart is really weak now. I am not thinking of skipping music practice just to see her, or flirt with someone new.

After practicing, Sarawat and I continued to practice playing guitar as usual. But today is somewhat different because he is concentrating and is playing the same song over and over, instead of arguing with me..



"There's a live show happening in the next two weeks. Scrubb will be the main artist."

Whoa! This is the best thing I've ever heard in two months! I opened my eyes after Sarawat said that. I quickly moved closer to him and asked him questions eagerly. "Really? When?"

Scrubb is like heaven to me. I haven't watched their concert for a long time. The last was last year, and the picture is still fresh in my mind.

"Saturday, the 28th. Do you want to go?"

"No need to ask such a stupid question. Of course I will come! Where can I buy the tickets?"

"At the student committee office."

"Wow! Let's buy tickets now! Go buy for yourself and your friends and I will buy tickets for my friends, too." Sarawat just nodded, but his eyes didn't look as excited as they should be. I suspect something.

"Aren't you excited?"

"I have to play for the opening act with the Ssss band. They asked me to play in replacement of P'Zo because he is still sick."

"Really? So you can meet P'Muey and P'Ball backstage?"


"It's okay. Besides, it's just the opening performance. After that, you can come and dance with us. It's not that difficult."

"Dance? You can only dance like an earthworm."

"Fuck off."

"I have to practice with my seniors. Maybe, I don't have time to come here." "Hey! Don't think too much." I patted his shoulder but I was really happy inside. This is an opportunity for me to flirt with Prae. When I was with Sarawat, I could hardly go anywhere. Also, I have this feeling of fear and I don't know why... I can't explain it.

"Don't try to cheat on me." Oh, my God! He seemed to be able to read my mind.

"What? We aren't even a couple."

"..." He looked at me with his angry eyes. I don't know what to do. How should I answer him?

"Umm... Okay! I won't cheat on you,"

"Your face looks like you're lying."

"Seriously? Then what do I have to do so you will believe me?"

"Want me to tell you?"


"Take off your clothes and let me touch your boobs."

"You want me to kick you?" You perverted son of a bitch!

"Lala... Lala...Yoohoo."

My most wonderful time is when Sarawat is practicing with his seniors. I stopped practicing the guitar for almost a week just to hang out with Prae, the cute girl from the Faculty of Medicine. We even went to have ice cream and watched a movie together last weekend.

Even if Prae isn't coming to the music room, I always go to see her at her building. Like this noon, we planned to have lunch together at the cafeteria of their faculty. This is a perfect place to eat because it is not crowded.

Also, I need to avoid someone. Someone who likes to eat at the central cafeteria or at the cafeteria in the Faculty of Music.

I sat at a long table and played on my phone to kill time. Prae, where are you know...?

"Tine..." She's really my soulmate. I just called her in my mind and she suddenly came.

"Hmm... Shit!" I accidentally cursed when I saw the one standing in front of me. This is not the cute girl I am waiting for. This is the large buffalo!

"What is wrong with you?" Low voice of Sarawat was heard, followed by his friends.

"'re having lunch here?"

"No. Just passing by."

"Good. We are planning to eat at a Political Science canteen. Wanna come?" Boss added.

"You guys can go first."

The White Lions nod then walked away, leaving Sarawat standing and staring at me without blinking. His eyes... that mood... It looks like he is going to kill me.

Why do I feel like I am cheating even though we are not together?

"You're not hungry?" I broke the silence. I have to make him leave this place now before Prae comes. Since his friends are going to eat, I need to suggest that he should go with them.

"No." But his answer is not what I expected.

"You should be hungry."


"It's noon time. You should eat now."

"Then I will eat here."

"Don't... Umm... The food here is really bad! I think you should go to the Political Science canteen."

"It's okay. No need to worry."

"But it's noon."

"Tine, what's happening?"

"No. Nothing at all. Really."

"Tine... Have you been waiting long?" Now, I need an ambulance to pick me up. Why? Why did you come so quickly, Prae?

This time, my fake boyfriend and my future girlfriend met in person. I can feel the electricity flowing from his body to his eyes, waiting to erupt anytime. I guess I'm gonna die now.

"Oh. You want me to go because of this? Turns out you are dating someone, huh?"


"Okay. I'm suddenly hungry. I'll catch up with my friends."

After saying that, he walked away. Shit! Why do I need to feel so guilty like this? Why do I care about him so much? And why do I feel so sad when he left me? We aren't a couple.

If the wife is angry, she will destroy the house. Am I right? Can someone answer me?

At midnight, I tried to call Sarawat with a certain feeling. Maybe it's anxiousness.

But a handsome guy like me should have a thick face and should never let my faint heart win...

[Hi.] His voice sounded very bored.



"Damn it!"

[Don't ask something you already know. What do you want?] Oh! It looks like my fake boyfriend is sulking.

"I already washed your football shirt... using my hands." This is such a good start for our conversation. We usually talk every night but he hasn't called me recently because he has to practice with the band. I also don't want to disturb him.


"Nothing. I just want to tell you."

[Do you want me to pick it up?]

"Hey! That's not what I meant."

[I'm going to your room.]

"W...wait, hey!"

Shit! He didn't give me a chance to say anything. But I guess I have to get used to that kind of reaction from him. But what should I do? I'm afraid he will punch me. I am also afraid he will find out that I skipped training for a week.

He helped me get into the club, but I ruined everything.


A knock on the door sounded after I hung up about twenty minutes ago. It took me a long time to gather my courage before I took the step to open the door. Sarawat is standing at the door and is wearing a football shirt. He looks like someone who has taken a bath already and is ready to sleep.

"Where is my shirt?" He asked as he walked into my room. He immediately lay down on my bed.

"In the closet."

"Give it to me." Without arguing, I walked to the closet and took out his shirt. I then quickly handed it over.


"Um... Thank you."

"Your dorm is far from here. Did you come just to get that?"

"Not because of that."


"I came to see your face because I haven't seen you in a week. Fortunately, your face is still the same as before... a face that looks like a liar."

"I hate you."

Sarawat sat and crossed his legs on the bed. He just looked at me without saying a word, as if he is waiting for me to confess something. In fact, I did not do anything wrong. I am not really dating him. It is my right to skip training and flirt with girls, right?

Umm... I am sorry. Forgive me.

Noooo! Why should I care about you, Sarawat!?!

"Hey..." I took a deep breath. Okay, let's go! It already happened. He will know this someday anyway.

"Say it."

"I'm serious about Prae. What do you think?"

"...." Sarawat did not say anything. I just wanted him to talk or suggest something, but he didn't. He actually made a face as if he wanted to kill me.


"Are you really flirting with her? So you really cheated on me. Now what? I'm your mistress?"

"Wait, wait."

"Should I feel uncomfortable?"

"Wait a minute."

"Do I have to cry like everyone else?"

"Sarawat, calm down." I patted his shoulder just like a scene in a series where a man is persuading his lover.

"..." He looked at me with an expression as if he is ready to pounce at any time. I have to calm my mind to fight this tiger.

"Are you listening to me?"


"Why aren't you listening to me? Come on."

"...." Is he angry or is he sulking?

"I used to have girlfriends in high school. Now, I feel so lonely. I just want someone to gaze at the sky with me."

"Can't you gaze at it alone?"

"Damn! I mean listen to music together."

"Why? Are you deaf?"

"Then watch a movie together."

"How do you know she likes the same movie as you?"

"Are you trying to annoy me? Okay, to be honest, I want to do something with my partner."

"Then do it with me."

"It's not the same. I think...having a girlfriend is the best way. Do you understand?"



"You're so annoying. Let me kiss you."

My mind went completely blank after I heard those words. In the blink of an eye, he reached out his hand to hold my face, pulling me in for a kiss. At that moment, my peaceful world suddenly spun in all directions.

His lips are pressed against my lips. It's not so smooth unlike the scenes in Korean dramas, especially when he didn't use his tongue at all. But I don't know... Why am I stunned with what he's doing to me? I can't do anything except sit still.

Even when he pulled the kiss back and looked at me, my heart was still beating so damn fast. You don't have the right to kiss me!

A sudden kiss! Damn it!

"I already reserved you."


"So don't flirt with anyone."


The sound of knocking on the door and the blinding sunlight forced me to slowly lift myself out of the bed, reminding me of what happened last night.

I can't remember how I slept last night. All I know is that Sarawat is laying on the bed with me all night then leaves early in the morning. Not only that, he forgot his football shirt.

"Tine, are you dead?" That's the sound of people outside shouting.

"I'm still alive!" I said in an angry tone while walking to open the door for my three friends. They always do things like this. Coming to my room and taking me to have breakfast together.

"What?! Why haven't you taken a shower yet?" Peuk lay on the bed in full uniform. As for Ohm, he ran to shoot the rabbits in the toilet as usual.

"I will take a bath now."

"Hey, what is this?" Shit! As Puek rolled on the bed, he found something.

It doesn't matter if the item he found was mine, but the problem is... it's Sarawat's wallet!

God damn it! How can he leave his wallet?

"Did you buy a new wallet?" Ohm this time talking.

"Oh, that's my brother's. He left it here a long time ago." I immediately pulled the wallet from Puek's hand. I don't want them to know that Sarawat slept here last night. I'm afraid they will think things. My heart keeps beating fast. My poor heart... I quickly put the wallet in my bag and immediately got inside the bathroom. But I am an unlucky guy because someone interrupted me right away.

"Hey! Guys! Help me find my phone first." Right now, I really want to smash Ohm's head. How can you lose it?

"I think it fell in the corner of the bed. I'll help you find it." Fong then looked around the bed. They helped each other find the lost phone. Until Peuk found something.

"Is this your phone, Tine? Can I borrow it to call Ohm's phone?" Damn!

It's not mine! It's Sarawat's phone! What the hell is happening here? How can he forget these things? I haven't left the room yet but I am already sweating as hell. "Y... Yes. Just use it."

"Oh! You are using a Dragon Ball case now? I thought you don't like anime?"

"Hahaha! I just watched it. I like it now." I would never use that case! Definitely not my style. Fortunately, Sarawat brought his iPhone last night. If he brought the Samsung Hero, then I'm dead.

"What's the password?"

"Umm... two, six, zero, eight, nine, five." "What number is that?"

"You do not need to know."

"That's not your birthday nor your student ID number." Oh! Damn! I don't want to say it because...

It's Sarawat's birthday.

I knew that when I went to repair his phone before. Luckily, after buying a new phone, he still uses the old password so I guessed it so easily.

"There's nothing to know. It is just a number."

"Tine, did you erase our numbers? I can't find it here." Now, I'm stunned. There is nothing about you guys on that device.

"Ahh! That's because I memorized it."

"Is that so?"


"Is this really your phone?"

"If that's not mine, then whose phone is that? Hahaha! What a strange question."

"Oh, yes, I believe you. This gallery is only filled with your photos."

"Right?" But wait! My photos? I really want to see it now. But a question came to my mind, why are my photos in Sarawat's gallery?


"Oh! Here's your phone." I sighed as soon as Ohm's phone rang which was stuck on the side of the mattress.

"Now, give mine back."

"Wait! Let me borrow it for a while. I want to check my Instagram... Eh? Why is this logged in to Sarawat's account?"

"Huh? Oh, he borrowed my phone yesterday."

"When did you meet him? I didn't know."

"At the Medicine building."

"Then, where are Facebook and Twitter? I want to log in my account for a while. Why aren't those applications in here?"

"You have your own phone. Give me that!"

"Hey, you have Minecraft? That's cool."

"Of course."

"But I don't know how to play it. Can you teach me?"


"How much is this application?"

"Well, uh, it's probably about 200 baht. I forgot."

"Is this Sarawat's?"

"Yes, that's... uh, I mean, no."

"Are you hiding something? I already knew when I saw the Dragon Ball phone case. Stupid."

Damn it!

"Hurry up and say it."

"Say what? I don't know anything."

"So you're now keeping secrets with your friends? Tell us. What happened between you and Sarawat?"

"Nothing. We're just friends."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright. Then what is this?"

They gave me Sarawat's phone. Puek, Ohm, and Fong are smiling, leaving me with the phone that is showing a photo on Instagram.

If I remembered correctly, this is the day wherein the White Lions came to take a selfie with me and posted those photos. It's just that, I wasn't able to read everything because a senior called me at that time.

Now, I just realized why Sarawat suddenly appeared during the cheerleading selection process even though he should have been practicing music with his seniors.


Wow! Tine liked it! Thank you @Tine_chic


@Sarawatlism Tine liked it! Tine liked it! Wow!


@Sarawatlism You don't need to be here. I will take care of him.


@Sarawatlism No, I will take care of him.


dnt you dire to tuoch him

He typed wrongly, as always. I laughed unconsciously when I read his attempts to type it correctly...


don't yuo dire touch hm. He is mien!


Damn! Don't you dare touch him. He is mine!