Chapter 12 : You Revolve Around Me, I Revolve Around You

"I already reserved you."


"So don't flirt with anyone."

That is the only sentence that pops up in my head over and over. His face kept appearing in my head as well. Everything about him makes me confused and dizzy. I want to curse him, but I can't say anything.

I want to be angry. But for some reason, something inside of me won't trigger such emotion.

Honestly, I am really surprised. Damn! He pressed his dry lips against my soft lips, then made me unable to do anything. I don't know what to do next. I was just blinking in daze for a long time, until Sarawat placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Tine, are you dead?" My heart...

I'm not really dead. Right now, I am just gathering all the energy in my body to scold him as much as I can.

"What the fuck? Sarawat! You son of a bitch! Why did you kiss me? Am I a joke to you? What are you doing to me? Damn! I'm so confused. What's wrong with me? Shit!"

Right after that sentence, my heart started to lose control. I questioned myself and cursed loudly. I think my emotions and my brain have a problem.

Sarawat then moved his hands which were previously on my shoulder, and moved to hold my cheek. He then forced me to look at him, not allowing me to look elsewhere.

"Calm down. You know, people say that confusion is a sign of being in love." BOOM!

"Fuck you!" I hit him.

"Come on! You hit me like that because you really like me."

"I don't like you! No way!" I hit him again.

"If you keep hitting me like this, you will be tired soon enough."

Then I kept swinging my arm to hit him, making my bed sheet wrinkle. As Sarawat said, hitting him will only make me tired. At this time, I am. So I could only stare at him.

Now, I have so many questions in my mind and I don't even know where to start. Why can't I flirt with Prae? Why can't the others mess with me? And most of all, why did he kiss me? What are we? Are we just friends?

Close friends? I don't think so. Sarawat and I are far from that word. But I don't know why...

"Are you tired?" His low voice broke the silence between us. We just sat and remained silent for a long time.


"Troublemaker, you heard what I said, right? I already reserved you."


"Then I'll say it again. Don't flirt with anyone and don't let anyone flirt with you. Just me, okay?"


"And when my friends get close to you, you need to avoid meeting them. They are not nice. They are perverts and can't be trusted. They are all different from me." Wait a minute! Why is he so confident about himself? Damn! Actually, you guys are all the same. How can he say that he is different?

"You understand what I'm saying, right?"

"..." I just kept quiet and continued to look at his face.

"If you don't understand, let me kiss you one more time. It looks like you're still confused."

"No! Damn it!"


I crazily and madly hit him nonstop, so he will get rid of his dirty thoughts. Sarawat then remained silent with his serious expression. We both tried to calm down and tried to process what happened until I broke the silence.

"Go back to your dorm now."

"My body hurts. I can't go home." I narrowed my eyes to see his large body lying on my bed. He is acting like a kid now, damn it. If his fans will see him now, I'm sure they will stop liking him.

Who says that Sarawat is a shy, quiet, and cool guy? I can't see anything but a naughty, bastard man. Shit!

"Stop pretending."

"You hit me so hard so you have to let me stay for the night."

"What? We aren't a couple and we don't live together. We aren't even close."

"But we already kissed."

"Damn it!"

The atmosphere was quiet again for a long time until I decided to say something

even though I have no idea about his answer. I didn't expect much and this was the first time that I felt so empty that it is getting harder to breathe.

"I really want to ask you seriously. Why did you kiss me? And why do I feel like you are not pleased when I ask you to help me get rid of Green, so I can flirt with Prae?"

"Umm. I don't like that."

"Then stop pretending to be my fake boyfriend. You don't need to care about Green anymore. I will seriously pursue Prae so you don't need to care about anything else."

"Didn't you understand anything?"

"You are the one who can't understand! I already made my decision."

"I already told you that I won't allow you to flirt with other people. You can only flirt with me. Only me."

"Why? How can I do that if I don't feel anything towards you? Let me ask you really like me that much?"

"I don't even understand my own feelings. All I know is that I want to kiss you, to cuddle, to hug you tight. Sometimes, I want to bite you until it leaves a mark. I want to punish you until I'm satisfied."

"Are you a psychopath? What a bastard! That is not the feeling of liking someone. You should ask yourself again."


"Maybe the reason why you kissed me and you're saying that you like me is because of your friends. They told you to tease me, right? You know, you don't need to be serious about that. Also, you mentioned that you are writing a love song. I think you better find a girl that you really like. Using me won't help you at all."

I'm not against the relationships between two men. My view about this has been opened since I went to an all-boys school. Today, no one will judge this type of love because it is normal and many people have begun to accept it.

But it is strange that an introverted person like Sarawat would dare to do that kind of thing with me. I guess there must be something behind this. If this is a novel, maybe his friends challenged him to flirt with me then leave me afterwards.

Or maybe I'm thinking too far?

"Are you done?" He asked.


"Then I'll sleep now."

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Stop bothering me. You talk too much."

Holy shit! He is not listening to me. Wow, this person is really something. I won't ask again because I am sure he won't give me a clearer answer than this. And oh, I talked too much because you kissed me! You made me confused, bastard!

I want to know everything but you only answered 'stop bothering me'? Seriously...? With his shamelessness, he still refused to return to his dorm. So I just let him rest on my bed while I am playing with my phone. In the end, I could not stand it anymore so I poked his shoulder.

"When will you go back? I'm sleepy."

"I will sleep here." His answer really makes me want to beat him up. My heart...

"How can you have such a thick face?" I raised my hand to get ready to hit him hard. But before I could hit him, he immediately looked at me with his scary eyes, accompanied by a short sentence but filled with terror.

"Do you dare to hit me?" I immediately lowered my hand. do not dare to... Damn it! I don't know why the hell I am afraid of him.

"How do you type correctly?" He suddenly asked me. How can you change the topic so fast? Damn!

"What?" I turned to the person lying next to me. His eyes were only fixed on his cellphone.

Sometimes, Sarawat is a person that is so difficult to understand. If the girls knew his real character, would they be mad? Because if it was me, I would feel betrayed. Making you fall in love with his silent side but turns out that he is an abnormal person.

"I've never typed anything correctly. What should I do?" He asked me once again. I adjusted the pillow on my back to the most comfortable position before responding to his question.

"Cut your finger. As easy as that." I answer with a serious face.

"A very stupid answer."

"Check everything first before sending it. If something has been deleted, then type new one. Now, try typing your full name." Is it too difficult for a jerk like him?

Moreover, what kind of finger is that? Is that a finger or a paw? It is covering the entire screen. Damn!

I am watching Sarawat touching the screen, tapping on the characters one by one. He looks like a sloth. I now understand why he is not using social media.

And typing just only his name took almost five minutes. Damn!

To be honest, I forgot that he was typing. Damn! I think taking a shower will be faster than him typing his name. If I told him to type one full paragraph on his phone, maybe I would die and reincarnate first before he finishes.

Anyway, Sarawat is always Sarawat. As soon as I read what he typed, I found out a fact...

'Saraway Gyntithanin"

Wait a minute. Give me time to recover first. When I first read it, I thought it was like the Esperanto language.

"Damn! This is all wrong. Listen, if you finished typing, you have to check it first. See this one? This should be T, not Y, right? So press on the wrong word then delete it so you can correct it. Is that difficult for you?" After saying that, I returned his phone. He just nodded before tapping his phone screen again.

"I can't". I immediately turned to him. This time, I knew that he literally couldn't do it.

Sarawat has huge fingers. When he was typing his name, he tapped on W instead of T. And when he tried it again, he tapped on S. He continued to make the same mistake. In short, correcting the words he typed is harder than typing a new one. Extraordinary!

"Just tap again on the word that you want to correct. There will be a magnifying glsss that will pop up on the screen."

"I tried, but it didn't work."

"Okay! I have an idea. Try downloading an application that has a big keyboard. That way, you will be more comfortable typing."

" Where do I download it?"

"On the App store. You idiot."

"Please download it for me." He gave me his cellphone.

Me? Again? Why is it always me? But I also did not mind and immediately took his phone so I could download the application for him. At the very least, I don't need to be bothered by his typos.

"What's your Apple ID and password?" I asked.

"What is that?"

"The password you made when you bought this phone."

"I forgot."

"Damn it! Then just keep typing like that." I leave this to fate and time. I have no other solution.

I stopped paying attention to Sarawat and let him practice typing. I am lying on my bed, closing my eyes, forcing myself to sleep. I don't care how loud the TV is or if the light is still on.

I only know that it is almost one o'clock, and I need to sleep now. I can't get rid of Sarawat to get out of my room so I just let him do what he wants. I am pretty sure he won't do something weird like taking advantage of my body or touching my boobs in the middle of the night.

Wait! Or maybe, he will. Right?

A few moments later, Sarawat bothered me again by poking my arm. "Umm? What's wrong?"

"Look at this, I can't type properly." I reached out my hand to take his phone and looked at the screen with the wrong words on it.

'Have a good dresm'

Have a good dream, right? He can't type in Thai and now he tried typing in English. "That won't work tonight. I will have a nightmare for sure."

"That means you will dream about yourself."

"Quit bugging me. It is because I will dream of you."

"Good. Just dream of me tonight."


Sarawat and I went silent for a long time. Until Sarawat said something in his softest voice, ever.

"I am so happy tonight."


And that sentence made my face hot as if it would explode. Even though that was just an ordinary sentence, I can't understand why my heart is beating like crazy. I won't have the same feeling as you, never!

Then I subconsciously smiled. Wait a minute... I'm smiling... Why am I smiling?!

"Tine, are you listening to me?"

"Wh... What?!" Peuk's yelling at me. He is trying to make me get hold of myself.

I don't know why I keep thinking about Sarawat. I did not even hear anything about what my friends are saying.

"Damn! I am asking you, why did Sarawat come here?" Look at that. I can finally stop thinking about him but they are still asking me about him. Damn! When can I avoid him?

"Erm... He came to pick up his football shirt. He asked me to wash it."


"How do I know? Stop asking me."

"We are just asking you but it looks like you are hiding something." "What? I'm not hiding anything. Nothing at all."

Well, there's nothing between me and Sarawat. Really! If you guys don't believe me, look into my eyes. They are the sincerest eyes you will ever see.

"Why are your eyes like that? It looks really suspicious." Damn! I really want to kick Ohm right now.

"Shut up!"

"Alright. If there's nothing between you, then it's good. I just saw Sarawat being possessive on Instagram that's why I asked you. But it's nothing, right?" I nodded excitedly.


"It's normal. Friends always do that. Right?"


"Anyone who thinks that there is something between you guys is wrong! Friends can sleep together, right?"

"That's true!"

"I know friends can be jealous. They can cuddle on the bed when they are drunk, and they can follow each other everywhere. They can even look into each other's eyes without blinking. Those are real friends' actions. Right?"


"And the most important thing is, you can blush until your ears turn red everytime we mention the name of a friend. Right?"

"Yes. Yes."



"You still don't want to admit it? If you guys like each other, just say it. If you are dating, say it. Don't wait until the two of you have s.εメ before telling us. It is not interesting anymore." His words froze my entire body. Seeing those three friends turn around sassily makes me want to kick all of them.

They are all so annoying, but I can't do anything... Because everything they said is true.

I immediately pulled out my phone to search something on Google.

'How to stop a blushing face?'

It is so damn boring. Today, I got teased to death by my three friends. My mind is now filled with Sarawat, Sarawat, and Sarawat. Fortunately, I can breathe normally later because I will be going to the music club. Therefore, I can set aside the story of that tall man.

Today is just the same as usual. Sarawat won't be here because he has rehearsal with his seniors. I also take time to record video clips to send it to the seniors.

After I leave the music room, I would go straight to the medicine building to find Prae. But for some reason, my heart forced me to stop and go back. My heart and mind seemed to be bewitched when Sarawat ordered me not to be with anyone even with his friends. But it seems like it will be so difficult to do.

See? His friends are now approaching me.

Man acts like he is walking on a red carpet. Look at him... Such an actor! "What a coincidence! I thought you went back to your dorm now."

"What do you want?" I answered quickly. I don't want to spend too long with them, or else, I will get into trouble.

"Want to go watch a live performance tonight?"

"Whose performance?"

"The Ssss band. They will perform at the bar we go to regularly tonight. We will watch Sarawat perform. Wanna come?"


"But your three friends already agreed."

"Huh? When?"

"Just a moment ago. Well, you need to go with us anyway. See you at nine! The band will perform at nine thirty. Please be in time. XOXO." His face came closer to mine, whistling before leaving. It looks like he is in a good mood. He invited me but he agreed on his own. In short, why did you ask me if you will force me in the end? I immediately sent a Line message to my Male Leads to confirm, and their answer was exactly what Man said earlier. So after dinner, I took a quick shower, get dressed, sprayed perfume, and was ready to go to the bar. Oh, I also brought mighty Sarawat's wallet and phone so I could return it to him.

My three beloved friends and the White Lions are all here. There are several bottles of beers already on the table. I greeted everyone, as usual. But no one talked about Sarawat or teased me like they always do on Instagram

Wow! These guys are now acting very reserved tonight.

We started drinking together. My plan is just to drink a little because I get drunk so easily. But somehow, the White Lions kept pushing me to keep drinking. If they see that my glass is already empty, they will pour alcohol into my glass immediately.

"Where is Sarawat? It's almost nine thirty!" Fong asked suspiciously, but no one answered. Apparently, the Ssss band hasn't arrived yet. Because when I checked the area, I didn't see anybody.

Well, I don't want to pay attention to the stage. Drinking and talking are better. And then...

"Hello. We are the band Ssss..."

"Wheeeeew!" The lights in front of the stage light up with the sound of the main vocalist. I remembered that senior because I saw him during the Freshy Night.

"Tonight, we want to warm up the stage before the Scrubb's Live event this Saturday. Don't miss it!"

"We won't miss it!" "Woooooo! Sarawat!"

"My husband, your wife is here!"

Those were the loud screams of Sarawat's wives who came here to catch his attention. Tonight, Sarawat is wearing a black shirt and torn jeans. Every time he stood in the light of the stage, he always looked so damn handsome. But he is the usual Sarawat... not talking, not smiling, just his usual deadpan face.

He is like a different person from the guy who was with me that night. It looks like the demon in his body left him for a while. He looks like someone I know, but not familiar with. I can't forget his cheekiness and his bullshits.

Sarawat is the kind of person that even when he is just breathing, every girl will get crazy over him. Sometimes, I just think that... has he ever had a peaceful life?

"For our first song, we want everyone to dance with us!"

The drunk people here stood up and danced to the song 'Dancing' by Musketeers. This song evoked the sensation of the White Lion and my friends. They are now dancing crazily, holding beer glasses and swirling around the table. After that, they went to the table next to us to talk to girls. They left me sitting alone, looking at Sarawat with boredom.

Toots and girls are touching his body. For some reason, I don't know why I'm feeling unpleasant all of a sudden.

I just spent my time sitting while sighing desperately again and again for a long time. When the song ended, Sarawat lifted his head from the guitar and looked in my direction. We looked into each other's eyes without smiling, without cursing, without doing anything. We were just looking at each other with our deadpan faces.

After the first song has ended, the Ssss band played another song, and another, and another. The next song changed the atmosphere into a relaxing one, making everyone at the bar sing with them. As for me, I don't know what song they are playing so I just drink with my friends again. One of the White Lions is here beside me, still forcing me to drink with him continuously.

"Tine, drink a little more." He said while pouring alcohol into my glass.

"That's enough. I don't want to get drunk!" I am afraid it will be like the last time, the night I couldn't control myself. That is one of the biggest disgrace in my life.

"Come on, just a little."

"Invite Ohm to drink with you. Hey, Ohm! Come here!"

"I don't want to. I want to look handsome today." Why aren't you helping me this time?

"Tell me the truth, are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Eh? How did you know? Sarawat will give us three thousand baht if you are drunk. Do you feel drunk now?" Hearing that makes me want to slap him ten times. Damn! I think the one who is drunk is not me, but Sarawat's friend because he just revealed their secret.

This motherfucker!

When I knew that Sarawat and his friends were trying to get me drunk, I immediately stopped drinking. I just listened to the songs being performed, until the last song is about to play. It is now ten thirty.

"This last song is the only song that we won't perform this Saturday. But because Sarawat requested this song, we will play it for you tonight."

"Woohoo!" The screams are now louder when Sarawat's name is mentioned.

"This song is dedicated to someone...who can't sing like others."

"Hey, baby! It's me! I can only dance!" Someone shouted.

"If we make any mistakes on this song, please forgive us. We haven't really practiced this."

Everyone here is still screaming, but it can't make me take my eyes off the man who is playing the guitar on stage. Sarawat requested this song for someone who can't sing... I can't sing... But it's probably just me who is thinking too much.

Also, I don't have the power to make someone play the songs I like on stage.

"Millions of stars are floating in the sky but how many of them are silent? (*1*) I've never seen a single star that refused to orbit around.

My star, you are so far away, but why are the others not far apart? When the stars spin and meet, the seasons change

When you and I meet, life also changes not the same as before, Changing the path of the heart to be closer to each other"

The Scrubb's song "You Revolve Around Me, I Revolve Around You" made me feel so happy again. I am having so much fun because I can finally jam with this song! I sang and danced to the beat without feeling ashamed. Luckily, it's dark in here so no one noticed me.

I wrapped my arm around Peuk's neck and asked him to sing along with me. There are times when I tried to glance at Sarawat, but our eyes didn't make contact until the chorus part of the song.

"Peuk, sing with me!"


"It's the chorus now."

"You revolve around me, I revolve around you. Both stars are still moving but in their own orbit. You attracted me, I attracted you.

Both of our stars are shining throughout the sky."

"Oh my goodness! My Sarawaaaaat!"

"Sarawat killed me!"

"I'm dying!"

Sarawat killed everyone here. All the girls seemed to lose their minds and can't control themselves, so they took out their phones to record videos of him because... Sarawat is smiling.

I looked around me to know who he was smiling at. But my heart... it is now shaking like it's gonna burst out. Our eyes meet again and we're staring at each other for a while now.

"Damn, my friend! Look at what you did to him!" Man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He smiled at me, then pulled my face near to his and pressed his lips on my forehead.


"Sorry boy! I just want to drive someone crazy." Eww! He smelled like alcohol.

The last song has ended with a big round of applause from the people. Sarawat immediately let go of his guitar and walked down the stage. But instead of going straight to our table, his tall body was pulled by a lot of girls in the front. What I'm seeing now is really crazy. Some girls deliberately held him and tried to hug him.

Some of them even gave him a glass of alcohol to drink. He seemed so happy and enjoying it.

I know it has nothing to do with me, but why do I feel so upset right now?

I stopped paying attention to him and continued drinking beer. Now, I changed my mind. I want to get drunk. After ten minutes, Sarawat is taken again by another group of people. Damn! If I knew this would happen, I shouldn't have come here. Until...

"Excuse me. Are you Tine?" Someone came to me. He is a tall guy with pale skin, wearing black shirt, and his hair is cool. But I don't know him.

"Hmm? Sorry. Have we met?" I asked in doubt.

"You are a university cheerleader. Everyone knows you."

"Oh..." The stranger turned to take a chair at the next table, then sat next to me in the middle of countless eyes staring as if they wanted to kill him. Not to mention, the White Lions are here.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked him again.

"Can I have your number?"

"Shiiiaaaa...." Our table was filled with loud exclamations. Man, Big, Boss, Tee, and Theme reacted at the same time, making me shocked for a while. I thought the most surprising thing happened in my life is when Green came to express his love... But now, there is a man who is asking for my number in a bar!

"Uhm... We don't know each other yet."

"Is Line ID okay? I really want to know you more."

"Are you sure? My friend is cruel. I mean, another friend." Boss interrupted and glanced to the side, looking at Sarawat on the other table. Everyone then began to look at him, and his expression right now is completely unreadable.

"Oh... is Tine in a relationship?"

"No!" I immediately denied. I'm still in the stage of approaching Prae.

"Then please give me your Line ID."

"Erm... I rarely use Line."

"Then, can we take a picture together?"

"Umm... Sure."

Damn! Not only Sarawat was looking at me right now, but so are our friends. They are all smirking, as if they know what's going to happen.

"Okay. Look at the camera."


"Thank you." After taking the picture, he returned to his table. I watched his wide back and saw his group who were sitting at the corner of the bar. They are about five or six people on that table, and they are all waving at me. I don't know what to do so I just bent down and picked up a beer to drink. I am really nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

How many more guys are trying to flirt with me? If I don't count Sarawat, this is the second time. I hope this is going to be the last time as well. It is very scary.

"Finally, our guitarist came back!" Man exclaimed.

He then sat on the chair right next to me without any words. We are just drinking in silence, and the atmosphere is a bit tense.

"You're in trouble, Tine!"

"What? Why?"

"Look at this."

As soon as Ohm started saying it, all my boys looked at his phone screen. He found a photo on Instagram by the location of people who checked-in in this bar. It was the photo taken earlier by the stranger.


with uni's cheerleader

And lots of comments are popping up.


Mil, do you have Tine's IG? Here you go @Tine_chic


Whoa! How lucky!


@1994Meo he's so cute.


Do you dare to flirt with him?

Wow! It's like watching a live broadcast on the phone. After that, everyone on the table focused on their own phones. Nobody is drinking, nobody is talking, everyone is busy typing.

Ding! Ding! Ding!


Tine, you are very photogenic!


My friend is so handsome


P 'Are you going to compete with my friend? That will be difficult ...


it's not easy because there is a fierce dog here. hahahaha


calm down boy, no need to panic

I think I'm in trouble.



Take a look! He only typed three dots, but I can feel a strange energy from him. And it is not good, for sure. I slowly turned to look at him. He is just staring at his phone screen without blinking. Shit! Why am I so scared?

"He just asked me to take a photo with him." I don't know why I need to give an explanation, but I'm so worried right now.

"And you allowed him."

"Come one! It's just a picture! What about you? You let other people drag you to table ten, table twelve, then table twenty seven! And oh, table thirteen! They hugged you and gave you drinks, but I didn't say anything, right?!"

"You remembered the table numbers?"

"Erm... I just guessed."

"I refused all their drinks and I am definitely not happy when they were hugging me. Do you understand?"

"Oh, really?"

"I won't let you come here again." Sarawat said while putting down his phone.

"I also won't let you come here again."


"You're annoying too."

"I'm tired of you."

"I'm tired of you too."

"Do you know why I'm acting like this?"

"Then do you also know why I'm acting like this?"

"I'm jealous!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"Okay. Then everyone, let's go home."


"Guys, don't think too much. This is just an ordinary fight between lovers. They can fix this smoothly."

The last sentence came from Man which made everyone at the table stand up and disappear all of a sudden. They left me and Sarawat alone on the table while staring at each other.

What did I just say now? Am I really...jealous? Oh, no! My heart...

1 - เธอหมนรอบฉัน ฉันหมนรอบเธอ Tur Mun Rop Chun, Chin Mun Rop Tur (You Revolve Around Me, I Revolve Around You) - Scrubb