Chapter 13 : Bill and Coo

"Sorry... Sorry for hurting you." (*1*)

"Argh! Change the song right now! You are making me deaf!"

That is the worst sound I've heard from my Male Leads and the White Lions. Half of them are singing their hearts out, while the others are requesting to change the song. Motherfuckers...

Instead of going home, we all went to a Karaoke bar because they don't want to go back yet. They want to have more fun tonight.

But is this fun?

I think I will die first before I have more fun.

I really want to go home now. I accidentally said that I am jealous. I don't even have the guts to stay here any longer. Oh, my God! If only I could find a bucket to put on my head and cover my face, I will do it for the entire week. They are even teasing me and only talking to me about him. I really need to escape right now.

Fortunately, at this time, they were all drunk. They are just singing together instead of talking about Sarawat and me.

The reason why I said that, maybe, is because I'm drunk. But I am not drunk at all! I swear!

"Tine, one more glass!"

There is someone who doesn't fight over the microphone like others do because he is so dedicated to Sarawat's three thousand baht...Theme, the guy who always pours beer into my glass.

"No! Stop it! I don't want to drink anymore." Even if I can still get hold of myself, it doesn't mean I can drink more. "Just another glass."

"That's enough. He can't take it anymore." Sarawat interrupted in his low voice then walked to sit next to me.

"But the mission isn't finished yet."

"That's enough." I saw his thick hand pulling out money out of his expensive wallet, then quickly gave it to his friend.

That really sucks! He planned on getting me drunk, and paid his sidekick in front of me. They are so stupid!

Sarawat and I sat in a corner of the room. His long legs stretched onto the other sofa to separate us from his friends. I just sat quietly and did not say a word, until Man put down the microphone and sat next to Theme. He still can't get closer to me because of Sarawat's legs.

"Tine! Cheers!." He sent me a glass of beer. I want to take it, but the guy sitting beside me is blocking him.

"..." To be safe, I did not say anything.

"Come on! There's no fun if you're not drunk."

"He's already drunk." Sarawat replied instead.

"How did you know he's drunk? Come on! You have to let him drink. I want to hug him."

"..." I didn't hear anything but I can read Sarawat's lips. It's easy to guess the words... 'Fuck you.'

Those words answered everything. But Man doesn't feel scared or angry at all. He is even laughing like an idiot. What a mess!

"Are you jealous?" Man asked Sarawat again.


"Jealous but can't do anything. That is what you call a 'loser'."

"Fuck off."

"If Tine is my boyfriend, I will be exhausted everyday." THUD!

"Ouch!" In the blink of any eye, Sarawat lifted his leg and kicked his bastard friend off the sofa. Everyone looked so surprised and the whole room suddenly fell silent. But then...

"Hahahahaha!" Just for a little while after that, they are all laughing like crazy. I also can't stop laughing when I see Man crawling out on the floor. Everybody took out their phones to record this moment. He deserved it!

"I hate you."

"What is wrong?" After hearing that, I immediately turned towards Sarawat. He is just showing his deadpan face. I am confused.

"Why didn't you avoid Man when he kissed your forehead?"

"Huh? When did that happen?"

"Stop pretending. I saw it."

"Oh is that so? I thought you were busy flirting with the girls at the bar and letting them touch you."

"I did not approach them, they dragged me. Don't try to change the topic. Two guys for this night? I won't forget what you did."

"Well, that's because I didn't think that would happen either."

"Don't let that happen again. I'm jealous."

"Shut up."

"I'm jealous."

"Do you want me to kick you now?"

"I'm jealous. I should be the one doing those kinds of things to you."

"What are you guys talking about?" Peuk leaned over near Sarawat and I, interrupting our conversation.

"None of your business!" then I replied coldly.

"Yes! That's right! I'm not you. Whatever I do is always wrong." Damn! You think it's cute when you act like that? I want to hit you the same way as I want to hit Sarawat.

I can't understand my feelings right now. I am trying to deny his words, but it seems like my heart is betraying me

I feel so weird.

Ten minutes later, I saw Man come back with bottles of beers in his hand. He is acting as if nothing happened earlier, even if he got kicked by Sarawat in an embarrassing way. This time, he even dared to look at Sarawat.

The singing and drinking continued. At first, we were drinking slowly and poured beer into our glasses. But when everyone was drunk and crazy, we did not use glasses anymore. We were drinking the liquors straight from its bottle. I am drunk, so is Sarawat. My whole body smelled like alcohol. It is almost three in the morning so we have to leave now.

I am being carried out of the karaoke bar by Sarawat's friends. I can't believe that I am this drunk right now. Maybe because of the three thousand baht from Sarawat. He is Satan himself, and his friends are all demons. Goddammit! I can't even walk properly.

"Theme, let him go. I'll take care of him."

"That's fine. I want to help you."

"Shut up. Let go of him."

"You talk too much. Besides, I carried him out here first."

"Do you want to die?"

"Damn! Why are you so possessive? Here, take him!" One of the White Lions, Theme, dropped me off his back and threw me roughly to Sarawat as if I'm a toy. I want to say that I will walk by myself, but I can't do it. I am afraid I will fall and would only make me feel embarrassed.

My three happy friends are not different from me now. They all looked so drunk because they were being dragged like that. I guess in this situation, I am still lucky because I am still aware of what's going on.

"What about Tine's friends?"

"Take them to my room." When we are drunk, we always go to one of our rooms. This time, I volunteered at my place again.

"There's no need. You can bring them to my place. It's closer." Man gave a suggestion.

"Okay!" And the other friends immediately agreed.

We separated in the parking lot. Sarawat and I went the other way. Tonight, he will be my bodyguard.

I felt like someone was touching my body for a long time. I moaned softly then gradually opened my eyes. I then saw Sarawat trying to find the key inside of my pocket. But why do I feel like he is 'finding' it in the middle part of my pants? As far as I know, my pockets are on the sides.

"Have you found it?" I asked him.

"Not yet."

"When will you find it?"

"Until I'm satisfied."


I cursed him then he finally found the key. After unlocking the door, he dragged me inside before throwing me on the bed without any gentleness. Hey! I'm a human!

Please be careful with my sexy body.

I closed my eyes in the bright light, and started ignoring everything around me. I'm really tired and I really need a deep sleep. However, there is something bothering me. Sarawat is forcing me to turn around, and I felt his hands touching my pants.

"Hey, what are you doing?" After opening my eyes, I saw him trying to take off my pants.

"I'm taking off your pants." He answered with a very annoying expression.

"There's no need to take it off. I want to sleep now."

"Don't you feel uncomfortable? Just take your pants off."

"No need... You're annoying."

I can only say that but I can't do anything because he is using his strength to take my pants off. In a few seconds, he successfully removed it, leaving me with my boxers to cover my lower body.

After that, Sarawat immediately took off my shirt. I can only shout at him because I am really tired. Okay, I give up! I am too drunk. He then lay on his back on the bed. "Hey, don't mess with me."

"I know."

"I want to sleep.

"Good night. Sweet dreams."

That is the last sound I heard before I fell asleep...

I woke up in the middle of the next day with my head throbbing as I am trying to recall what happened last night. I then realized that the person who took me here last night was gone.

I tried to find my phone and saw ten missed calls from my friends. I decided to call them right away, so I can check on them. Based on last night's event, I can remember that they were so drunk and chaotic. I waited for ten seconds before Ohm answered my phone call.


"Ohm? Are you okay? Why did you call me?"

[Yes, we're good. You okay?]

"Me? A little dizzy, like always. What a strange question."

[It's not strange. I called you to ask if you're okay or if you already lost your virginity to Sarawat. We were really drunk last night so we don't know what happened.]

"What the fuck are you saying? Damn it! I'm fine."

[Is that so? Well, I was relieved to hear that. I saw the photo you posted on Instagram so I thought you got a public husband to be your boyfriend now.]

"What picture? When did I post it?"

[Last night.]

"I didn't post anything."

[Then please see it for yourself. Take a look at it then come and argue with me. Okay?]

Ohm hung up the phone, leaving me with great anxiety.

I immediately opened my Instagram. Almost one hundred notifications surprised me. Half of it came from the stranger who asked me for my number last night. He liked almost all of my photos.

The other half come from a lot of people that I don't know. I don't want to be curious any longer, so I clicked to see what picture I posted last night. After seeing it, I felt shocked again.

That is really my photo.

I... who is lying on the bed... wearing only a boxer and a football shirt. And what makes this a problem is that the football shirt is from the Political Science faculty. Fortunately, it didn't show the name printed on the back of it... because this shirt is from Sarawat.

I will definitely be killed by Sarawat's wives. Damn! What is happening? What makes this even more surprising is also the caption...


im takem and I domt wanr anyonr to flort witj me

I didn't post this! Never! I am also not crazy enough to post a picture like that and type the words wrongly! Damn!

When I looked at the comments below, I saw Sarawat's friends adding fuel to the fire. They are all talking like they've never talked to each other before. Damn it!

Please give me ten minutes to break down quietly.


Wow! You wear our faculty jersey to sleep?


Don't delete this picture, Tine. If you delete this it means you're a coward!


Are you announcing it now?


From my translation, it means 'I am taken and I don't want anyone to flirt with me', understood?


finally! After all this time...


Learn to type correctly first. You really look like someone who always types like this


What?! Don't say you didn't write the caption?


what did you do to my friend?


I understand now, Tine. I will not bother you anymore. Stray dogs are very possessive.


@Man_maman Like which dog? hehe


I don't know. Try asking @Sarawatlism

I can only kneel on my bed while reading these comments. I don't know, I just hope that 'someone' will come and reply to this to reduce my frustrations.


New notifications popped up again. I immediately click it to read it, but it's not from Sarawat.


yo dude! This Monday we need to wear the football shirt for the upcoming match. if it's not with you, please get it back. just a reminder!


shiiiiaaaa! Did someone leave our team's jersey with someone else? Damn! Match is on Monday!

After a moment, Sarawat replied...


Ok, I wll take it.


@Sarawatlism Oh, so the jersey worn by Tine is yours? Oho! you were caught! Hahaha!

Instead of calming me.

Sarawat made me even more upset. My heart...

Monday came together with many questions from many people, 'Is that Sarawat's shirt'?

At first, I didn't know what to answer. But then I decided to be honest and say that he accidentally forgot it in my room when he and his friends came to drink. I emphasized the word 'our friends', so Sarawat's wives will not think of anything between us.

Being handsome is not enough. Sometimes, you have to be smart to survive. I also posted on Facebook in a cool way to solve this problem.

Tine TheChic

Lately, many girls are texting me. I am afraid that I can't reply to all of you because I'm just a villain. That's all I can...(*2*)

Then I continued to sing until the end of the song.

That day after the incident on Instagram, I immediately called Sarawat to curse at him loudly. However, the answer I got from him was 'I'm jealous', which made me even more angrier and cursed him some more.

But no matter how angry I was, or how hard my curses were, he will still answer 'I'm jealous'. Nothing else. Is that even right?!

I dropped by at the music club in the afternoon. When I arrived, the room was almost empty. When I asked the person inside the music room, I found out that everyone went to watch and support Sarawat playing football today. Today's match is between the Political Science and Communication Arts.

I've already thought before that I won't go there to watch because I don't want to be the center of attention. It is better to remain silent here even though I have promised him that I will watch him in every match.


A few moments later the door opened. I immediately turned to see the person who had just arrived. Then I saw P'Dim with his scary face.

"Where is everyone?"

His voice is too loud. Damn! There are only two of us here. Three, if you count him.

"They all went to watch the game today." It seems like the other guy in here is an introvert, so I replied instead.

"Really? Wow, that's amazing."

"Right." I do not want to be involved. I just want to sit here calmly.

"Well, aren't you going to watch?"


"Why didn't you go and support him?"

"Huh? Who?"

P'Dim did not answer and just shook his head. He then took out his phone to look at something before changing the subject.

"I will post your video clips, one by one."

"Will it be posted today?"

"No. I still have some other stuff to do today. After you finish practicing, don't forget to close the door. Tomorrow, I will punish the members who skipped the training today."

P'Dim muttered to himself and then left. I'm very confused about his personality. I want to know if there are normal people around me because it seems like everyone in here is weird.

Except me. I think I'm the only normal person here.

Twenty minutes later, I received a notification from the Facebook page of the club. P'Dim uploaded the video clips today... Anyway, I only watched the interesting ones. Prae did not send a video. Actually, I haven't seen her since the day Sarawat was mad at me, acting like he is my boyfriend.

Is she mad at me? Usually, when I made a girl upset, I would quickly make up with them. But now, I don't know why I have no enthusiasm to see her.

After watching a few videos, I finally found my video. Wow... My hands are shaking. Why do I have to be so handsome? I also sing very well. But when I read the comments, I almost cried.

P'Dim! You dickhead! He gave me an insulting comment again. And the worst sentence is...

"You can't even play the C chord right. There is no hope for you learning guitar."

Fuck P'Dim! He is only good looking, but he is an asshole.

Luckily, I got a lot of support from my other friends. It made me feel motivated and happy. Until I see another video from...


It would be great if he did things like other normal people...

Shit! I see nothing. The video clip only shows his legs. The camera is also tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. I can only see a little part of his guitar and the rest are his leg hair! Those are the only things I've seen for three minutes.

I am not concentrating on watching his video because it is disturbing. I only listened to his singing voice and the guitar playing to get rid of boredom.

You know what song he chose? 'Time Tunnel' by Inspirative. It is a band that I had a chance to listen to not so long ago. The melody is great, the arrangement is also cool, but the lyrics are less than ten seconds. He is fucking clever! He knows that his voice is not good, so he chose such a song. Also, P'Dim praised him in a comment like he got money from Sarawat. The last words are...

"Much better than before. Different from someone who always plays out of tune. Please help him if you have time."

Damn! Is he referring to me?

I had been in the music room for almost an hour. I started to get bored, so I called my friends but no one picked up. I turned to talk to the other guy in the room, but he turned his back on me. So I just played with my phone, waiting for time to close the music room as P'Dim ordered.

I am surfing Instagram now. There are not many people popping up on my feed because I did not follow a lot of accounts. Until a new image appeared, and it got my attention.


comfort needed! My friend is injured so I'm trying to calm him down. He is weeping right now @Sarawatlism

Sarawat's friend posted a picture. It was a photo of Sarawat, sweating and sitting with his usual expression. He is not weeping. Upon checking the photo, I saw... Blood!

Damn! The blood is all over his knee. He was surrounded by a number of people who are panicking. But it is only a photo so I don't really know what happened. I can only read the comments below anxiously. I am really worried and my mind is no longer in my body.


@Sarawatlism What happened to Sarawat?


comm arts are so tough! Sarawat, I hope you are fine.


atmosphere is very chaotic now, but I'm still here to support you. Nong Sarawat fighting @Sarawatlism


@Tine_chic Come here quickly. All of his friends are on the field and no one is taking care of him.

I did not reply to Ohm's comment. I immediately got rid of my guitar and ran so fast as if I was being chased by a debt collector. I asked the other guy left in the room to lock the club room door.

I rushed and got to the soccer field in just a few minutes, then I looked for that guy in panic. As soon as I saw the bleachers of Political Science, I immediately ran over there.

It's not crowded there. There are only three substitute players cheering for their team, completely ignoring Sarawat who is just sitting at the bench. His close friends are playing on the field and they looked really serious about this match. Sarawat looked like a dog that was left by his owner.

"Hey..." I said as soon as I approached his tall body that was breathing heavily.

"You finally came." Godammit! He is even pouting and it made me feel guilty.

"Why didn't you treat your wound right away? How did you let it bleed so much like that, huh? Where are the staff? Where are your fans? Why are you sitting like that as if nothing happened? Doesn't it hurt? Have you lost your mind? Do you want your feet to be amputated?"

"I just fell down. That's it." He interrupted before I could scold him some more.

"Just? Look at that. Your wound looks like you were crushed by a truck."

"I wanted to get the ball, but it didn't work. Calm down."

"How the fuck can I calm down?"

I was really upset. I decided to go down on my knees to check the wound on his knee. It is still bleeding. His clothes are dirtier than the stray dogs on the roadside. He looked like more of a beggar than a football player.

"I told them that I will treat my own wound." Sarawat then gave me a first aid kit. When did I say that I'll treat your wound? Damn!

"Why are you giving it to me? Do it yourself."

"I can't do it. Ouch. It really hurts."

"Stop pretending. You refused when someone offered to help you. But now that I'm here, you are acting like that. What would you do if I wasn't here right now?"

"Then I will just leave it until the pain disappears."

"Then you will die." I took the alcohol and poured it onto a cotton pad and wiped his bleeding wound a little harshly.

"Oh! God! Ah, shit!"

"Damn, Saraleo! Why are you moaning like that?"

"You have to be gentle. I feel spasm when you wipe it." I really want to put this cotton ball in his mouth. Fortunately, there are only reserved players here and they are focusing on the match. His fans are a bit far from here.

"Where is the betadine?" I asked after looking for it in a box.

"We're out of Betadine right now."

"Damn! Why could you not pick up a good time to get hurt? You always get hurt when there's no Betadine."

"Is it my fault?"

"Yes! Because you let yourself get hurt!"

"I know you're worried about me. But I'm fine." Right. Since there's no Betadine, I need to coat the wound with alcohol to disinfect it. It's the best way at this moment.

"Why is your hand shaking?" He asked. I stopped wiping his wound, and raised my head to look at his face.

"Looks like I'm afraid of blood."

"I'm shaking too." He said.

"What is shaking?"

"My heart."

"You probably drank way too much coffee."

"You may be right...


"That coffee has a strong taste."

"Umm. And I think I am probably extremely scared of blood." My heart...

Scrubb Live, Play Together...

The event starts at eight o'clock in the evening at the indoor stadium. Me, my Male Leads, and the White Lions are here together. We are now watching the activities on the stage which have been set up by the student committee. This event is different from the usual because it allows outsiders to come and see the show.

So tonight, I am seeing a lot of people from different universities.

I haven't seen Sarawat for three days since the match between Political Science and Communication Arts, with a score of 1-1. Sarawat said that he had to go for rehearsal with his band for the show today, so I didn't bother to disturb him. That's why today, I came to see if he is doing well or not. Why am I looking like his second mother?

I am wearing Scrubb's T-shirt, standing in the crowd in front of the stage while waiting for my favorite band to perform. But it looks like I have to wait for a long time before they perform.

"Tine, when Sarawat is on stage, don't forget to take photos, okay?" his best friend, Man, said.

"Why me?"

"Because you are his wife. So do your job well."

"You want me to hit you?"

"But it's up to you. If you want to take pictures, do it. If not, then that's fine." Damn! I am reluctantly preparing to take photos of Sarawat anyway. It's always like this, the unimportant person is always the one taking photos. Fortunately, I did not bring my DSLR camera because if I brought it, then I will be their official photographer.

We're waiting for quite a long time until the spotlights are gradually fading out. The dark blue spotlight lit up the stage, with a light sound of the drums.

All eyes were on the stage. This is making me more nervous than waiting for the result of the lottery. I tried to look for Sarawat's body on stage under the dim light, but I couldn't see his face.

"Hello, everyone! We are the Ssss band!" In an instant, the low voice of the main vocalist was heard among the cheers of the people below. It was a sign that the fun is about to start.

"We were the winner of the Music Festival event last year. We are happy to see you guys today."


"Well, I want to ask you guys... Are you ready to have fun?!"


The sounds from the instruments are beginning to play together, creating a nice rhythm. Everyone here started to jump and scream loudly along with the intro of the song they're playing.

I am quite familiar with this song because of their rehearsal at the bar several days ago. But today is different, a bigger stage, beautiful lights, and more importantly... Sarawat looks so good tonight.

"Ahhhh! Sarawat!!!"

Spotlights highlight the faces of the members clearly. Even if Sarawat stood at the back, he could not avoid the light with such intensity. I just watched him pressing the guitar chords with great focus. His large fingers may not be suitable for pressing the phone, but when he puts his finger on the guitar, it makes me unable to take my eyes off.

He also wore the same Scrubb shirt, like mine. It seems like he's the only one wearing it because everyone in the group is wearing a jacket.

"Everyone, let's sing together! If you are having fun, let's jump together."

"Wake up in the troubling city. (*3*)

Looking up at the sky, what are we searching for? The big dream that we're reaching for..."

The song 'Dancing' sparked countless excitement and cheers from the audience. I took the opportunity to pick up my phone, moved in the middle to take photos of Sarawat while he was playing the guitar. I quickly took many photos because I am sure he won't notice me.

Around me, there are many beautiful girls. I just noticed them a minute ago after I finished taking photos. It is not like this in every area, only here, in front of Sarawat. "Oh, my God! He is so handsome! What's his name? I want to know him."

"Look! He is looking at us! Oh my goodness!" The sound pierces through my ears, then I quickly look at the stage. It is true... Sarawat is really looking at this way.

"He is so hot! I want to eat him." hearing such words, I immediately knew that these girls were not students from this campus because no one here doesn't know who Sarawat is.

I should envy him, but I don't know why I'm feeling angry and uncomfortable right now. I don't want him to know anyone, and I don't want anyone to know him.

"If he gets off the stage, I'll take you to meet him backstage."

"Can I? Really?"

"Of course! Be confident! You are beautiful."

I remained silent for a long time, ignoring the thoughts that are floating on my mind. Then I just noticed that I was pushed back by the people away from the stage to the back. But can you believe it, I am quite far from the stage now but still can't take my eyes off him.

He probably used some spells on me.

From the first song, to the second song, and so on. They did not introduce themselves and just continued playing. And I... the person who doesn't know any song but Scrubb's songs, were just standing here, unclearly seeing what's happening on the stage.

The last song ended incredibly with a bow from the Ssss band. Many people are yelling Sarawat's name, while some ask for an introduction from the members. But it is no use because Sarawat immediately let go of his guitar and became the first person to get off the stage.

I am trying to get rid of Sarawat in my mind to focus on the appearance of my favorite band, Scrubb. The stage lights are suddenly blazing, making me see them right away! At this moment, I forgot about everything and screamed without shame. "Hellooooooooo..."

"Wheeeeeeew!" I am dying! After I saw P'Muey and P'Ball on stage, I tried to push through the crowd to get to stage as close as possible. But that's useless. I'm still here, can't move, and see nothing. Shit! This is all because of Sarawat that is why I was pushed back like this.

If you can't blame others, blame Sarawat. That is my motto now.

Well, even if I can't get closer to the stage, it is good enough that I attended this event. I am trying to cheer myself up, enjoying the music, until someone comes close to me...

As soon as I turned around, I saw the guy who was wearing a white shirt with the 'Scrubb' on it. He is raising his eyebrows and taking the liberty to hold my hand without permission.

"How did you find me here?" It is Sarawat, standing right next to me.

"I'm always looking at you."

"Is that so? I thought you were busy. I think a lot of girls approached you backstage."

"How did you know?" He answers calmly. I just want to hit his head.

"So it's true? Wow you're so popular."

"Of course."

"Then, did you give them your number?"

"No. You are more important so I immediately find you."

"Why? Am I that important?"

"I'm worried."


"Afraid you have been kidnapped by someone else."

"Fuck off!" I really wanted to swear at him as much as I can, but I am trying to control my emotions so I just squeezed his hand. The more I'm annoyed, the more force I insert in squeezing it. Sarawat felt pain so he squeezed my hand back harder than I did.

What the fuck? Why is he taking this seriously? I think my fingers are now broken. It hurts!

"This song reminds me of this place because I wrote this when I was living in Chiang Mai and it's..." P'Meuay hasn't finished his sentence but I already mumbled to myself. "See Scape."

"How did you know?" Sarawat asked me.

"I know. He said this last year when they had their concert in Bangkok."


"Silpakorn University." He nodded. That concert was so incredible. I can still remember what I felt that day.

"Was it fun?"

"Freaking damn fun! I was really happy."

"I know."

"What? How?"

"I can tell from your expression now."

"Umm. But at that time, I stood very close to the stage. It is very different from my view now. Look over there, P'Muey and P'Ball looks so small." How sad.

"Do you want to see them more clearly?" "Of course."

"Then come up here." After saying that, his tall body went down on his knees in the crowd. He didn't say anything other than looking at me and patting his own shoulders.

"No. I don't want to."

"Come on up. I won't let you fall."

"I'm not afraid of that, but... are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, I'm serious. Hurry up! It's almost the chorus part." I looked at his face hesitantly and then got on his shoulders. He slowly stands up and at this time, I think I see heaven through my eyes because I can clearly see the stage. It's like a dream come true.

"Oh my goodness! This is so damn good!" I placed my hands on Sarawat's head, then I started to wave my hand and sing along.

'See Scape' has ended, and 'Answer' is now playing. It was then followed by songs 'Close', 'Click', 'Our Song', 'I Revolve Around You, You Revolve Around Me', 'Together', and many other songs.

It is finally the last song. The song that I, Sarawat, and the others here will sing along together as we wave goodbye to my favorite band and look forward to seeing them again.

Sarawat puts me down because the last song is going to start.

"This song... is for those who're falling in love with someone. You may wonder if it's love or not. But you don't have to worry about it. Just let it go, forget about everything, and just look at the one beside you. How do they look now?" P'Muey asked.


"Are they smiling at you?"


"Are they looking into your eyes?"

".... "

"Are they holding your hand?"

".... "

"If they are doing that, let's sing this together."

Everybody is screaming out loud with the sounds of the instruments playing. I hear the sweet and diverting rhythm, feeling like I am floating in the clouds.

Everything P'Muey said, I can feel it all because I've got all the feelings from the guy beside me.

"Deep in my heart, I know that every minute, (*4*) There is another story that you and I must meet.

Days and nights turn but we are still close.

Looking in every feeling deep inside until we're familiar. It is still floating, and I want to search for it."

I am the type of person who can hardly understand anything quickly. I don't understand anything and can't read Sarawat's action. I only know that his eyes, which are staring at mine, are freaking me out and making my heart flutter.

We are not saying anything. We are just looking at each other while singing along until the last verse comes. I could see sweat running down his face, but I had no intention of removing it.

"Maybe it;s because of the time we met,

Or the emotion that makes my heart beat fast. The same old days obviously stay in my mind, The time we were getting closer.

At least I have you, and I understand... That no matter how long it takes,

All I need is only you and me."

The last sound I heard was P'Muey's voice on the microphone. And at that moment, I finally understood Sarawat's actions...

"And the person who is smiling, looking at you, holding your hand from the beginning of the song until it ended... That feeling deep inside..."


"That is love."


I finally returned to my room and immediately lay down on my bed because I was tired. After I separated from my friends and Sarawat, I don't feel like doing anything else but sleeping and listening to the notification sound on my phone that keeps popping up.

I closed my eyes for a long time, then took my phone out and opened Instagram, as usual. I didn't pay attention to the notifications at first because the video of my friends and White Lions dancing was more interesting for me.

I finally tapped to open the notification and saw a comment from Man who tagged me in a comment of a post.


@Tine_chic He said he tried so hard to type the words correctly

The image in front of me widened my eyes. This is Sarawat's Instagram account. In the photo, he is wearing a high school uniform, standing near the poster of Scrubb's concert. It looks normal until...

I also saw myself in that photo! That is me!

Sarawat posted three photos, and that is the first photo. The second image is a photo taken from afar, when I am on his shoulders. The last one is a photo of Sarawat and I...

Holding each other's hands while leaving the concert venue earlier.

All three photos have captions below. I'm slowly reading each character so I can process and absorb something inside my heart.

The first one...


Last year at Silpakorn

The second picture...


This year in Chiang Mai

And the last picture...


Next year, anywhere... as long as I'm with you

1 - อนเฟรนด์ (Unfriend) - Helmetheads

2 - วายราย (Villain) by UrBoyTJ

3 - Dancing - Musketeers

4 - ลกลก Leuk Leuk (Deep) - Scrubb