Chapter 2

||Krypton||Zod Mansion||


Under the Mansion of Zod, there is a room that was created not too long ago. Inside the room, there are Two people there along with a screaming woman. One of them, assumed to be the doctor, is trying to help the woman in Childbirth.

From the nervous expression on his face, you could tell this was either his first time helping a woman give birth and was simply doing his best to not mess up or He just hasn't seen a situation like this before and didn't know what to do.

Could be both.

Apparently, this room was designed for the woman giving birth and was made to be as discreet as possible. The Woman screaming right now in pain is No other than Faora-Ul, the wife of General Zod and the mother of our Main character.


The other man standing behind the doctor, watching the doctor and his screaming wife and staying close by the door is no other than Dru Zod, also known as General Zod. The Husband of Faora, one of the greatest Enemies of Superman and the Father of our MC.


The Doctor although extremely Nervous, is still a remarkable doctor. He's telling the woman to breathe and push while simultaneously checking her vital signs.

He did everything according to the journals he found on the way his ancestors reproduced back in the day before they changed their methods to the current one.

'This is the Wife of General Zod, if anything happens to her, my head will be gone!' He thought.

He kept repeating that in his mind while doing his best not to hurt her.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't realize is whether Faora comes out of this childbirth, safe or not. His head will still roll.

What is happening right now is something that hasn't happened in centuries and is considered a tremendous breach in their traditions.

If anyone were to know of this, especially the council, Zod will not only lose his position as General but he will also be exiled and branded as a traitor to the system. His Wife Faora will also be Exiled and their Child, Killed.

Zod, although acts like someone who has no compassion or Love and generally acts cold to his Wife and everyone else, still cares about her. He will not let any harm come to her, especially if he can prevent it.

If Killing someone else is what is needed to protect his wife, then so be it. He'll do it a thousand times over with no remorse.

Besides, its just a doctor. There will eventually be someone else just as capable or even more to fill his role.


Faora screamed in pain at the feeling of something coming out of her. She's felt greater pain during her missions and training but that doesn't mean she's used to it.

She's only gained a resistance to that pain, not immunity.

She kept on screaming until eventually the baby was out of her. The doctor took the child and washed him up since he had blood all over him. After washing him and wrapping him up to keep him warm, he gave him to his mother.

"Congratulations, General Zod. You have a healthy son"

The doctor said after turning to the General who had finally moved away from the door and was heading towards him.

The doctor didn't think anything strange of it since he was in the way of the General and In front of the Mother and son. So he stepped aside respectfully, while waiting for the General's orders.

But even if he stepped aside, the General was still heading towards him, setting off alarms in his head.

But before he could act on his instincts, he was swiftly beheaded by a sharp futuristic blade the General had on him.

As to where he got it from, he had it as a bracelet on his arm just incase he loses or isn't with the one he uses for battle.

Just an emergency blade in case things go south for him.

After putting the dead body of the doctor outside, He immediately turned to his Wife who had been watching and had finally recovered her stamina. Truly, the body of a kryptonian is far superior to a human.

She had been taking care and cooing at her son until she noticed Zod moving towards the Doctor.

She knew the doctor was going to die even if he succeeded in helping her deliver her child and so she watched as her husband beheaded the doctor, threw his body outside of the room and started moving towards her.

She turned to her son as she felt him moving in her embrace and it was finally then she noticed he had red hair.


Red hair?!

'Oh my Rao, that is the symbol of Rao!'

She exclaimed in her mind as she was very shocked at this revelation.

Her son possessing red hair meant that he was the reincarnation of Rao. This meant that he would be treated as a saint by every Kryptonian as they all believed in Rao.

But this meant another thing, the council would see him as a threat to their rule over the planet.

They would be wary and would do all they can to make sure he dies.

This just brought another problem for the house of Zod. First, he was born naturally which was already enough for them to be considered traitors and now he's even a reincarnation of Rao!

'What are we going to do??'

She thought with extreme worry for her child. She loves him as much as any mother would and her love would even go as far as being Called too much.

"No worries, I've got everything covered."

The General finally talked for the first time since the childbirth started. He too was surprised that his child was the reincarnation of Rao and had just gotten out of his thoughts.

His voice was deep and heavy. he also seemed to command respect from everyone with just his mere words.

"I've already prepared everything for our child so we won't be found out."

Faora was surprised and curious as to what he means so she only nodded and kept looking at him, waiting for him to finish what he was saying.

"I've already reprogrammed the Aquabots to remember us donating our blood and our child just being born after nine months.That way no body would question how we suddenly have a child and if someone goes to the aquabots to confirm, we have the aquabots to cover for us."

"As for our child having red hair, that was out of my calculations but no worries, I've got that covered too. With the technology I've gathered from other races during my missions, changing something such as hair color and even making it unrecognizable in front of technology is easy."

General Zod finally told Faora his plan to protect themselves and their child. He had made counter measures for the childbirth so that they wouldn't be exiled and although his child having red hair was out of his expectations, it can still be solved.

As expected of the General of the Kryptonian's. planning and having technology capable of reprogramming the Aquabots despite no one being able to, all just so he doesn't lose his Position or get exiled.

Sasuga, General Zod.

Faora wasn't really surprised at the fact that Zod was able to reprogram the Aquabots. The man's been out on various missions and has acquired a vast array of Collection.

Having something capable of reprogramming Aquabots wouldn't be too far fetched. Although, having something capable of changing the hair color was a big surprise.

It's not like Kryptonian's don't have a technology capable of changing hair color. It just that even if they can change your hair color, you'll still be found out in front of Technology.

So having one that makes it look like your natural hair color and still wont be found out by technology is really surprising.

"Good, that makes things easier for us and our child."

Faora said with a soft smile on her face as she watches her son move around in her embrace and look at them.

"It seems the little boy is awake huh. Let me hold him"

General Zod said as he too looked at his son and stretched out his hands to take his son away from his mother.

"Please be careful with him, he's still just a child"

Faora said with a worried tone as she handed her son to him. She doesn't know why she's showing so much emotion right now. Usually, she would have a stoic face and a voice lacking of any emotion but she guesses that's what happens to you when you have a child you love with your whole being.

Hopefully, this doesn't interfere with her missions.

Zod, looking at his son up close now, could tell he'll grow up to be a lady Killer. Hopefully, The amount of Women he'll be able to bring to their knees, he'll be able to do the same to his enemies.

Zod pointed one of fingers at the child as a way for the child to touch it. The child immediately grabbed at the finger and pulled.


Zod was surprised at the strength of the child. Such a strength shouldn't be possible for a baby. Although it wasn't comparable to an adults strength or even a two year old, it's still way too big for a baby that was just born.

What Zod doesn't know is that The Perfect Kryptonian Physique his son has is the cause of his strength. Any thing a Kryptonian can do, His son can do better.

The same also implies to his physical strength, Speed, Defense, senses and endurance. Basically, all his physical attributes. Other people his age or Younger don't stand a chance against him.

And eventually, even the adults won't stand a chance against him too.

Zod was thinking on how his child was so much stronger than a baby that was just born but ultimately chalked it up to him being different from others due to his unique birth situation.

'But if  so, why did our ancestors change to another form of reproduction? Wouldn't it better if all babies are this strong since it'll mean that Krypton would have stronger protectors and stronger military?'

Zod thought while trying to figure out the motives of his ancestors as to why they stopped this form of reproduction despite its benefits.

'Maybe there'll be a problem with him later on? And the problem was so big that it just wasn't worth it to continue this form of reproduction?'

Zod kept thinking while trying to figure it out.


Eventually, he gave up and decided that he'll see in the future. If His son doesn't have any issues as he's growing up then that's good but if he does...

Well, he'll figure it out by then.

During Zod's thinking, His son was looking around at everything around him with curiosity brimming from his eyes.

You could obviously tell that he was excited.

Faora seeing this, smiled lovely at her child. She took her child back from Zod and started rocking him, trying to get him to sleep.

Eventually, the child started Yawning and fell asleep. Making the whole place descend to a warm, peaceful silence.

Faora was watching her child as he slept till it then occurred to her.

She hadn't named her child yet!

She immediately looked towards Zod and asked the big question that just popped up in her head

"What shall we name him?"

Zod realizing that they hadn't named their child, immediately started looking through his head for a name.

He eventually came up with a name, a name he thought fitting.

"Lor-Zod. Lor-Zod shall be his name."

Zod said with a smile, surprising Faora. She never thought he could make such a face.

A smile also blossomed on her face. At least her child will have a caring father, a father who loves him.

At that point, Despite being underground, the room seemed to brighten up considerably. Bringing a heart felt moment to anyone who managed to witness this scene.

Zod just stood there and Faora just rested on the bed, both staring at their child as they took in his adorable face.

What they didn't know was that His sleeping face would have been more than enough to start a war over him on Krypton if any female saw him like this.


I guess, they'll just have to live without the knowledge of how Cute their child is huh.


Second chapter, Done!! I got the second chapter done....I can't believe it. I'm honestly enjoying myself as I write the chapters, Something I honestly didn't expect.

I honestly thought I would be bored in the first five minutes and I would have to push myself but here I am, taking hours and not even caring.

I call bullshit.

Anyways, this chapter is a lot smaller than the previous chapter 1 but it's still way bigger than most stories on Wattpad.

More than One thousand, Nine hundred words.

That's a lot.

But not anywhere near where I wanna reach but I'll just have to live with it.

In the next chapter, we'll finally get the MC's POV. Up onto now, I've only done 3rd POV so next chapter is gonna be my first time doing a 1st POV.

Wish me luck.

I hope y'all are enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

See y'all next time.