Chapter 20 : Being Big-Hearted must be Ruthless

With regards to being the bastard of all, I would like to give it to his brother. In addition, his lustful sight that lasted for a period of time made some people in the store begin to gossip all throughout the store.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Phukong asked me. But I know this is the face of an irritated man.

"Do you have evil intentions with me?"

"Just want to tease you. Why are you so serious?" But his face looked really serious. To be honest, Sarawat's joke about touching my boobs is better than his brother's request about licking me. But seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people?

"Your face looks so serious."

"Is that so?" See...

"Sit still."

"Do not cheat on me."

"What the heck?"

"P'Sarawat allowed me to be your boyfriend for today."


"He is my brother. He doesn't need to say it. He understands it right away." I think I have a new nickname for Phukong since this guy is paranoid and imagining things. Let's call him Phukong 4D.

"Seriously, I want to ask. Have you ever liked someone? Or you are just being an asshole like this all the time?" The lips that were sucking the straw suddenly stopped. A pair of eyes glanced at me for a moment before speaking in a calm tone.

"Do I really have to like someone?" I stopped for a moment. His answer is like asking 'why do you have to eat?' or something like that. It is not something that humans should have, but it is something that humans need.

"Well, not necessarily. But didn't anyone like you since you were born?"

"I am not talking to someone or don't want to be close to someone. It's tiring to adapt to people. And why do I have to like someone then make my life tiring at the end?" Sounds familiar, right? This sentence is something his brother, Sarawat would say.

"When you like someone, life will have colors."

"Where's the color? It is already good that this feels good. Besides, my brother is doing well and likes to pick up headaches."

"..." The meaning of headache in his sentence refers to me. Wow. I love you guys so much!!

"And when you cry, you will look unattractive for sure."

"Enough of me. It hurts!"

"Yeah. Speaking of the truth, it really hurts. I mean, why should I compliment you to begin with?"

"If I am ugly,he won't like me..." I know I don't have Sarawat's body cut but my face is second to none.

"Look, I know my brother won't look at just the face. Because if that's the case, then he can just select people right away. I know there is something in you that made him interested that the other dogs don't have."

As if someone picked up a knife to pierce it through my lungs. It is a very deep cut at this point.

"And why does he like me?"

"That's not my business anymore. Go and ask my brother yourself."

"Why? Is that your secret?"

"What's the secret? I just don't know either."

"..." Damn! I took him so seriously. I thought he knew everything about his brother.

"But there are a few reasons. Let me ask you: when you plant a flower, what would you look at first?"

"Its color and its type."


"Grow beautifully. So we can use it to decorate the house."

"You expected it to be beautiful in the future, right?"

"That's right."

"Well, that is the thinking of everyone. But my brother doesn't think like that. He will choose a flower that has a strong root, regardless of its appearance. Because one day just in case a strong wind blows, they can sustain themselves and survive. Other flowers cannot do that and it might wilt or die. See? It is not the same."

"Are you saying that I am like a root of a flower?"

"Yes, fucking root."

"Damn well."


"You are a bastard." He looks exactly like his brother. So irritating.

"You are here! I've been searching for you for a long time. Tine Khaaaaaaaa!" The voice of the person who arrived just suddenly quenched my mood of fire. I hurriedly looked out the store's door before I realized that the hasty Green bastard came running with a flirty expression.

Why does my life always encounter things like this? I don't understand. Oh my God. "How did you get here?", I asked in bewilderment. But the opponent did not respond but just crouched down next to me, hugging my arm stiffly like I have a debt from my previous life.

It has been a long time since I've met this Green guy or talked to him. Ever since P'Dim made such a big announcement like Fast and Furious that I could not get involved with his wife, I did not dare to step into the territory of the rhino anymore. Yet why let him escape from the zoo today?

"People found Sarawat's check-in on IG, so they rushed to look." Not to mention that he used to rub my arm with his cheek. Then how am I... My shirt is now covered with his wrong foundation again. Any type of washing will not work.

"Can you take your face off my shirt?"


"You are disturbing us. Sit over there."

Green looked up at me and pouted his lips in the right manner. It was at that moment... the five elements collapsed after he accidentally caught sight of Phukong sitting on the opposite side. Ohh, he quickly pulled his face off my student uniform. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! He is so cute!"

Damn. That was a yell. "Who are you?"

"He is my soulmates brother. Damn it. Why is it so fragrant?" After dragging his body to Phukong's side, green did his thing by constantly touching Phukong. If he can swallow this guy in whole, he might have done it. I just sat and watched silently as the two of us cried.

"Tine's friend?"

"That's right." He was flirting with me just now.

"Call me if you need anything."

"No need. I will call you myself. I am Green."


"What's your name?" "Phukong."

"Ayyy. How much will it cost if I ruin the royal treasures?" (Phukong - Captain in Thai)


"Are there any living expenses? Hehehe!"


"If you are having a problem with money, just wear your shorts and look for me. I will raise my breakfast to fill you up." Then suddenly...

"And if life is a problem, crawl to find me. I will raise my legs to kick you all day and night." Shit! Voldemort has arrived. Green startled and immediately let go of Phukong. Disathat is right here.

"Eh, P'Dim. Why are you here? Come and not say anything?" Said Green who looked so surprised.

"If I warned you, I would not see your actions like that."

"I was just kidding."

"You're joking like that?" Green's smile immediately turned into tears. This time, the great war of husband and wife began. Phukong and I were like watching a drama scene and did not say a single sentence.

"I just came to inform Tine to take care of Sarawat because people told me so." "What are you a watchdog?" Damn! He is really harsh. If I had a husband like that, I swear I would rather kill myself or else, I will go to hell.

"Well, Sarawat is scared of his younger brother flirting with Tine."

"If he doesn't have that confidence to take care of Tine, let him go. What are you going to do then?"

"But Sarawat begged me to check on them." "He begged you or you volunteered?"

"..." Shut up. I am waiting for a lot of things. Do it now. Quarrel with each other like that. I like this.

"Can we go now? I am hungry."


"You have to be good, Tine. We're leaving." I nodded slightly to P'Dim. Phukong frowned slightly, like he did not understand what just happened.

"My brother is doing this much?"


"I couldn't even do this on my own. He even sent people to interrupt us?" I twitched my eyebrows based on Phukong's every word. I don't even know why Sarawat has to play this big. Even his brother did not understand him.

"Don't make fun of him either." I already saw his angry emotions. It happened during the battle in the restroom after the concert. The senior was even carried to the hospital.

"It is fun if Sarawat has never been like this." "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Phukong shrugged his shoulders before turning to process the glass of latte in front of him in silence. Notifications from my Instagram keeps on ringing.


Wat, P'Dim has come to pick me up. Sorry. T^T


@Sarawatlism Phukong, reply


@Sarawatlism Dammmmn. Go focus on studying. Don't bother us


@Sarawatlism Phukong you bastard


A moment later, Phukong's phone rang. He raised his head to look at me with an evil smile, then slid the phone screen to turn down the call quickly.


@Sarawatlism answer your phone


Nong Phukong, your brother is going wild here. He beat the table and the chair.

I think Sarawat was possessed and certainly went crazy because of his brother. Seeing him posting and commenting on the photo that was posted on IG, I decided to solve the problem by responding.


@Sarawatlism Don't be ridiculous. Pay attention to study.

After that, Sarawat did not send any more comments...

It was not until 2 hours later that the Instagram timeline changed again. This time, it was the man who caused the problem. Man uploaded a video of Sarawat walking between the buildings. Friends in his group helped him go and laughed happily.

Along with the funny caption line that...


My friend never said he wanted to measure the field. There are many tools in here but he wanted to measure it using his knees. But guys, you don't need to worry. Sarawat is back on the ramp. He just can't stay still because he wanted to eat his wife.

P.S: Wat has a wife.

P.S 2: Wat's wife is a cool person.

P.S 3: I am still single. Hehehe!

After reading it, the only thing that can be uttered is "shit". Tears rolled down my eyes. The Facebook community became shook. It is from the Sarawat wives group that I've joined before.

As for the relationship between me and Sarawat, we don't need to make it public. If they ask, then we will answer. But to post on words such as 'we are dating' or something like that, we did not do it. And I think people like Sarawat won't do that either. But this post is from the White Lion. I cannot predict what will happen in my life, just like now.

I am trying to relax my heart...

Don't. Don't click your inbox. Otherwise, I guarantee you can't sleep tonight. Tine, don't! Don't! Don't!


Oh my god. I accidentally clicked it. A number of messages received from nearly 4,000 people made me hug my head. I scrolled down to read some messages, but I know all of them have the same message.

"Is Tine dating Sarawat or his brother?"

"Nong. I knew it. T.T"

"Update the news. We want to know if you are dating Sarawat or not?"

"Tine always said that they are just friends... I am too dumb to believe it."

So, there you go. All I can do is reply to them the message the way I should. "Hahahahaha" is probably the sentence that fits the situation best.

I do not know how to answer at all. I will just copy that line too.

Less than 10 minutes, Man and his friends dragged the annoying guy and then abandoned him in front of the store. The leather-clad owner limped in and sat beside me without saying anything. So, I asked first with a worried expression.

"Does your knee hurt? Did you bring your medicine?"

"It hurts."

"Let me see."

"Let's go back to your dorm."

"Your brother will take you to your dorm. I will ask my friend to come pick me up."

"It doesn't hurt at all then." ... This bastard.

People in the shop are looking. It must be said that Sarawat and Phukong's faces are extremely similar. While we were all sitting at the same table, people started to sneak out to take some pictures.

"My boyfriend is cute." After a moment of silence, Phukong started to talk again. His brother turned to him sharply that he was about to fall off his shoulder.

"I asked to keep an eye on him. Not play games."

"Who played games? P'Tine... You know what, my brother told me that you are so cute that you want to play hard-to-get all the time."


"My brother wants to rape you with pleasure."


"His ultimate goal is to keep you tired until you can't get up."

"Shut up." Sarawat banged his brother's head forcefully.

"What is it? I am saying the truth so I am not guilty."

It was me that began to move farther away and look at them with scared eyes. Damn! You dare to plan something like that? What the hell?

"If you like someone, you will understand." I am touched right away. I can't believe that Sarawat can say something like that. But if falling in love with me can make him perverted to this extent, I don't want him to fall in love. I want him to let me go.

"I don't want to understand that much. I am afraid that liking someone will make people change like that."

"I did not change. I am still the same person. My friends are the same, my seniors are the same. The only thing changed is that I have a lover."

"That's called change. You are lost in yourself."

"One day, you will understand."


"You will want to sacrifice everything to be with that person."


"You will start to talk a lot. You will begin to recognize all the efforts. You will become a sensible person asking for help from others. Everything that you have never been, you will be. But the strange thing is you will never feel embarrassed to do crazy things like this."


"Just being loved is worth it. Is that right?" At the end of the sentence, the owner of the low voice turned to look at me with a calm face but it made my heart beat fast in an instant

"I don't know." I answered with my voice that was too silent. I could barely hear it.


"I have never hoped for love before. But now, I begin to think that it is worth it."


Sarawat tells me that Phukong is like him. Once he becomes intimate, you will know that he is not a talkative or shy person as what people think. The reason he got along so quickly with me was because I am now a part of Sarawat's life.

Phukong, in the eyes of others is an introvert who has a tall wall and does not seem to easily love people. He is often insulted as a coward, like this and that, and did not dare to pursue his crush. Actually, when he falls in love with someone, he will understand.

I think Phukong is no different from Sarawat. No matter how brave you are, when you finally meet the person you like, you don't dare to approach it. They will turn into a timid person around the people they like. As a result, they have to rely on other people's opinion.

Come to think of it, just take a big sip of soup. This feeling has never happened to me because I am not a talkative person. From the time I was in school, I was open. My life was never alone. Break up with a person then find new people right away.

It is really difficult to start using the heart with someone such as... "The roast pork is delicious."

"What the hell. Call me if you want to eat."

"Your appetite is better. Hey, have some vegetables."

"I don't eat these basilies!"

"It is delicious and I want to share it with you." Ever since I started dating him, I've always said that I hate the word "share" uttered from Sarawat's mouth. When I find something delicious to eat, it is true happiness. When the food tasted bad but I still had to try it out, I just wanted to cry.

"Are you going to the library to study today?" Sarawat is inviting me.

"I am not going to study with you."

"Then study with your group. I just want you to come along." "Okay. I am going with you."

"Let's sit together too." I narrowed my eyes helplessly. This bastard used crutches for almost 2 weeks. Now, he can stand up conveniently and without assistance.

Though he still has a limp walk.

Sarawat also showed off his new flip-flops from Bangkok. Not only that, his mom bought me an extra pair. Tears rolled in my eyes. His mom said that if we wear the same slippers, we will look cute together.

"Take a shower now. I will pick you up at 2:30." Sarawat told me.

"I know. Remind yourself."

"Bring a jacket too. The air conditioner there is cold."


"Sneakily bring a sandwich for me in case I'm hungry."

"Please buy one."

"Do you have tuna?"


"Then make a shredded pork sandwich."

"..." Why would you ask for tuna...

"Want to listen to something? I'll download it on my phone."



"Any song from them will do."

"It's good to bring a guitar as well."

"Tell me, are you going to study or you will prepare for your debut as a new artist?" I did not spend much time on eating and drinking. I wore a simple shirt, short, and just a pair of slippers. Living here in Chiang Mai for a long time made me realize that you don't have to dress to impress.


At exactly 2 o'clock, Sarawat arrived before the appointment and found an excuse to lie in my room. Today, he is wearing a blue football jersey, short in the same color, plus his lovely water pipe slippers. He also has some food and drink that is fully equipped inside his bag. The library normally does not allow us to bring food in. But this is an evil thing that I usually do, just this time, I am not doing it alone.

Sarawat told me that he was hungry and not in the mood to study. But knowing Sarawat, I know what he means. He is not hungry for food but is hungry for me. Damn.

"Are you going back to Bangkok after the exam?" I asked when we were in his car. The music playing is soft along the way.

"Yes. Just for a week. I must hurry back to rehearse for the band contest."

"Umm." I nodded.

"You want to come with me? Mom said she misses you. Phukong too." Hearing the name behind, the corners of my mouth twitched. No. I don't want to.

"It is okay to go back together but we have to split at the airport."

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your family?"

"No. I am not yet ready." Sarawat remained silent for a long time before continuing.

"Afraid that they won't accept you because you like a man?"

"No. I won't accept that they will hate you."

"Whatever comes must come, little buffalo. They must understand that you are happy with me."

"But I am not happy with you. You are just giving me headaches."

"Oh good. Bastard."

"Oh good. Asshole."

"Oh good. My love. Do you want to fight?"

"Good. Just one time? C'mon!"

"Let's do it a few times. You must give me all you have."

"Prepare your crutches again, Sarawat." Actually, I am not serious. My mother was an outgoing person and doesn't care about my love life. As for my father, I am not sure...

The library is open 24/7 and is always full of students. Many people turned to look at me and Sarawat and then gossip excitedly. As we know, we did not inform anyone that we are officially dating. But most of them knew after the rumors.

I am not a lover type. I can always say that there is no embankment. So is Sarawat. We sometimes spend time together eating, watching movies, or going for a walk.

The rest of the time, play mobile games. Sarawat also plays football and sometimes has gathering activities with his friends. I am also with my male leads. Not much changed from before.

"Have they arrived yet?" The tan skin asked after we pressed the key card to enter the library.

"No. Ohm sent a line saying that he was taking a shower and will come in later. What about your friends?"

"Still eating. Go find a table first."

We did not reserve a private classroom so we have to find a public seat. After walking around the library, I find enough seats for us on the 3rd floor. And oh, the air condition is just right above our heads.

I sat down on a chair in the corner. Sarawat sat next to me. His thick hand placed his backpack on the table and then moved to find documents that made his hair disheveled. His pen has only 2 colors, blue and red. He is not using colorful highlighters. This guy is lazy.

"What is your exam next Monday?"


"Did you bring a jacket?"

"No. I forgot."

"It's getting cold now." This bastard has never been so sweet to me.

"I forgot."

"I reminded you."

"Not listening."

"Who told you to play your phone?"

"Why are people tagging me with your photos on IG? I have a lot of things to do."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I did not notice them taking pictures. Besides, I am more handsome in real life than those pictures."

"Focus on studying now. I will handle you in my dorm after the exam is finished."

"You really are..." Oh yeah. Talking back and forth until the topic becomes lustful.

"I will get my jacket in the car."

"Bring it to me."

"Umm." The tall person went out of the library. I take this moment to review my notes. Until...

"Wow, so fast..." I paused for a moment as the person in front of me was not Sarawat.

"Hello, Nong Tine."

"P'Mil..." I uttered when I saw my senior in an architecture uniform with his friends standing in front of me. Please don't put up some fight in the library.

"You guys, sit first. I'll talk to him." After saying that, his tall body sat down on the opposite side of me and peered with an unfriendly smile.

"What's your problem?"

"Who are you asking?"


"Want to sit together?"

"No thanks."

"Is it cold?"

"No. Do you have anything else? I am studying here. My friends will be here any moment from now."

"So, may I sit here until your friends come?" So stubborn. I tried chasing him away but he refused to go. I know that P'Mil doesn't mean anything to me, but how unlucky I am that I fell in love with Sarawat so I was in debt because of it. "There's no need to sit with me. I can sit alone."

"Okay. Maybe you need concentration. Then, I'll go first." He did not go far. He sat on the table right behind me. He left behind his architecture coat.

"It is cold. You need to cover it up. It will make you warm."

So gentle, bastard. The move is too much. How many warm uniforms are here? But it is true that I am unlucky because I wasn't able to throw the jacket to its owner because I am shivering.

The tall body with a sharp face appeared back.

When he saw the uniform covering my head, his face was really fierce. He immediately went to sit down on the seat beside me and asked in a sulking voice. "Whose jacket is that?"


I saw Tine and someone just flirted with him!

I went down to the car in less than 10 minutes but trouble began right away. As I walked past the essay section, I saw someone sitting and talking to my wife. When I moved closer, I realized that it is one of our enemies. It felt sad when I saw him give the jacket to Tine.

"Err... Senior from architecture..."




"I don't..." I did not wait for the other person's reply. I immediately snatched the gray uniform from his hand then went straight ahead where the senior is sitting. I put the uniform in front of him without saying anything.

I do not want to cause trouble at this time because we are in a library.

"Your boyfriend is shivering so I lent him my jacket. I don't see a problem with that." P'Mil spoke first and he made it impossible for me not to speak.

"I already gave him my jacket. You don't have to mind him."

"Good. You have to take care of your lover or somebody else will."

"Are you referring to other people or yourself?" I asked him. I hate his eyes. I hate everything that belongs to him from the moment I saw him touch my wife at the cafe. Moreover, I hate his friend who punched Tine until he fell down.

"Calm down. Deal with each other like gentlemen." A friend of his spoke up.

"He wasn't a gentleman at all the moment he touched what's mine."

"Bastard!" A senior in the table jumped up and shouted, causing everyone around him to look at the same time. Tine came and pulled my wrist to the table then we went back to our seats.

"Don't be mad. Relax." Tine is trying to calm me down.

"Is there anything else he did to you besides giving you his jacket?"

"None. Don't think too much." He squeezed my hand, waiting for my mood to settle down for a while.

My friends and his friends are in full attendance now. We sat in silence to study, only once in a while because the number of people weren't small. But the most worried person is Man. He kicked my feet repeatedly after seeing the seniors on the table behind me.

"Are you annoyed? You are not concentrating at all." After a while, Man was rampant by blurring the sentences.

"Boss, you keep your mouth shut! Shut up!"

"Why are you scared? Did you hear dogs barking and howling dogs around here?" "What is it, Wat? You meet a senior that looks like a dog?"


"Shhh. It's so sad I am having a senior like this. It's a waste of life."

"What do you want?!" A senior from architecture spoke too loud. Then...

"Students! If you keep talking like that, please go out. You are disturbing other people." The powerful banging of the desk by the librarian interrupted. A bunch of seniors from the rival just stood up and went out.

"I'm awesome." Man said while raising an eyebrow.

"They got kicked out of the library now."

"You thought I was scared of seniors? I am not. And... What the hell is Tine doing? He was about to cry." As soon as I turned to look at the person being questioned, his tears welled up his eyes. Damn.

"What happened?" I asked while I stroked his head gently.

"I am afraid of fighting. I am afraid I might have another bruise on my face." My mind is empty. Everything he's worried about his face has nothing to do with me.

"We won't fight. This is a library. We should focus on studying."


"You want to listen to music?" he nodded. Only did I realize that when Tine is listening to music while studying, he seems more focused than usual. Partly because of not being distracted by people around him, and no time being wasted chatting with his friends about useless things.

I took the headset out of my backpack, picked up the playlist on my mobile phone and let him spend time with it.

"Please play Scrubb."


Tine took my phone and placed it on the table before picking up a pen to write something on his paper. My friends and his friends were chatting happily. Most of them talk about marketing, comics, porn, and gathering after the exams.

"Let's finish the exam and celebrate the end of this semester." Peuk suggested. Then Tine focused back to his book. He is really interested in the book he's reading.

"Where?" Big looks excited.

"Tha Chang?"

"Nooo, too crowded. Tee's tavern. We get used to it." I already went to every restaurant that you don't know...

"When Tine got drunk, do it." Man kicked my leg and looked at me evilly. This is annoying. My wife is just listening to music so this is not a good time to talk about that.

"What the hell?" I knew it. He heard us.

"Hmm... take you to your dormitory! You think too much!"

"But your face is saying anything."

"What does my face say?"



"Hahaha!" After saying that, everyone on the table was so happy until the librarian warned us again for the second time. Tine made a foolish face and looked up to me as if he wanted to ask what had happened. Man lightly rubbed Tine's shoulder and repeated what I said.

"Tine, you are so white. So white that you are almost transparent. Understood?"

"What? Say that again?" This time, he pulled the headset out of his ear and focused on listening to every word of Man.

"I am talking about rice. Is it delicious?"

"Ah. It is. Good meal." After saying that, Tine placed back his headphones. He looked so innocent and the most innocent in our group. His friends seem to be the same thing as my gang. These wicked people...

But I am happy to have them as my friends. Otherwise, I don't know where I will be in my life. I can still remember the times...

When we met again after how many years...

"Man! I found that person! I found him!" (Him sounds like 'Horn' in Thai)

"It is above Theme's head. You should have seen it for a long time. Or Big's head?" "That's not it. I mean that person! The person of my dreams!"

"Really? Where did you meet?"

"At the Science building. But I accidentally said that I will kiss him until he drops. What should I do?"

"Stupid! What an introduction. Are you in a rush? But it's okay. Let me help you."

When I first came to know his name...

"I already know what that person's name is."

"How did you know?"

"That person sent me an email. Tine. That's a cute name, bastard. Damn! I think I'm dead already. Tine... Tine... Tine..."

"You are not good at typing. Leave it to me. I'll help you."

Man grabbed my phone to type. Then I read the stinging message sent back to him with a feeling of a broken heart. My hands were shaking constantly and I couldn't seem to stop him.

"You bastard. Shit! How do you unsend an email?!"

When I have his mobile phone...

"It feels good to have Tine's phone. Open it so we can know more about him."

"Should I?"

"Yes. Do you know his password?"

"Yes. I can try."

"Damn! It worked. Let me help you."

And the words of Theme created a status on his profile: "Sarawat is so delicious. I want to eat Sarawat!"

When Tine was not accepted in the music club...

"P'Dim, can I bother you for a bit?"

"What's up?"

"Can you accept one more member?"

"Who? Does he play so well?"

"No. He doesn't know a thing about the guitar."

"Then why should we accept him? We have enough members, Wat."

"I... I like this person. Please help me."

"You also have someone you like? That monkey is definitely possessed. Take him here."

"Yes. I'll take him here. But please pretend we did not discuss this before."



When he keeps on asking for help repeatedly...

"Tine asked me to flirt with him because someone kept on following him."

"Who is it?"


"Damn. If it is Green, he can beat you for sure!"

When I used social media for the first time...

"Boss, do you know how to use IG? Teach me."

"What kind of devil possessed you? What mood are you in today to use IG?"

"I want to create it to flirt with Tine."

"Then you need to name your account."

"Think about it. I don't know which one to use."

"Use this... love_Tine_forever"

"It's too obvious. Man, do you have any suggestions?"

"Me? Name... yedTine2016 okay? That is the time when your love will grow. Is it possible this year."


"How about Sarawatlism? I see people like you."

"Good idea, Tee."

"Umm. Okay."

When I can't control jealousy for the first time...

"I don't like the make-up on Tine's face. Please ask him to remove it."

"He is a cheerleader so he has to wear that."

"But he looks cute with it."

"And so?"

"I don't like people looking at him. I am getting frustrated."

When we had a misunderstanding...

"Tine told me to keep distance from him. He thinks I like Earn."

"See. I knew it!"

"Earn has a boyfriend."

"Did Tine know that? Was he angry with you? If so, he definitely likes you!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It is a good sign to be told like that because if he only thinks of you as a friend, he won't say that."

"I don't want to stay away from him. Do you understand?"


And that's it. We are now together today. I really appreciate my friends and seniors who devoted all their efforts to help. Everything that happened is not by accident. It only happened once, that was to meet him again. Other than that, the whole thing is planned. And I am not going to tell Tine.

The light squeeze from the palm of the person beside me made me unconscious then turned to look at his white face for a moment. I then lowered my eyes to the song title appearing on the phone screen.

The song playing is "Smile". I had the opportunity to play the guitar and record it in the hope that he will hear it someday. I recorded this song 2 days after meeting Tine at the Scrubb concert back in high school. The song is like a page in a diary that kept our memory. A memory that we have met once.

I received an earphone from Tine, then stuck it in my ear to listen. It made me reminisce about that day...

"Phukong said that you recorded a song for me before. Can I listen to it?"

"Umm. Press that voice recorded message."

"For you... My name is Sarawat. I don't have a nickname. And I... met you at the Scrubb concert."


"I want to get to know you but I guess I don't have a chance. So today, I want to sing a song for you. This song reminds me of your smile. Umm... Now I can't read my own notes... So I will start the song now..."

The faltering audio message was replaced by my favorite guitar - Takamine Pro series. This file does not turn into video, so it is only audio. I am lucky because I might look funny for sure.

"A single smile of yours (*1*)

Is enough to help me forget anything

And make me realize what is more important It is irreplaceable.

A single voice of yours

Is enough to make me float farther than the eyes can see There is more than what I've experienced

And more than I can explain.

If I try to close my eyes, I will only see that single image I just want to stop the time

Just for a moment, if you realize things aren't as simple as before I only want to ask for your single smile. "

Silence continued for a long time. But the scrolling time on the phone clearly indicates that the recording is not finished yet. Until I heard my voice penetrate through the eardrum again.

"Yeah... It might not be so good. I... I have never done this before."


"But there is one thing I want to tell you. I don't know if I have any chance to let you know or not. So I can only speak through this phone in case you'll hear it..."


"I like you."

Tine turned and smiled. He leaned his head on my shoulder before whispering softly as if only the two of us could hear.

"Umm. I heard it now... "


"I like you, too."


During the final examination, my friends and I invited Tine and his friends to study. Came back a little later, then made an excuse to sleep in his dorm. Whenever I feel like I am too lazy to drive, I force him to sleep in my dorm.

We are also doing some things that couples usually do but not the extremes. Just casual hugging, cuddle, and kissing but extremely short because both of us were exhausted from studying all day long. After the exams, I went to Bangkok to celebrate according to plan.

After staying there for a week, I went back to prepare for the competition. I am calling Tine everyday. Phukong also helped me register in general courses, the same classes with Tine. Otherwise, low-tech people like me won't stand a chance. After returning to Chiang Mai, I always call my family because I will move out to rent for a bigger apartment that is suitable for two people. It is also a good thing because I am tired of driving back and forth between two dorms separated by distance.

I started moving things with the help of my gang and Phukong. I have the spare key of Tine's room, so it is easy to transfer his belongings as well. That king size bed was selected by Man, my adviser. He even found a bathtub to squash my wife out for convenience.

And then, the day has come. The day Tine returned to our new home a week before the semester started.

"Wow! The room is big!"

"Do you like it?"


"I mean, you like it?"

"Go play somewhere else, Sarawat."

The slender body judged the room with sparkling eyes. We agreed to divide the rent fairly. And since we are now living together, we will share both happiness and sadness, and will help each other solve problems.

Tine went to the bedroom, dropped onto the soft bed, then went to sleep. Seeing that, I took off his socks gently. He is so annoying because he keeps on objecting to whatever I am doing. I was annoyed so I crawled into bed and kissed him. "Ummm." When I do this, he always makes a sad face. There was a chance so I asked for permission to torment him like a sadist.

"Don't move. I'll do it now.." I threatened and clenched him tightly. Seeing the person in my body blinking back and looking at me with dreamy eyes, I did nothing more.

"I am sleepy."

"I know. Just cooperate with me."

"Still tired. Flight is delayed. I am hungry."

"Are you sleepy or hungry?"




"Tine." At the end of the semester, Man trained me carefully. I have to conquer my lover. But you know what, there is a problem.


"Can I have it?"

"Have what?" This time he started to shut up, embarrassed then slowly pushed me away. He crossed his legs and sat on the bed with indescribable eyes.

"Can we try to make love?" I repeat again. This time, Tine immediately froze. Then what should I do? Man said that this sentence should be the softest.

"Why are you asking for that? Do you think that's easy? And why are you in a hurry? Are you in a competition?"

"Just try, you know."

"No. I've never thought about that. Also, I am afraid."

"Understood." I was still excited as I imagined Tine moaning in bed. At that time, I would die and will 'come to life' countless times. It really is to that extent.

"When I go back to Bangkok, I always think about this everyday."

"That is brilliant, Sarawat."


"Can we find out the information first?"

"Man already trained me."

"Damn it! You are so quick, huh." He scolded me again.

"I am joking. Don't think too much." Finally, I ended the topic. I am also scared that Tine will get hurt. I want to love him and keep him close, but at the same time, I want to make him cry. It is really hard to understand. Well, I don't even understand myself.

"Let's go to the mall tomorrow."


"Buy condoms, lubricating gels, cleaning tools, medicated wounds, painkillers. A lot!"

"Are you sure?" I have trouble understanding him now.

"Lazy! Don't make things complicated." Really? Complicated? Coming from you?"

"You are giving hope."

"I don't know. Everything changed when I dated you. I am now getting annoyed." I moved closer to him and placed my palm on his shoulder.

"Tine... trust me, okay? Let's just try it. If things won't go well... Then... I'll stop immediately."

"Why bother making such a pleading face to me?"


"Well, let's try it. You already look for the information... and you have to be gentle."


How to be gentle. How to be gentle. How to be gentle.

Oii, ready to be gentle as possible. But wait! So, we will try it together for real? Only thought about it in my head but did not dare to ask again. Well, just keep it to myself.

"Man, where are you? I need your help.!"

And before I did that, it was difficult to pick up the items as requested by my wife. "Is this condom okay?" I asked, taking the box in place to the person who was standing a meter away. Tine's face became so red that I did not know whether to be pitiful or to laugh.

He looked like he did not care because people were looking at us. But because I asked, he has to answer.

"No. I don't like that brand."

"What about this?" I pointed to another brand.

"Do not like the smell of that."

"Then you choose what you like."

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I am embarrassed!"

"Okay. I will choose. Go and look for the lubricating gel."

"You choose."

"Why is it my choice? I will use it for you."

"Don't say it loud, bastard!!!!" From blush now blood color is even darker than before. He then transferred to another area.

But how unlucky he is. He crashed into Man and Tee. The face of an abandoned dog instantly changed color as if it were afraid of making a mistake while doing nothing wrong.

"Tine, Wat, what are you doing here?" The voice sounded so sarcastic.

"We will just eat." I replied to them. My friends nodded and winked at each other. Sometimes, I hate them so much because they always love to tease us.

"So... what are you going to eat around the condom area?"

"Err... can we go now?" This time, Tine appeared even though he faltered very much. Look at him, he is about to die. He doesn't want to get teased.

"Okay. You can. But can I talk a little bit?"

"Say it."

"Can I borrow Sarawat for a moment?"

"What secrets do you guys have with me?" As soon as I said it, Man and Tee pulled me away. My wife who loves to skim products now followed me right away.

Then the perverted Man, trying to speak loudly so that Tine can hear every word clearly. At this rate, I feel sorry for Tine. I don't know what my friends are up to. "Wat, are you free one of these days?"

"What?" I said, voice almost whispering.

"I sympathize with you. Two men can't get the mood. Tine knows that because he is also a man. But if you can't get it from him, just tell me." Damn! This time, Tee also came out to ask Tine the crazy plan he suggested.

"All you do is play football, play music, study, and drink. I think you have to try and look for a doctor."

"Damn it. I am not sick at all."

"I know you wanted to release all the stress, Wat. If he doesn't give it to you, don't get angry with Tine, okay? "


"We can go to a pub tonight." Man pretended to whisper in my ear but his voice was loud intended for Tine to hear.

"Huh, Man. We have to go. Wat, see you later!"

"Okay. Don't forget the pub tonight. I will take you to good girls. I will make sure you like it." My friends left leaving Tine standing and looking at me with a stern expression before turning back to the condom area. He took everything, from gel to medicine, his mouth muttering that I betrayed him to have adultery with others.

Now, everything is complete. Good thing Man and Tee appeared just like that. So supportive.

"Sarawat... if you..." Tine whispered after we went shopping and dropped in for dinner. I just had shower and saw him frowning in bed curiously.

"What's up?"

"If you can't stand it... you..."

"Say it."

"Are you going to the pub?"

"Umm." But actually, I am not going. I don't want to at all. It was just Man's foul words and now making my wife so serious.

"Please don't go."


"Well... I think... if you play football, play music, drink alcohol, or something and still feel the urge to release, you can release it on me."

"What are you saying? I did not see you as a place to release my needs. I just wanted to love you the way I wanted to." Now, I begin to understand Man's plan. At the end of his psycho mind, he is trying to provoke Tine.

"Yeah... That's it... Let me take a shower."

After saying that, he quickly climbed down to the bed and ran to the bathroom at the speed of light. Honestly, I still don't understand what Tine wanted right now. An hour later, my wife stepped out of the bathroom with a robe. He raised his head to look at me and went back to the edge of the bed to sit. His body is trembling. I pretend not to notice so I press the remote control to switch the channel continuously even though my heart is so excited. I want to roll. I want to push him hard.

The smell of the shower gel spread throughout the room. The white body moved onto the bed, stared at me, and courageously pressed a kiss to my lips. The wet tip of his tongue penetrated in my mouth, triggering intense touching that made it almost impossible to breathe.

Saliva flowed from the corner of both our mouths. I placed my right hand on the soft hips behind the white cloth, the other hand helped the nape of the other person and spent all the time kissing.

My lover kisses so well.

Oh, I still know to be proactive. Alright, I can do it as well.

Seeing Tine attacked me first is rare. I know he doesn't want to lose even in kissing. Because whoever holds the hilt of that person has the upper hand. Not to mention how many girlfriends he had. Anyway, let's give those people a little credit.

And the more you kiss, the more uplifted your emotions are. I have heard that people in such a mood, their minds are always empty - can't think of anything. Completely opposite to me because my mind is not empty at all.

Only a single emotion... I want to do it.

Yes. No more holding back. Tonight, I will torment his body until he no longer has the strength to crawl back into the bed.

I am so satisfied. I can finally kiss my wife until he drops.

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Roy Yim (Smile) - Scrubb