Chapter 21 : The Brave Butler

Who the fuck turned off the air conditioner?

Right now, we are sweating all over our bodies after competing who kisses better. Tine's body began to tremble after a moment of suffocation. He tried to break out of our kiss but I did not let him do that so I quickly pulled his white face to be in charge of the game myself.

I have a good heart for the little buffalo to play. But this is my time to play and have fun. I can't do it right away because of exhaustion but I want to pour all the energy that's left in my body. I put my tongue inside the moist mouth of the person in front of me. Tine is moaning.

I pushed this slender body into the bed. After that, I saw his swollen red lips. I don't know what other people will say about it but for me, that lips made my eyes spark. It made me turn-on so bad.

You are dead today, Sarawat. Today, you will die on your wife's chest.

"I can't hold it any longer." I spoke to the person in a steady tone of voice, raising my hand to rub his cheek to encourage him. Tine immediately shed tears.

"Huuuuu." Damn. Go on, just cry.

"I won't stop even when you are in pain."

"Huhhh?" Tears fell down his eyes again. I just told him what I really feel right now so he can be prepared. My friends and even P'Dim said that it is hard to continue if I stopped. That is the reason why I have to put all my heart and soul into this.

"Shh. Hush. Calm down. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"I... I am afraid of the pain. Maybe we can do this some other day. I need more preparation." Is that so? Then why did you spend an hour in the bathroom?

I am well convinced that Tine was prepared for what will happen both physically and mentally. But after kissing for a while, he became shy that he wanted to withdraw. My thoughts are now separated into two streams: One says to lick him until he faint and then do it, the other one says... do it and then lick him afterwards. I hesitated for a bit but my mind says to follow the latter. My lover is lying in bed like that. If I did not do it, I am stupid.

Thinking about it, I quickly removed a small part of the white robe covering his body. It reveals his white shoulders which made my mind crazy.

His thing down below is already hardened, in contrast of his crying and begging to not do it. But for me; the more he cries and pleads, the more charming he looks.

The more charming he looks, the more I want to torture him.

In addition, his skin is so white. I don't know how to explain it but he is so white that it even blinded my eyes.

"I don't want to do it. It's getting cold now."

"I will make you hot."

"Bastard! Sarawat, you really are.." Don't let him talk too much. I quickly pressed down a kiss, devouring his soft lips that made me weak. I released a soft moan then stripped off the robe entirely out of his body.

He is so damn sexy.

His hand pounding against my chest made me want to eat him more. Well, I can say that I am a sadist. Therefore, the stronger the force, the more pleasure I get.

"I will let you slap me hard. But in return, I will officially make you my wife."

I saw that in porn movies a few times. Also, my friends from the White Lion gang managed to conclude that when you got slapped on the face, they will return you a kiss as compensation. But this time, I don't want a kiss. I just changed the condition.

"Fuck off."

"Shhh. You love me."



"Sarawat, not today... I... I am not ready." The lower body spoke in a trembling voice. Tears welled in his eyes and he looked extremely pitiful.

"You smelled like this and then dare to say that you are not ready?"

"Well... some other day will be better."

"I like your scent." I do not want to hear any parting words anymore. I grabbed both sides of his wrist and pulled them over his head. With a single hand, I removed the underwear covering the remaining part of his body.

"Sarawat... I'm shy." Then he started to cry again. When did this guy become a crybaby? But I don't care. For me, Tine is always cute.

"There is only you and me. Why are you shy?"

"I don't know."

"Forget everything. Forget the anxiety. Forget what you are thinking. Leave it all to me. Okay?"


"Don't listen to other people. Don't believe what other people said. Other people might say it will hurt, but not this time..."

Because I will hurt you in some ways. But of course I did not dare to say it. I am scared of breaking my lover's heart.

"Huh? Did you just tell me to trust you?"

"I did not say 'trust' yet."


The way he scolded me is so damn cute. It made me fall in love with him all over again. But I think my situation is like a coma and the only reason to get away with this is to make love to my wife, just like what the legendary White Lion said. "There is no other time, little buffalo. Aren't you sorry for me?" I asked him in a gentle voice. I grabbed his hand and let him touch the hard thing below me that wanted to get out of that fabric covering it. I wanted him to understand what emotion I am currently in.

I moaned. Right now, I can only say that acknowledging it or not is not what interests me. The important thing in my mind now is take this opportunity to kiss this loving person in front of me. Doing it all over again to the point of crushing his lips.

Tine let out a moan in his throat before putting his arm around me even though his body was trembling. My body started to move.

His body is like a chocolate bar. Slipping down the neck also tastes like chocolate. I couldn't help myself but to leave red marks on his body.

And then we kiss again. After that, I licked him again. This is a Spartan method that only the righteous can do.

I swept my tongue down to his collarbone, sucking and gnawing for a long time leaving more red marks. My hands wandered on his white body. From his shoulder blades, hips, even his groin. I want to touch him all over his body. Tine did not seem to protest anymore and he is just hugging me.

"Sa... Sarawat... Don't leave marks." He said it with a trembling sound in my ears. Do you think I will obey you? Hell no. And guess what? That single sentence from Tine stimulated the flame in me again.

I pressed his hands down onto the bed, then immediately brushed my lips against his chest. It caused his body to startle, sending out a small moan.

Those two small points are extremely sensitive. The moment the tip of my wet tongue touched it, Tine puffed out his chest. The palms which were pressed down at the beginning are now stiff enough to be felt. I played around that area for a long time.

In less than 10 minutes, a white body is now marked with red marks all over his skin. Having such a delicious lover, I really can't help myself. I'm sorry, my wife. Therefore, the Spartan method must be continued by sliding the lips down starting from his white belly, then spending time playing in the navel area before releasing one side of Tine's wrist.

I wanted to play this a long time ago... this Sex-War game.

I touched his hard part and slowly moved towards it but his free hand stopped me. I lifted my face to look up his craving, thirsty eyes.

"It is okay. Let me help you." I said while looking into his teary eyes.

"I... I can do it myself..."

"Can you do it in front of me then?"

"No. Use your mouth." See, I said I will help you. What the hell?

"Calm down. Just trust each other, okay?" This time, he reinforced his faith in me again.


"Do you understand?"He nodded furiously.

I wrapped one hand on his flat stomach, the other hand grabbed that part while lowering my head, and wrapping it to my mouth.

"Sa... Sarawat... Ughhh... Don't... Don't do that..."


"Don't do that. It's dirty." He said but I did not listen. In addition to receiving that part, I let the soft skin inside rub against my cheeks. I spend a lot of time teasing this person to get used to this erotic situation. Then I started moving my mouth up and down repeatedly.

"Ahh... Ahh... Mmm..." A moan, despite trying to suppress it. I looked at the white face who seemed like in a dreaming land because of this great stimulation.

"Ahh... Sarawat... Use your hand now..." The slim hand still tried to push my head away. His fingers threaded through my hair and sometimes involuntarily squeezed to force me to stop.

If my hair falls off which will make me bald, then that's okay. I will make my wife lie on his feet in bed to be compensated properly.

"Sarawat... Ughh..."


"I am near... Please... use your hand..."

He is about to cum. Tine immediately froze because the storm ahead was quite destructive. But because I did not want him to wait too long, I quickly changed my hand. My thick hand began to move slowly over the hot lower part and then continuously increased my speed. Until...

"Ahh... Ahhh..." His moans reached my eardrums. He cramped two or three times before splashing it out. He lazily breathed on the bed heavily.

I held up one of his hands and gently stroked his hair. He remained silent for a while before nodding with a half-scared expression. He knew what would happen next.

I put a pillow on his hip as support for the next part. The legs that were wide open and ready to close at any time were handled by me. One side pressed down on the bed, the other rested on my shoulder to lock it.

"I will move." Once he releases that sentence, his tears begin to fall down. Being a cool person then suddenly turned into a crybaby. Every time I see his tears, I feel more satisfied.

Few seconds later, I slowly started to push my finger in and out. Tine's bottom tightened on my finger together with the sound of rapid breathing. His white face was flushed with red color. Not only that, his previous dreamy eyes began to replace with grimaces of pain.

Please bear with it for a while, my wife.

Slowly, I gradually increase my speed. A groan in his throat kept ringing before he was silent because he bit his lips so hard that it almost bleeds.

"Tell me how you feel. Don't hold it back."


"Tine, don't bite your lips too hard."

"Ahhh..." I did not hear anything so I pushed another finger, causing this person to scold me in this room uncontrollably.

"It hurts... It hurts..."

"You're not used to it that's why. Slowly accept me." I only said that much before stooping over his forehead. Tine closed his eyes and accepted the coax, no more whiny and only showed a painful expression to me.

After a few moments, I gently lowered his foot from my shoulder and turned to pick up the box of condoms we bought earlier. Today, it will run out because I will use all of these to him. I am thankful to my mother because she gave me permission to move out of the apartment to be with him now.

Tine lay still observing my every move. From the time I took the condom on, to spreading the lubricating gel on my palm.

He looked at me with horrified eyes. He looks so damn cute. "Bear with is. This is like an ant biting you."

"Where's the lie? That ant must be big as fuck then."

"I'm going in."

"Sarawat... Naaaa.. I beg naaa... Please, not today. " His white hand grasped the sheet before sliding to shake my arm. But this guy is very devious. He then made a puppy face to me.

But that is so wrong on all levels for a sadist like me.

Oh my God. I can't hold it anymore. My compassion is over. I immediately pulled his legs wide open, sat in the middle position, then inserted my lower part to him slowly.

"Ohh.. Sarawat! It hurts!!!!" I could feel the heat in his body. His lower body reacts, squeezing my thing inside.

"Little buffalo, relax. You are too tight." The tightness inside almost made me draw out immediately. He is so damn tight. So tight that I almost died on his chest.

Clearing the road in advance is already so difficult, not to mention that this is his first time.

I touched his white hips and slid down my legs turning back to massage the other part of his body to create a sense of relaxation. Tine scratches my skin and leaves some red traces.

I slowly went inside him and stopped in some position for a while for him to adapt and receive all my space. Then I slowly started moving. However, it only lasted for a few seconds because the person stopped my lower body immediately.

"Can't bear it. I'm in pain. Can I change?"

"Wait... What?" I am confused. Please don't tell me to stop. You are breaking my heart right now.

"I want to change position." He said it without looking at me straight. Tine almost snuggled his face into the pillow. His red face that showed a bit of pain made me respond with enthusiasm.

"Okay. This position hurts. Okay. Let's change it." After saying it, he quickly turned over his back, panting deeply and lying on his side. I began to move again.

"Sa... Sarawat... I don't like this position either."

"Is that so? Okay okay."

I nodded in an instant before changing his slender body to his knees, turning his back to me. I tried my best to serve it but...

"Sarawat... This hurts even more."

Damn it! So we have to change position every three seconds? So what are we doing? Kamasutra? We might have done one hundred positions in a span of five minutes.

This is too much. Godammit!

But I did not listen this time. I pulled Tine's hip closer to allow my lower part go deeper. And thinking about all the poses we did, this is the deepest.

At this moment, my brain no longer wanted to digest any information. It only tells me to do it. Just do it. Do not hesitate. Avoid imagining things because this is now a dream come true for me.

I held his white hips, then started moving. I pumped him hard and slow in equal force.

This time, he only remains still.

Tine let out a dry moan. His legs were trembling, but I had no intention of stopping. I started going fast then Tine popped one hand on the mattress, and the other grabbed my arm on his hips like pleading for mercy.

I paused for a moment. Pulled out and then swapped his body back so he could lay on the bed. I separated his legs and inserted it again.

"Bite my shoulder. It's okay. You can bite me." I said it while I was doing him. I crouched down, gently placed a kiss on his teary eyes, then hugged his chest. Tine wrapped his arms around me.

His teeth that used to bite my lips now changed the target to my shoulder. I think it will leave a long time scar. I slowly moved once more while we were still hugging each other. The first long sound of pain now turned into sweet moans, which made me smile with joy.

"Little buffalo. Why... are you so cute?" I said in a husky voice. Sweat flowed through his body but once again, I have no intention of stopping.

"Ahh... Ahh... Be gentle."

"I am gentle."

"Be more gentle. Okay? Ahh!" At the end of the sentence, there was a moan because of my force. Since Tine was still not satisfied, I turned to change position. I hugged him then rolled around, letting him sit above me.

"Then do it. Any way you like."

I am so content with my life right now. My wife is on top of me. "Tine..."

"I can't do it. I... I don't know how to do it."

Seeing him like this, I want to tease him more. I pretended not to help, so I added fuel to the fire to make it burn.

"Then I will do it hard. You want that?

"No... I don't want..."

"If you don't want it, then do it yourself. You are already a grown up. I don't want to repeat it." The blushing face looked at me indignantly.Then he used that little strength to hug my neck and slowly lifted himself up in a shaky posture. Tears started flowing again, so I had to wipe it down.

Poor Tine. I just want to tease him. Oh my God. "Calm down. Slowly lower yourself down."

"Uhhh. It hurts. I think it's bleeding too."

"I will take you out to eat Bingsu. You want that? There's a newly opened store near the dorm. They say it's delicious."

"I already ate."

"We should buy Blue Hawaii drinks. You like that right?"

"Don't want to drink." His mouth said it in a frustrating way. I did not know what to do aside from laughing so I just closed my mouth. I held his waist and helped him lower his body to sit down on my erection.

The tightness made me let out a growl in my throat. I supported him, not letting his weight crush it more.

"Slow down." After lowering his body, I immediately lifted up Tine and let him continue to sit down.

"Uhhh... No..."

"Come down a bit. Lower yourself down." His white face shook his head and refused. I did not want to force him so I grabbed his hips and pulled it down hard. Ugh!

"Bastard!" His small hole behind is quite tight for me. Tine groans in pain. Every sweat dropping on our body is like a fuel that made me unable to stop here. I am not yet satisfied and I want to do more.

I changed our position. I let him lay back on top of the bed again, held his ankle, then entered again.


"Sarawat... Be gentle..."

"You are the one who keeps on squeezing me inside."

"Because... Because of you!" His beautiful eyes stared at mine. I slipped my hand under his knee joints, pulling Tine's body closer before using my force to reach the deepest place. All my strength was poured down to his body.

"Aahh.. Sarawat... Ahhh!" I scanned his body while the bed was shaking. His swollen lips are now moaning too much. The flesh on his white body is now covered with red marks.

I was like in a dream state lost to ecstasy. I closed my eyes to feel this moment. Even the clear voice at first became hoarse. I have taken everything away. I want to own Tine. I want to cherish him. I want to hug him. I want to show him domination.

So, I let out all my power left to do it. "Uhh... Sarawat... I can't stand it anymore."

His hand tightened while clinging onto my waist. I increased the speed to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore

"Tine, a little bit more." "Uhhh..."

"A little more..." I spoke in a husky voice, pouring all my strength into it quickly. All I heard were moans coming from both of our mouths.

Until my body releases it all.

I hurriedly pulled it out from him, removed the condom and threw it under the bed. I lay down beside Tine while breathing heavily.

We stayed like this for 10 minutes before my desire once again raised its head. My hands began to wander on his exhausted and sweaty body again.

"Stop." The person beside me closed his eyes and let out an unhappy sound. But I do not care right now because my body wants it again.

I begin to doubt again whether I am a sadist. When I am with another person, I have never had this feeling of lust. I am just my usual self, being emotionless. But with Tine, every part of my body immediately became excited. Honestly, just hearing his name will make me come.

I am also curious how he handled all those stuff. That Spartan method... nobody can do that to me.

From the beginning, the goal is just to lick this annoying guy from head to toes. In this case, I can't miss that. So I hurriedly lean over to mess around with his slim body. I kissed him from the toes to the inner thigh, holding his central part in my hand before trying to move.

"Sarawat... Enough..." The tormented man let out a soft felt, trying to wipe away his foot but he did not have much strength because he was still bleeding below. Luckily, P'Dim said it was not dangerous if we cleaned it and applied medications regularly after finishing the service.

But we are not done yet. We can still continue.

I managed to awaken his thing with the palm of my hand. Seeing him lying there, I began to feel the sensation again. I increased the speed causing him to touch that sensitive point again and released it all on his belly.

My wife is happy, then this kind of thing has to change. I hurriedly find the box of condoms that have been opened earlier. But I can't find it. Only then I see the torn box sitting on the ground at the end of the bed.

Ehh? I throw it away? What to do?

No. I do not need to care about it anymore.

"Can we do it again?"

"No... Please..." And just like that, the crying voice reached my eardrum again. I took the opportunity to kiss him. Then we started all over again. I applied more lubricating gel this time.

The second round started but it is not much different from the first. When Tine complained about the position, I immediately stopped then changed to another one. "Ugh... Ugh... Ugh..." Tine's moans sounded like heaven to me.

Despite his preparations for our first time and making love for a while, Tine's body was still so tight. Everything in his body felt so tight that there was no distance. I am so happy that I almost suffocate.

I wonder what this feeling is called. I felt pity but at the same time, I do not want to stop. Tine was no different. He did not protest nor ignore me but he is crying and wanting to stop.

But the thing is, I won't stop no matter how much he forbids me.

I kept on banging him. From slow to fast. My hands grabbed his soft hips to prevent him from moving.

"You are all red." I spoke in a husky voice.

"Ugh... Sa... Sarawat..."

"Why are you so cute?"


"I can't stand it." I like to hear my name coming from his mouth while I am inside him. C'mon, moan with my name. Ugh. The pleasure.

I loved my wife for a long time ago and I have been wanting to lick him forever. So nobody is allowed to touch my Tine! Only I can touch and only I can make love to him.

Man once told me that when you are in love with a person, you must give it all. An upright person like me once exceeded it because I am so in love with Tine.

Therefore, I must do it very hard.

"I want to do this for a long time. Even when the sun rises, I won't stop. I am not letting you go." I slowly uttered what I wanted. After he heard it, he cried out loud. I know him so well.

My hot lips touched the top of his head before sliding down to kiss the corner of his eyes, then to his cheek down to his neck. It is true that when you lick people, it will make you arouse more.

"Let's come together."


"Let's try it together." I just said that before I started moving again. His erection started again with his arms hugging me tightly, no intention of letting go. Tine tucked his face into my shoulder with a moan and it sounded so good.

And here we are. It all ends up with a basic position. The basic level of all legendary s.εメ movies.

"Sarawat... Sarawat..."

"Tine... Ugh.. Just a little... Just a little..." I thrust deep to him as much as I could until I can't control it and released inside of him.

This time, I did not wear a condom. I did not wear it because I am too lazy to pick up the condom that was thrown away.

Tine crouched with me twice, then I pulled out. He then released a lot of white liquid spattering on his body. I lay down beside him again while we are breathing heavily.

Seeing him crying with tears from his eyes, I felt extremely sorry. But if I go back in time, I will still do it.

After ten minutes of resting, I slowly sat up. I hugged his limp body like a vegetable fiber. When Tine realizes that, he immediately starts crying again.

"No... Please... No... Sarawat, it is really painful...

"I'm not going to do it, okay? Just going to take a shower." He is so cute. If this isn't his first time, I would have pushed it in again.

Tine refused to say anything else so I picked him up and put him on the bathtub to wash himself. He looked down, refused to look at me, but muttered something in his throat.

"What happened?"

"Shower... I will do it myself."

"Can you do it? Do you need my help?"

"No need. I... I am shy."

"I already saw everything. We even did a lot of positions. What the hell?"

"Sarawat! Get out you bastard!" See? That is my wife. Tine pushed me with his little strength. In addition, he cried again.

"I will wait outside. If there is long silence, I'll get in for sure." What I calculated and planned in the beginning were all wrong. I thought after s.εメ, we will be in the bathtub together, hugging each other.

Expectation vs. Reality. My wife chased me out...

That's right! I have done it. I already ate my wife! Damn!

I went out of the bathroom, got a towel around my waist and waited for Tine to shower so I could clean myself as well. I changed our bed sheet and waited calmly. Calm?

This is only five minutes. I am worried that my heart wanted to burst. I am constantly walking back and forth waiting for Tine to call me.

"Tine?" In the end, I do not have enough patience.


"Tine? Have you showered yet?"

I heard nothing. My wife refused to answer. I don't know if he fell asleep or lost his consciousness in the tub. Anxiety rose in my heart so I hurriedly went inside the bathroom.

Dang! "Tine..."

"Sarawat... Huuuuu"

A soft call came from the swollen lips with his eyes full of tears. He is staring at me as if he wanted to ask for my help to get over his embarrassment.

He did not fall asleep in the tub. He did not lose consciousness as well. He is just extending his legs with his left arm in the water poking his small hole behind when I opened the door.

"Sarawat... help..."

I took a deep breath, trying to control my sudden desire. I went near the tub before kneeling closer to his body.

Tine cried so hard. I put his head on my shoulder so he won't see anything. He obediently followed me. I gently pulled his finger out of the small hole.

The reason why he chased me out is for him to remove the liquid inside of him. But because this is his first time, he can't do it. So I assisted him. I slowly pushed in two of my fingers, pushing the liquid inside to come out.

"It hurts... Ugh... I won't do it again."

"That's okay. I already took it out. Take a shower now."

"Why do you like to tease me so much?"

"That's because I like you. And I like you so much to be this extreme."

"It hurts, you know. I don't like it anymore."

"Don't cry naa. Your eyes are all swollen now."

He tried to suppress the sobs. Both of us should bathe each other but it seems like the first minute had just passed and it was only me who took care of everything because Tine was so exhausted that he had to lean his head against my chest and sleep.

After taking a shower, I hurriedly took his limp body out of the bath in the fear of catching a cold. I put him on the bed and then changed the blanket to a new one before using a towel to wipe him gently. I also find comfortable clothes for him to wear.

"Sleep now."

"Umm..." When I told him to sleep, he was wide awake. But when I want him to stay awake, he sleeps. Damn!

When he started to wake up and opened his eyes to look at me, he cried again. All he did was cry and cry and cry. Wailing like this and like that like a kid asking for attention. It was not until I turned off the light to go to sleep, hugged him, then he stopped crying.

His eyes are swollen like a goose egg. I can't stand it so I hugged him again. Let him cry until there are no tears left to cry.

"Do you want to sleep or you want to cry all night?"

"Sleep." Tine replied with sobs. I kissed his head to calm him down, but still he won't stop crying.

"It hurts..."

"Yeah. Just cry and let it all out."


"Shut up."

"Pain... *sniff*... Ouch."

"Shh... You are being cute."

"*sniff*... Huuuuu..."

"Shut up, little buffalo. You are breaking my heart..."

And just like that, he stopped crying. I patted Tine's head. The sobs now turned into a steady exhalation.

My wife fell asleep. But before I sleep, I need to die...


Today, another dream of mine came true. I woke up seeing the one I loved the most sleeping next to me. And how lucky I am now that I have the opportunity to share the same bed with him. The only thing is...

I did not wake up seeing his face. What I saw the moment I regained my consciousness is his foot, his white foot.

"Tine." I called the owner of the foot in front of me.

"..." But there was no response. I remembered hugging him last night, rubbing his head to soothe him until he stopped sobbing, then falling asleep in less than ten minutes. I don't know how and when he spinned around the bed.

"Tine, why are you lying like that?" He still did not answer me. I slowly lifted my body up and saw his body curled up with his face facing the end of the bed. He is revealing a confused and lovely face.

I decided to crawl to his slender body that was hidden under the thick blanket. His face that is full of vitality is covered with pale color. His lips are cracked due to dryness. I felt sorry for him. I tried checking his temperature using my hand on his forehead, and just like that, I realized that he has a fever. His temperature is really high. Even so, he did not bother at all. He is just silently hugging his body even though he had a blanket wrapped around him.

Misery visited me for the first time in many years. I hurriedly helped Tine to lie in a more comfortable position, then I reached out the remote of the air conditioner to adjust the temperature. I knew that he would get sick afterwards, but I did not think this badly.

"Tine, are you okay?"

"Umm...Bastard, why are you waking me up?" The first sentence after waking up together, he immediately cursed me.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know." Actually, you should know. That is your body. But it seems like his mind is unwell so I tried to understand him.

"Say where it hurts."


"Don't be stubborn. I am worried." I shook the face of the sick person to keep him awake.

"Pain... Headaches... Body..." Saying that much, I immediately pulled the blanket over his head. Even when you are not healthy, you are still so stubborn.

Now my mind is completely blank and I don't know what to do first. So I decided to pick up the phone and immediately call P'Dim.

I waited for a long time before the other line picked up. He then answered me in a sleepy voice. I know he will scold me so I hurriedly speak up first.

"P'Dim, Tine is not feeling well. What should I do? Should I take him to the doctor? He is very hot and is shivering. He said he has a headache and his body is in pain, too. I don't know what to do P'."

[What the hell are you saying? Calm down, bastard]

"I don't want him to be this miserable anymore. Please help me."

[Yesterday, did you play too hard?]

"It is both a difficult position and an easy one. Don't change the subject."

[Calling for help and telling me that. Oh, listen up. Wat, wipe his body. Gently wipe his face and his body with lukewarm water. Then let him eat and take any fever reducing medicine afterwards. Don't forget the anti-inflammatory medicine. You have that, right?]

"I think so..."

[What do you mean by that? I told you to prepare for that. Quickly do what I said!] After he screamed at me, I hurriedly took out the things we bought yesterday. As for the normal pills such as the fever-reducing ones, I have it in our first aid kit. But I don't know which one to use for the other one.

"I... There are two types of medicine here."

[Do you have the gel one?]


[Apply that to his behind. Quickly handle it if you don't want him to be more miserable. Or do you want me to help you? Alright I am coming.]

"Stop right there."

[Okay. Well, hurry and handle it on your own. Once everything is done and he is still not feeling well, bring him to see a doctor.]

"How long will Tine be in pain?"

[My wife's first time, he said he can't go walking for a week. You should think about how much power your wife has. Okay, gotta go. My wife is raping me again. Bye.] After that, he hung up the phone leaving me to sit and think for a long time on the ground before dialing the number to call my best friend and ask for his help.

Man quickly answered my call. His noble duty now is to go out to buy food for Tine because I can't leave him alone in the room. While I was waiting, I took a towel to clean the sick person very carefully.

"Cold..." A soft moan popped out as soon as the white towel pressed to the hollow of his neck.

"Just be a good boy, okay?"

"It's snowing..."

"Your white body is now covered with red marks." He is sick but I can't help teasing my lover.

"It hurts so much. Can I die now? Peacefully?" Tine's voice made me shake my head and let out a smirk. He is really the stupidest person I've ever encountered. Even if you want to die, I won't allow you. We must be together until we're old.

"Do you really want to die?"

"I don't"

"If you don't move much, you'll get better soon."


"Why are you crying again? Stay still. Let me wipe you."

He did not protest anymore. He is just lying and biting his lip. I quickly wipe his body so he won't feel the cold anymore.

Just seeing him like this, I am about to die. He hurts me the way I hurt him last night. It is now even.

"Turn your back a little. I will put some medicine on it." After I finished cleaning, I took the shirt and put it on for Tine. As for his behind, I applied the gel to my finger then slowly pushed into the small hole.

"Uhh... Sarawat. I won't do it..."

"I am just applying medicine. No need to be afraid." I quickly intended it all the way to the end of my finger, then took the tube of gel cream and applied it to the swelling part. I took off his pants then covered him with a blanket up to his neck and then turned to wash my hands to wait for my good friend Man to bring the food.

Before having Tine as my wife, he was always trying his hardest to help me. I really appreciate him. In the future, if he liked someone, I won't hesitate to help him right away.


The bell in the room rang. I opened the door and saw Man standing while smiling wickedly. He then took the advantage to sneak inside.

"Porridge is here. And that box is yours." He said while looking inside the room. "Thank you. How much?"

"Eighty baht."

"Here. Go home now."

"What? I just came and you are now chasing me out. Where's Tine?"

"Inside the room."

"Is that so? You did it too hard last night, didn't you?" Not only that, he also looked evil. Everyone knows what's inside his mind.

"It is our first time."

"I want to meet him. Can I greet him? Hi, Tine!"

"Stay away from him."

"Hurry up and pour that porridge in the bowl. Your lover is not feeling well. Hurry." I was pushed to the small kitchen counter.

"Damn, Man!" Then Man ran to our bedroom door where Tine was lying.

Shit. I have a lot of friends but they are all giving me a headache. I am afraid that he will tease Tine until he will cry again.

I quickly dumped a bowl of porridge in the bowl, took the anti-inflammatory medicine and the antipyretic medicine and put it all on a tray so I can carry it easily. I immediately frowned when I saw Man lying face down on the bed, next to Tine who was sleeping.

"Tine, wake up. Eat first."

"Stupid! He can't even walk himself up. Look, even if I climb up next to him, he won't feel it."

"Shut up and don't disturb him."

"Is that your shirt?" I never had the feeling of strangling a friend like today. He even dared to open the blanket to see the shirt Tine is wearing. Damn!

"What do you want?"

"Damn. You are really sadistic. Look at that neck full of red marks."

"My foot will kick your face right now if you won't get off the bed." He followed me and refused to tease me again.

I raised my hand and touched the cheek of the person sleeping. I lowered my head to whisper in his ear.

"Tine, please wake up na~. Eat first." "I don't want to."

"Eat please so you can take medicine. I promise, I will let you sleep afterwards."

"Wow. So soft and gentle. You never did that to me." Man interrupted.

"If I do that to you, then how should I say it to my lover?" Then I looked at Tine and let out a smirk. He really is my exception to everything.

"But how long have we been together?"

"Fuck you."

"Do you want me to impregnate you?"

"Go home, asshole!"

"When you asked me to go buy your food, you said it in a good manner. But now, you are chasing me away."

I did not pay much attention to Man because I knew he was joking. The more I see him sitting on the sofa, the more he will be rooted here for a long time. So I don't have time to pay attention to the scabby guy like him.

Tine's ill body is still very worrying. I lightly pressed his palm against his right cheek before he opened his heavy eyelids again.

"Let's eat first." I said in a monotone voice. My face was probably as calm as always but I am really nervous inside.

"Umm... Hungry..."

"Here's porridge for you."


"Here we are again... So between hunger and sleepiness, which is which?"


"Yes. Yes... My wife is still handsome and a chic guy. Now, sit up and eat porridge."

"I don't want porridge. I won't eat that."

"Just a little so you can drink your medicine."

Without waiting for the patient, I quickly helped his body to get up. He is still hot because of the fever so I placed his body against the head of the bed and put a pillow on the back. Tine frowned as soon as he moved his body. It was visible that it was almost impossible to move and it would probably swell for a while.

"You said you will bring me to eat Bingsu." He spoke in a low voice while I was staring at the porridge.


"And you will buy Blue Hawaii for me..."

"Let's drink that if you feel better, okay?"

"I don't want to eat porridge. Can I take medicine then sleep now?"

"Don't disobey me. Open your mouth."

I quickly put a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. Tine's face was quite pale. His white skin was now covered with red marks. Actually, it is all over his body. The only visible is just the neck because the other is hidden under that shirt.

"Man?" Tine immediately saw Man sitting on the sofa. And my bastard friend clapped his hand and spoke loudly in the area.

"Get well soon, okay? Let us have a party when you're better."

"Damn it!"

I immediately grabbed a glass of water and brought it to the mouth of the sick person. Arguing with Man is like holding a sword against a cannon. You will never win no matter how talented you are.

"Chew it slowly. There's no need to argue with him." "Enough."

"Five spoonful then I won't force you."

"That's a lot. How about three?"

"Okay okay. Three spoons." I am so happy. So happy that I got a chance to take care of the person I loved the most. I've liked Tine ever since up until now. My feelings never changed for him. It actually grows everyday. It is like a dream that I don't want to wake up because it feels so good.

After finishing three spoonfuls of porridge, taking medicine, and adjusting his position so he can sleep comfortably, I placed a pillow on his hip so he can relax behind. After all was done, now is the time to entertain the guest.

Man smiled on the sofa before standing up and patted me on the shoulder a few times with force.

"I am so glad. You really love someone now."


"My best friend has a wife, right?"


"Congrats, my good friend. You don't have to ask me to play football without being burdened."

"Damn it."

"But your wife is really cute. He is kind of my taste."

"Do you want to die?"

"I'm just saying the truth."

"Stay away from me."

"Okay. Come one. But..."


"Don't forget the thing you promised me. The rest is still waiting."


"Come on. Make a promise. Make a promise. Make a promise."

Man turned to leave the room with a sarcastic and suggestive tone. But to me, I immediately felt chills. I should not... I shouldn't have challenged him.

Fulfilling a promise...


Tine, who was sleeping in the room for a day, eventually got better. The fever has subsided and his temperature is back to normal. Only the swelling on the body is the problem. He still could not walk, it still hurts even when he sits, lying is also painful and sometimes I hear him cry. If I knew it was that miserable for the first time, I wouldn't do it that hard.

I will not do many rounds next time. One is enough, I guess. "Bored?" I asked Tine then he shook his head.

"I have a phone."

"Can I throw it away? It is keeping my wife away from me."

"Huh? So you think I am cheating? I am just contacting my friend."

I did not pay any attention. I checked his temperature again and it is getting better compared yesterday.




The slim hand gave me his phone revealing a post on Instagram. Damn it. Yesterday, he was concerned about me taking care of Tine but today, he had a conversation with juniors like me.

The image that appears does not carry much message because it is a sign in the door of the club. But there is a caption below the photo:


I miss you all so much. It is almost the start of the semester and I am afraid that people will forget their skills in playing music. So everyone, please shoot yourselves playing guitar then send the clip by 4pm tomorrow. I love you all!

P.S.: The member who has the lowest votes from the seniors will receive a penalty. XOXO

"Shit." Tine looked at me for help. Not to mention his wilted body right now.

"What should I do?"

"Let me teach you today. We will film the clip tomorrow. Which song do you want to play?"


"Chords are difficult. Choose an easy song."

"I want to play it." Whatever you say then.

My wife already had dinner. I searched for the song on my list and chose songs that are easy for Tine to play.

"Choose." He then picked a song.

"The chords are difficult. Are you sure?"

"Believe me."

Tine is always confident. From his masculinity... to his handsome face... to his guitar playing skills. So we spent time in the room to practice the guitar. I will play "Lost My Head" by The 1975. We will just play it and there's no need to sing the song.

We take turns to practice. When I am tired, I will buy food for the person who can't stand up to eat.

In the afternoon, I took Tine to sit on the sofa. I let him lie on my lap while I am sitting. I am just rubbing his head in enjoyment while listening to his stories about his childhood dream. Not only that, he also talk about all the girls he had in the past. "Why do you like Scrubb?" I asked Tine after he finished telling me his love history. "You've asked that before." He looked up at me despite still lying on my lap and holding the phone playing happily.

"Answer it again."

"I like Scrubb because it is Scrubb."

"So why do you like me?"

"..." He went silent. I looked down into his beautiful eyes and asked him again. "Why do you like me?"

"I like you because you are you."

"So, if you had to choose between me and Scrubb, which one should you choose?"

"It is not like I am in the situation to choose like that."

"Just choose. C'mon."

"I choose Scrubb.

" "..."

"Because Scrubb made me meet you."

Boom! After my wife answered me like that, I felt like dying. Dead and won't reincarnate again. Karma...

~ "Ready?"

"Wait a minute."

"Sit on the bed. You are still hurt." I had to take a soft cushion from the closet and place it on Tine's butt for him to sit on the sofa without pain. It takes a lot of time to work. Currently, video cameras have been mounted on stands. I am responsible for the dial and recording the person I love... How embarrassing.

Well, I mean Tine adjusting the sitting posture. In his hands is the Takamine Pro series. In front of him is the music chord that is placed on a low table so he can remember it.


"Okay. 3. 2. 1." REC

"Hello everyone! I am Tine, the chic chic guy! At the end of the last semester, did everyone have any activities?"

I don't know about everyone... But Tine and I are completely transparent about our activities... on the bed. Damn.

"I hope everyone had a good time at the end of the day. A cool person here who wants to play a song today. I hope this will bring joy to everyone."

His intro is really off. But when I saw and focused on his expression, my heart pounded. Tine tried to press the chord slowly and started playing. There are places in the right rhythm, and there are shortcomings, but it doesn't look that bad.

The song he is playing is "Answers" by Scrubb.

Today, he also incorporates the singing...

"Two of the stars in the world (*1*) I forgot that when we met

When I look at you, I felt something

Not someone who just more familiar, even more than that Time goes by, but there are times

It goes very slowly, very very slowly."

Tine looked at me and smiled. An extremely cute smile that made my heart almost got out of my chest.

"Before day and night will bring us to meet Creating a connection everyday with meaning If day and night make us more intimate

No need to think

Because we know the answer in our hearts."

I have never asked myself whether Tine is enough for me because the answer is the same for the rest of my life... He is the one, the perfect one.

The video clip was sent to P'Dim. We waited for the result and to check his reaction. Come to think of it, I am someone who doesn't even use social media and doesn't care about the online world but now, I am waiting for a response from someone on the social world.

Then finally, the moment we've been waiting for was posted on IG.


Answer by Scrubb covered by @Tine_chic . The full song is on the club's Facebook page. You can click the link below to view.


still not playing the right chord but it is good enough. great job Tine!


this is trying hard to play, Tine? A lie


throw away. no progress at all.


nice try.

Seeing that, my heart immediately became insecure. I am scared to make Tine sad. Afraid he will think too much because he tried hard to play but the comments are not as good as expected. So, I tried to type a comment line to encourage him.


very good playing the guitarr

And less than ten minutes after posting the comment, a lot of comments kept bouncing up.


@Sarawatlism Wat, you are flattering him. He sounded like a dog barking but you still said he was good.


@Sarawatlism Is Tine really that good or he tastes good (joke)


@Sarawatlism somebody is crazy about his wife


Let's do it together


Whew. Man said he had story to be told to the whole department of Political Science


i am broken hearted again. Sarawat and TIne. T.T


which person is claiming to be Tine's boyfriend? Are you brave enough to mess with my people?

I froze for a while. I reread the comment of that person who just appeared until my mood calmed down. I am starting to become rampant. Okay. He has no right to claim my wife. He is mine.

I know I can't be like this but I need to deal with him. I immediately respond to express ownership.


@Typetype He id my wofe

Damn! I hate myself. I did not type it correctly.


@Sarawatlism what???

I felt really annoyed so I immediately asked Tine who this person was. I do not want this to be in my dreams tonight or else, I will be in a bad mood. I need to know who this person is. I asked him in an annoyed voice.

"Who is this bastard?"


"He said you are his people. Is he flirting with you?!"


"What the hell is wrong?"

"He is my brother."

1 - ค าตอบ Kum Dtaup (Answers) - Scrubb