Chapter 11 [Special Chapter]

||3rd POV||

After the whole shocking events of seeing more than a million people bowing down to him, Lor finally managed to have some time to himself as he walked towards the room reserved for his family.

Ariella also had to go meet her family so she can show them the medal she got from winning second place so she's currently not with him.

And although she says that she wanted to go show her family her medal, Lor doesn't believe her.

It's more likely that she just didn't want to meet his family so early if the embarrassed blush on her face was anything to go by.

He eventually reached the door of the room but just when he was about to enter, he heard voices coming from the inside.

He could make out seven voices inside and depending on the tone of their voices, he could tell they were having a happy conversation.

Lor sighed and just hoped that the people talking with his parents wouldn't spend too much time talking.

He typed in the passcode and walked inside once the door slid open.

His eyes moved towards the people inside who had turned towards his direction the moment the door opened.


Suddenly, one of the people in the room rushed towards him and hugged him. Lor didn't have to rack his head on who this person was the moment he heard their voice.

"Hey Kara."

Lor said as a soft smile appeared on his face. He then proceeded to hug the now 11 year old girl back.

Kara had a smile on her face as she melted into the hug, the warmth on Lor's body making her not want to leave him.

"There's the winner of this tournament. Come here boy."

Zod said as beckoned for Lor with a proud smile on his smile.

Lor then separated from Kara, who was sad that she had to leave the comfort of Lor's body, and then walked towards his father with a smile on his face.

He then went into the now opened arms of Zod and hugged him.


Zod laughed boisterously as he proceeded to hug his son back.

"Oh? Are you already forgetting about your mother already, my son?"

A feminine voice was suddenly heard from the side of Lor. He turned towards the voice and saw his mother who was looking at him with a loving smile on her face.

He smiled and got out of Zod's embrace. He then walked towards her and gave her a hug too. Faora reciprocated his actions too.

They shared a warm hug before Lor took a step back.

He turned away from her before finally turning towards everyone in the room.

His parents were obviously apart of the people in the room, Kara and her parents were also there and finally, Jor-El and his wife were in the room too.

He wasn't surprised to see Jor-El as he already met him when he was 10 years old. His father had introduced him to the scientist and it was through him that Lor got to learn about the various technology on Krypton.

Modular Robotics, Nanotechnology, and Weapon technology were just few of the things he learned from Jor-El.

"Congratulations on coming first in the tournament Lor. It was splendid watching your matches."

Zor-El said as he smiled at Lor, his smile no longer as fake as it once was.

"True, it was splendid watching your matches. Although, it would have been better if you used your weapon more. I can tell you've taken a liking to that blade, using it more would have helped you in identifying its defects and areas you can improve upon it."

Jor-El said as he gave his compliments while stating his thoughts on Lor's actions.

"I've already gotten all the information I needed on the blade when I fought against the sentinels. The blade has a sharp edge and good energy nullification functions instilled in it but it could be better. The blade also doesn't have any more functions instilled in it so I'm planning on adding some more to it."

Lor said as he corrected his teacher. It might have looked like Lor was only unsheathing the blade only to use it for nothing but he was actually probing its abilities as it was out.

He constantly checked for any other functions the blade could possibly have but except for its good Nullification of energy, there was nothing else the blade had.

Jor-El nodded his head at Lor's explanation and decided it was acceptable.

"Alright, alright. Can we stop talking about nerdy stuffs and just get out of here? Me and Lor already have plans for today and every single second spent here takes away the time me and Lor could be using to have fun."

Kara said as she voiced out her thoughts in frustration.

Everyone laughed at her words as they decided to finally leave the stadium and head home.

They walked out of the room together before eventually leaving the building.

As they were heading out of the stadium, they came across someone who was very familiar to Lor.


She was with her family and was also walking out of the stadium along with them before coming across the group.

The moment she saw Lor's family, her heart started beating fast at the prospect of meeting Lor's family so soon.

She regained her composure before getting into attention due to Zod being there.

"Hello General. It's a pleasure meeting you here."

Ariella said as she spoke to Zod with a respectful tone, her face stoic and expressionless.

"At ease soldier. If memory serves me right, you're the person who came second in this tournament right?"

Zod said as he raised his hand to put the soldier in front of him at ease.

"Yes sir. That would be me."

Ariella replied as she got out of her formal position but still kept a respectful demeanor.

"Hmm, you did great work out there soldier. I'm looking forward to when you finally enroll in the military, we'll be sure to get you up to shape and trained properly till your ready to serve Krypton."

Zod said before walking past Ariella and heading towards the ship, not even bothering to acknowledge her family that was waiting patiently by the side.

"Yes sir. I'll be sure not to disappoint."

Ariella said as she didn't move until she was sure Zod had entered the ship.

She released a sigh at the feeling of her nerves relaxing.

"You should relax, it's not like he's gonna bite you."

Lor said as he walked up to her with a small smile on his face.

Ariella scoffed at his words and turned her face to the side.

"Easy for you to say. You have no idea just how intimidating and commanding the General can be. His cold eyes are constantly scanning you and the feeling of being looked at like all your secrets are exposed is unbearable."

Ariella said as she rubbed the side of her arm, a habit she does whenever she's nervous.

The feeling when confronted with the general is really unbearable for a lot of people, especially those who rarely come in contact with him.

"I understand but I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll eventually get used to it when you join the guild."

Lor said as he placed a hand on her shoulders as a sign of comfort, something she thoroughly enjoyed.

"Mmm, thank you."

She said as she nodded her head while staring at the ground, trying her best to hide the blush that was slowly creeping up her face.

"Lor, I'll be on my way to the ship. Meet us there and don't take too long with your new 'friend'"

Faora said with a teasing smile on her face while emphasizing the word 'friend'.

She knew the relationship between them can't be simple if Lor was already smiling at her. It just shows the girl had already managed to make Lor open up to her.

If she managed to do that then it's quite possible that a relationship could possibly bloom between them if the girl makes proper use of her chances.

She then walked towards the ship along with Lara and Alura.

Lara had a warm smile on her face while Alura had a frown on her's.

She didn't like the relationship between Lor and Ariella at all as that means there's more competition for her daughter.

And more competition means that it's gonna be even harder for Kara to win Lor's heart.

And if Kara fails to win Lor's heart then only Rao knows what was gonna happen to her.

She released a sigh before focusing back on her conversation with Lara and Faora.

Hopefully, her daughter comes out on top in this competition.

Zor-El and Jor-El also followed after sending a meaningful smile towards Lor and then going back to discussing science related subjects.

Lor didn't say anything and simply nodded, already planning to head for the ship after saying goodbye to Ariella.

"Hey Lor. Why don't you introduce me to your friend here." Suddenly a voice came from Lor's side.

It sounded oddly calm and joyful to Lor but he thought nothing about it, simply thinking that Kara was excited to make a new friend.

He turned towards Kara who had suddenly appeared next to him and was currently smiling at Ariella with what he believed to be a happy smile.

"Kara, this is Ariella, a new friend and Ariella, meet Kara, my best friend."

Lor said as he introduced the two beautiful girl's to each other.

Kara smiled even more when she heard what Lor said while Ariella's ears perked up when she heard what Lor introduced Kara as.

She looked towards Kara and they both proceeded to have a stare off, lightning sparking between them and the air getting thicker.

Lor looked between the both of them and could tell something was wrong.

They had started off on the wrong page.

But how could they have started off wrong when they just met?

Did they meet before and had a problem with each other hence why they're suddenly so hostile?

Lor couldn't figure it out and chalked it up to it being a girl's thing.

Despite having a 9th level intellect and possessing a mind even brighter than the brightest of minds on Krypton, Lor still couldn't figure out the mystery called 'Women'.

He decided to ignore it and let them solve their problem themselves. He won't interfere unless things got bad and messed up between them.

"Girls, you know nothings gonna happen if you just keep staring at each other's face like your hoping for it to suddenly explode."

Lor said as his bored voice fell on them, instantly snapping them out of their stare off.

Kara immediately turned towards Lor and gave a shy smile.

"Sorry about that Lor. I was just thinking that her face was really similar, I guess I was wrong. Sorry if I came out offensive Ariella."

Kara said as she turned towards Ariella with what seemed to be an apologetic smile on her face. She reached out for a handshake to further show her sincerity.

Ariella could immediately tell that Kara wasn't sorry at all but she forced herself to bring out a smile since Lor was currently here.

"It's alright. I too can be considered at fault here too for staring so long. I'm sorry if I came out as weird, it wasn't my intention."

She said as she reached out and shook Kara's hand, inwardly noting at the strength and firmness of her hand.

'It seems she's a fighter. I'll like to see just how skilled she really is.'

She said to herself as she separated from the handshake after a few seconds.

"Good. That's what I'd like to see between you guys, a pure friendship, not the one where you guys are at each other's throats."

Lor said as he walked towards them and wrapped his hands around their shoulders, his actions immediately enlisting a blush to appear on their faces.

The girl's sighed and decided to put their rivalry behind for now, right now they should just enjoy the warmth and amazing scent emanating from Lor.

"We already said that we were just caught up in our thoughts, since when were we at each other's throats?"

Ariella said with a not so convincing tone, trying her best to act like she doesn't know what Lor was talking about.

"Sure, whatever you say."

Lor said while rolling his eyes and walking towards his ship with his arms still around the girls shoulders.

The family of Ariella had already gone to their ship a long time ago, not even bothering to care about where she was or who she was socializing with.

They eventually reached the entrance of the ship and watched as it opened to reveal the interior of the ship.

"Well, looks like it's time for me to go ladies. I'll see you guys later, oh and Kara? We'll have to postpone our outing and reschedule it for another time."

Lor said as his face revealed a sad look. He had really come to enjoy the time he spends with her on their little outing.

Kara always seemed to be a bundle of ideas as she always came up with a way for them to spend their time.

Whether it was watching movies and videos all alone together or creating a fun activity that they could both enjoy.

She always seemed to come up with something.

Kara's face immediately turned dejected and depressed, she was really looking forward to their time together.

"Well, it's Okay but can you tell me why you can't come for our outing today? Don't tell me you chose to have fun with Ariella over me instead?!"

Kara said as her mind raced over the chances of this actually being the reason why Lor chose to not spend time with her.

"No Kara. The reason why I can't hang out with you today is because I'm currently tired. Just fought in a tournament remember? It's only natural I would be tired after fighting for so long."

Lor said as he faked being exhausted. The truth was that Lor wanted to quickly go home and look at the system to confirm some things.

"Oh...I see, sorry for jumping to conclusions. Your right, it's only natural for you to be tired after a long day of fighting." Kara said as she immediately apologized for thinking too much.

'How silly of me, there's no way Lor would pick this girl over me. We've been friends for so long and have known each other since we were kids, there's no way Lor would pick Ariella over me to go have fun.'

Kara thought as she breathed out a sigh of relief. Ariella just had a small smirk on her face at what Kara just said.

'She's self conscious and also pretty paranoid when it comes to Lor. Heh, I'll use that against her.'

Ariella thought as she sent a mocking smile towards Kara's direction, rubbing Kara's blatant mistake on her face.

Kara, seeing Ariella's face simply scoffed in her head and decided to get back on her.

'Two can play that game.'

She thought as she watched Lor go into the ship while waving back at them.

"Later girl's."

He said as the entrance closed, preventing them from getting any more look on their love.

"Later Lor." The girl's said as they too waved at the ship, watching as it started to levitate away from them before shooting off to the sky, its destination obviously being the House of Zod mansion.

Kara, seeing that she couldn't see the figure of the ship anymore, turned her sights towards Ariella, who also just happened to be turning her sights to Kara.

They said nothing and simply stared at each other, waiting for the other to initiate the conversation.

Ariella, being the older one and the more mature one between them, decided to take the lead.

"*Sigh* what do you wanna ask?"

"What do you want with Lor? Why are you acting so close to him? Are you planning something? Are you trying to get close to him because he's the future general? Or are you simply the type of girl who hits on every male she sees."

Kara immediately responded to Ariella's question and bombarded her with questions from her mind.

Ariella didn't say anything and simply waited for Kara to ask her questions but she couldn't help but get angry at the last question Kara asked her.

Who does she think she is? A girl who gives her body to any man in front of her with no sense of self respect?

The mere thought of being looked at like that caused her body to boil in anger but she calmed herself and decided not to get angry at a child.

She's the older one here and she has act like that in front of this child.

"First, I'm hanging around Lor simply because I want to, not because I'm looking for some benefit. Second, don't ever label me with such words again. I'm not that type of girl, get that through your thick skull."

Ariella said the last part with a calm but dangerous look on her face, she was clearly warning the girl not to push it.

Kara didn't say anything and simply gave a friendly smile but the look in her eyes were anything but friendly.

'Oh? A fight? Lets go then. It's gonna be so fun punching and breaking that beautiful face of yours.'

Kara thought inwardly with a crazy smile as she prepared her body for any sudden assault from Ariella.

Kara currently wasn't weak and defenseless like she originally was in some comics and animations. She had trained under Lor for a year now and could be said to have no equal when it comes to fighting among the younger generation.

Except for Lor, he would still pummel her to the ground no matter how much she improved.

She was currently even more skilled than Ariella who had been training for 3 years while she only trained for 1.

If a fight were to truly break out now then the person who would be getting a beating wouldn't be her but Ariella.

"I see. Then we'll just have to see the validity of your words later on but do remember, if I do see or find out that your getting close to Lor for any other reason, then..."

She let her words trail off, not needing to finish it for Ariella to understand what's she trying to say.

"Is that a threat?"

Ariella asked, a frown appeared on her face and she clenched her fists.

Kara simply smiled once and turned around, walking to her family's ship that was waiting for her.

"Take it however you like. I already gave my warning, if anything happens later on then don't say I didn't warn you."

She said with a smile as she waved at Ariella before entering her ship and the entrance closing behind her. The ship soon took off after a few seconds, its blurry figure being the only thing that could be seen of it.

Ariella gritted her teeth in anger and stared at the gradually fading figure of the ship, anger and fury apparent in her eyes.

She calmed herself down before heading for her family's ship.

'Fine. She wants to play that game? I'll play with her.'

She thought as a dangerous look flashed across her face before turning back to normal. She controlled her emotions and entered the ship, ready to face her parents and family.

'*Sigh* letst just get this over with.'

She thought before heading deeper inside the ship, the darkness inside it giving an eerie feeling to anyone who entered.

The ship soon took off and blasted straight for the sky, it's destination being her family's mansion.

Back to Lor, they finally managed to get back home and were currently walking in the hall, each heading for their rooms.

The maids were all lined up on each side of the Hall and were bowing their heads, giving their congratulations to Lor for successfully coming out on top in the tournament.

Lor simply nodded his head at their words and walked towards his room. Faora gave him a good night hug and a kiss on his forehead before leaving for her room along with Zod.

Lor entered his room and then sat on the bed. He placed his hands under his chin as he thought about the current pressing matters.

'In two years, Krypton will be destroyed.' He said as his eyes narrowed.

'I'll have to start preparing for the things I'll be taking along with me. The technology and the knowledge Krypton has is something I must definitely take with me.'

'I already studied up on a lot of things Krypton has to offer regarding different fields such as science, biology, and their technological research's so I don't need to worry about not having enough knowledge on Krypton's scientific and technological research's.'

'The thing I gotta make sure I have is their technology. I know I can't get everything but I'll at least get the useful ones. The AI's, Robotics, Super Weapons, Bio Remediation suits, A fortress of solitude, A ship or more specifically, a war ship and a Regeneration Matrix. I must have all these even if I can't get any other technology.'

'I'll also get some sunstone's since those would be pretty useful. All in all, I'll make sure to get every single useful thing I can get from Krypton before it's destroyed.'

Lor thought as he looked over his plans.

'For the past four years, I've one again grown stronger. My speed, strength, senses and invulnerability have once again improved by leaps and bounds. Although, I'm not as strong as Adult Superman who has fought against Darkseid, Doomsday and a solar powered Zod but I'm sure once I'm on earth, it won't be long till I reach that level of power.'

'I also trained in other Kryptonian martial arts such as Torquasm-Ro and Torquasm-Vo. Torquasm-Ro is a meditation technique, useful for preventing others from manipulating my mind and allows me to fight on the astral plane while Torquasm-Vo is a mental discipline, achieved by reaching the "Theta state". It allows me to manipulate someone's mind and resist various attacks such as soul attacks or transmutation.'

'They're both pretty useful and could pass for a hobby whenever I have nothing to do, I like them.'

'That's not all I did for the past four years. I also got closer to Kara and studied under Jor-El, it was through him that i learned about the various fields on Krypton and due to me being the next general, I was also given access to their research.'

'I also went on the missions I said would. I fought various other Aliens and Killed creatures that threatened Krypton. Zod also made me kill various sentient aliens so that I could get used to the feeling of Taking a life.'

'Honestly, I'm not upset by that as in the end, it benefitted me and made me more accepting of the things I would possibly do in the future.'

'Even if i was ten years old at that time.' Lor thought as he released a small smile.

'Throughout the years, I got new skills like [Total Body Control], [Drawing], [Teaching] and [Advanced Engineering].'

'I got the [Teaching] skill when I taught Kara how to fight and the [Drawing] skill when me and Kara had a drawing competition.'

'I probably earned a few titles as well but I guess I'll just have to get Sophia to show me.'


Lor thought as he called out to the system, now named Sophia.

[Hello host. It's been some time now since you last reached out to me.]

A beautiful female voice responded instead of the usual monotonous voice. It held emotions and life in it unlike the previous dull and mechanical voice it once had.

This was Sophia, a name Lor thought was beautiful.

'True, it has been some time now.'

[Two months, to be precise.]

'I'll try to interact more with you Sophia. For now, why don't you bring up my status.'

[Affirmative.] Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of Lor. It was completely different from the previous screen. It had less information on it but was more organized and classified.

[Name: Lor-Zod]

[Title/Alias: [Son of General Zod] [Cutest Child On Krypton] [True Prodigy] [Heart Snatcher] [Mama's Boy] [Future General] [Future Hot Stuff] [Teacher] [Artist] [Scientist] [Combat Specialist] [Weapon Specialist]

[Skills: [Basic Body Activities] [Acting] [Kryptonian Language] [Advanced Martial Arts] [Total Body Control] [Drawing] [Weapon Wielding] [Teaching] [Advanced Engineering] [Torquasm-Vo] [Torquasm-Ro]

[Abilities/Powers: [Perfect Kryptonian Physiology] [Superior Adaptation and Evolution] [Extreme Talent] [Anti Cloning/Anti Power Copy/Anti Power Theft]]

'Sophia and I came to the conclusion that using a numerical system to determine how strong I am, was inefficient. It wouldn't accurately display how strong I was compared to the others and as a result, we decided to change that.'

'We decided that She'll just tell me how strong I was. How much I could lift, how fast I was, how durable, and the likes. She'll just tell me what I want and that'll be it.'

'No need for numbers that can't tell how strong i really was compared to others. Just telling me directly should be simple enough.'

'Sophia, how strong am I?'

[Your currently capable of Lifting up to 110 tons, Move at 1,800 miles per hour or as fast as a bullet, can take shots from tanks and come out unscathed, and can sense living Creatures as small as ants as if they were next to you.]

'Thank you. I don't know if this is the best way but I can at least change it if I find a better option of classifying my strength.'

'Hm? Sophia, what happened to my punching, speaking, walking and kicking skills? And tell me about this new skill called [Basic Body Activities].'

Lor thought as he had a worried look on his face. If he really lost those skills like he thought he did then that could be bad.

After all, those skills had been trained to a high level throughout the past four years. If he lost it then that means Lor just lost some of his combat ability.

[Relax, host. Nothing happened to the skills. They just combined into the new skill your currently seeing. If you kept unlocking small skills like punching and kicking then your entire skill section would have grown too big.]

[I know you prefer efficiency so i combined the skills that were similar and that gave birth to the new skill you currently see on your status page, [Basic Body Activities]]

'Hmm, I see. Meaning the skills I unlock after this will also be grouped together as long their similar right?'


'Good and I do agree that my skills section would have grown too big if little skills like that keep unlocking. That was very helpful and thoughtful and as a result, I'll forgive you for going behind my back and doing this.'

Lor thought as he glanced at the glowing blue screen in front of him.

[I'm sorry for that, host. I hope you forgive me for that.] Sophia immediately apologized.

'No worries, I'm not upset. I know you did that so you could help me so I'm not upset at you, although, it would be preferable if I was notified about such things.'

[Of course, host. I promise this won't happen a second time.]

'Good. Now, why don't we get to the interesting part?'

Lor said as he revealed a huge smile, something he hadn't done for a long time now.

[Affirmative host.]

Before the tournament occurred, Lor and Sophia had planned to get rid of his weaknesses.

Throughout the years, Lor had time to think about his abilities and the powers of some enemies he might face later on.

And although he doubts that he'll meet enemies with such powers, there's no harm in being cautious.

It's way better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.

The abilities that Lor thought that if he faced would screw him up would be abilities that could seal him, delete or alter his abilities, Nullify or negate his powers or dampen them.

Although, there are some he could adapt to like the sealing issue but if he encountered abilities that targeted his powers instead of his body, mind or soul then he'll be screwed.

As long as Lor doesn't meet opponents who targeted his abilities then he'll be alright but even if he meets opponents who target his abilities, as long as the effect isn't instant or immediate then his adaptation would be more than enough to handle it.

But if he meets opponents who do have abilities that target his own and it's immediate then He could possibly be in trouble.

Hence, why he's gonna contact God for help.

Yep, God.

When the system first appeared, it said that Lor could communicate with God. Lor didn't pay much attention to that detail due to him thinking that he wouldn't need help from God for anything but now that he realized all these issues, he's got no choice but to turn to him.

The only issue now is if God would be willing to help him.

'I guess we'll just have to find out.'

[Starting Connection with God in 10 seconds.]






Lor's heart was beating at an extremely fast pace. He was nervous and happy to finally meet the entity that gave him his powers.

His new life.






[Connection Established.]


Suddenly, Everything stopped moving.

Whether it was the blade Lor took from the tournament and was currently fiddling with it due to his nervousness or the time on the Holographic screen in his room that was showing the exact amount of time that passed.

Everything stopped.

Lor, noticing this peculiarity, stood up from his bed and walked towards the window to get a look on the outside to see if the same thing was happening.

He walked towards the giant window in his room and looked outside.

He saw the people who were still walking to their homes and talking excitedly about the tournament, frozen on their steps.

Some of them were already in the motion of taking a step so seeing them frozen in place was really amazing.

The Drones and Robots that usually frequent the road and skies, were also frozen.

Lor used his senses and tried to sense everything in the area he could currently cover and he was shocked by what he found.

Everything was frozen. Nothing was moving and the entire area he could sense was completely silent.

Lor couldn't believe it. He knew he was still weak and hadn't achieved true power yet but knowing and seeing for yourself were two completely different things.

Lor theorized that the entire planet could also be frozen in time too.

"Are you done gawking or are you still going to be staring around like an idiot?" A voice suddenly said from behind Lor.


Lor immediately bolted straight for the voice, his hand clenched and pulsing with power. His speed was also pushed to its limit, turning him into nothing but a blur.


Lor punched a golden barrier, his mighty strength doing absolutely nothing to it.

"Really? Is that how you greet your savior and benefactor? It seems you've changed all these years I wasn't watching you."

The same voice said, it's voice laced with disappointment and sadness.

The voice instantly brought Lor back to his senses and he immediately assessed the entity he just attacked.

It looked humanoid and had a black suit on. It's body looked like it was made up of stars and galaxies compressed into its current shape.

It was also sitting on a silver throne, a small cube floating on one of its hands.


"G-God? Is that really you?"

"Who else would it be brat? What, you can't even recognize the person who gave you your powers?"

God said as he scoffed, annoyed that his creation couldn't even recognize him despite having met him before.

"A-Ah, I see. Sorry about that, I didn't recognize you. You know, the new look and stuff. Although, I didn't see your body before but anybody in my place wouldn't have recognized you at first glance."

"I suppose. I appear different every time to you mortals after all."

"And sorry for attacking you, it was my body's natural reaction to your sudden appearance. Usually, I have it under control but your sudden appearance and my bewilderment at the current situation caused me to act like that. I usually know when someone is sneaking up on me or is coming my way but I didn't pick up on you at all until you talked. That really surprised me."

"I suppose I can understand where you're coming from but that doesn't matter now, how have you been these past few years?"

God asked as his previous disappointment and sadness at Lor's attack vanished and he proceeded to ask about Lor's well being.

"I'm doing fine God, as you can see. I've grown far stronger than I previously was and I'm on my way to reaching Tier 1-A. It's still pretty far but I know I'll eventually get there."

"I see. I'm glad you're doing fine here, would be a shame if you still died despite having such abilities. Anyways, on to business, what made you call me after not calling for so long."

God asked as his tone turned serious.

"I have a favor to ask of you...."

"Hmm, go on."

"I would like some changes or additions to some of my abilities. I realized that despite having some of the abilities with the most potential out there, they could still be stopped. I don't want that and I would like to ask for your help in achieving that."

"Hmm, so let me get this straight. You want me to give you more power or wishes despite already getting some before all because you didn't completely consider all the factors out there."

"No, i don't want more wishes. I just want to make some changes to some of them. I know this is arrogant of me but please grant my request."


God stayed silent as he stared silently at Lor, unnerving him and making him even more nervous.

Lor knew he was being presumptuous for asking God but he didn't have a choice. He can't build a resistance or immunity to something without experiencing it first. That's the only requirement or drawback about his [Superior Reactive Adaptation and Evolution] ability.

Lor could simply go and face individuals that have ability alteration or Nullification but that'll risk Lor having his abilities changed or nullified.

If changed then that'll mean Lor would lose the effects of [Superior Reactive Adaptation] since no one is dumb enough to not go for it first.

And if nullified then Lor could be killed while it's abilities are nullified, thereby ending Lor permanently and he wont be able to revive since the ability was nullified at the time.

All these are ways of beating Lor and although the chances of such abilities existing are slim, there's no doubt they exist out there.

It's just a matter of if Lor is unlucky enough to come across them.

"Alright but you'll have to accept a few conditions."

Lor was brought out of his thoughts by God's words. He turned towards him to listen to what he had to say.

"I'll give you what you want if you do a few things I ask you to."

"Of course God. As long as it's not out of my capabilities then I'll do it."

"Good, what I'm about to ask you to do is like a quest. I know you don't like quests but you'll have to give up something in order to get what you want. I'm sure you can put aside your dislike for quests for the more important things right?"

Lor didn't say anything and simply nodded, already accepting the fact that he'll have to pay a few consequences for asking God for these additions to his wishes.

"Good, but no worries. It might seem like a quest but it's actually quite beneficial to you and me. It wont even seem like a quest but just a goal for you to reach when you get the quest."

"The quest is nothing more than when I deem you ready or when you've reached the end of your journey in this universe, i send you to another one to continue your journey there. It could be a weak universe or a strong one, it depends on what I'm feeling. This gives you more chances to grow and become more powerful while this serves as a way to entertain me."

"Is this acceptable?"

Lor really couldn't believe his ears. He thought he would be given a harder quest but it's actually just a continuation of his journey to power.

If he ever reached the limit of this universe and there's nothing that can help him anymore to become stronger then God will just take him away from this universe and put him in another one where he'll meet enemies that'll push him to stronger levels of power.

And if he reaches that universe limits then he'll just go to another one where he'll get stronger till he reaches that universe's limits.

And then repeat again. It's basically helping him and can't even be considered a quest.

'He really was right when he said this wouldn't even be considered a quest, it's basically helping me get stronger while entertaining him at the same time. It's a mutual beneficial relationship for the both of us.'

"I see. I'll do my best to succeed in this quest."

"You better, otherwise you won't like consequences should you fail. I promise it'll be worse than those hentai tentacles you mortals watch nowadays."

God said as Lor gulped at his words. Tentacles are the worst, he'll rather go through hell than to let those slimy things touch him.

"No worries, I promise I won't fail."

"Good, now state what you want. I don't have all the time in the world to talk to you, I still have things to do."

God waved him off as he requested for Lor to say his 'wishes' or 'additions'.

Lor then took a deep breath before breathing out, ready to say what he wants.

"First, for my system. Can you make it where she's capable of interacting with reality? Like make it where she can control things or act like an AI of some sort. I just want her to be able to manage the things I want from my head. She couldn't do that before but now she should be able to monitor the things I want, form a body or interact with physical things."

"Hmm, acceptable. Is that all?"

"I would also like for her to have an inventory installed in her. I forgot about that little detail last time and I would also like for her to be able to analyze things and figure out their effects, components and best way to use it."

"Acceptable, next."

"Next, I would like to add some things to my [Anti Cloning/Anti Power Copy/Anti Power Theft] Ability. Instead of it just having those three, I'd like it to have some other things. I'll like it to have [Anti Power Alteration, Anti Power Replication, Anti Power Nullification, Anti Sealing, Anti Power Dampening, Anti Power Deletion, Anti Reality Warping and Anti Body or Soul Possession.] added to it."

"Hmm, Smart but you still haven't considered every factors out there but no worries, your adaptation should be more than enough to handle the rest."

God said as he snapped his fingers.

"There, you should have them now but do remember, if you ever contact me again for additions or changes to some of your abilities then be prepared to give up something or take on a quest. Not every quest I give you is gonna be as easy as this one."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

"Good, now if that's all I'll be on my way."

God said as a purple portal appeared behind him.

"Wait, Why...Why did you accept my request's? You had no reason to accept it and every reason to decline it so why, why did you?"

Lor said as he called out to the God, his mind working at insane speeds to figure out why God would accept his request's.

'Is it because he just wanted entertainment? No, if he wanted it then he could have just declined my request and gone back to wherever he came from and then watch me from there. I wouldn't be able to stop him and neither would I even know so that can't be it.' He deduced.

God simply smirked or at least it seemed so and turned around to the portal, his throne moving towards it slowly.

"That's because you're still my creation even if you're in a new body and new universe. No matter where you go, you'll always be my creation and there's also the fact that I have a soft spot for my creations. I'm always magnanimous to my creations who have acquired my interest and Love and although, I said i don't like babysitting people, I've decided to put that aside for the creations that do gain my interest but that doesn't mean I'll always babysit you, if I think you need to handle something on your own then no matter what you say, I won't respond."

God said, his throne moving closer and closer to the portal.

"...." Lor didn't say anything, his mind still taking in the words of God.

"Use them well, child. Use the abilities I gave you to come out on top of this universe, that's the least you can do to repay me for my generosity. Don't waste them."

God said again, his throne almost entering the portal at this point.

"Oh and one more thing, someone else apart from me is also watching you. She seems to have taken an interest in you and your future. To think she'll finally come out of her dimension after so long all just because of a mortal. Heh, I wonder what the others will say about this."

God said as his smirked once again.

"Wait, what do you mean by that? who else apart from you is watching me?"

Lor asked, confusion and worry etched on his face.

God didn't say anything and simply entered the portal. Lor thought he wouldn't get an answer and was just about to sigh when God finally spoke again.

"True Death."


As if the very name was forbidden, the sound of thunder was suddenly heard across the sky.

"True death? Who is that? Do you mean Death of the DC Universe? Death of the endless?"

Lor asked, his face turning into a frown at the thought of such a being like death taking an interest in him.

"Yes and No. The Death of the DC universe is nothing more than a part of True Death's power, just a portion of her powers in this universe. Every single death out there, whether the one in the Marvel universe, DC universe, Your original world, Anime and comics, Or even in the farthest corner of the Omniverse are nothing more than a shard of True death."


Lor's eyes widened at this vital information. To think the powerful death, someone who was nigh omnipotent and was inconceivably powerful, was nothing more than a portion of someone's power.

And to think such a being was interested in him.

'Oh boy, this is not looking good.'

"Relax, she won't do anything to you. She's just interested in where you'll end up and in you personally. I don't know why but I don't care. It's not like she's planning anything sinister for you so it's Okay."

"My times up, I'll see you again child. Be careful out there."

And after saying that, the portal immediately closed behind God and disappeared, along with it, the weird phenomenon outside also disappeared and everyone finally started moving.

Lor collapsed on his bed, feeling oddly tired at the surprising information that was revealed to him and the fact that he succeeded in getting God to fulfill his requests.

Albeit at a cost but it's alright, it's manageable. Lor had seen people who had suffered worse than him. The price they had to pay for what he just got was on a completely different level from what he just paid.

'I can live with this.' He sighed and rested on the bed.


[Connection with God has been severed.]

[Unable to Connect to God.]

[Estimated to be unable to contact God for the next 5 years.]


[System has been successfully upgraded and installed with new functions. List of new functions or features available are:


•Physical Interaction•


•Body Manifestation•

•Technology Manipulation•

Sophia has been reborn Host. It'll be a pleasure to serve you with my new features.]

Suddenly a blinding light appeared in Lor's room and quickly condensed itself into a humanoid shape.

After a few seconds, a new person appeared in Lor's room.

She had a voluptuous body and fair but beautiful skin. She had very light purple hair, beautiful blue eyes and adorable lips.

She had on a purple dress that hung tightly to her body, emphasizing the curves of her body.


[Hello Host, it's a pleasure meeting you face to face.]

"No way, Is that really you Sophia?"

Lor asked, his mind filled with shock and surprise.

[Yes host, it's Sophia.]

The woman giggled as she stared at the person that had been hosting her for years.

"I-I see. Sorry about that, It's just so surprising. *Sigh* the amount of time I've been surprised today is far more than the time I've ever been surprised in Krypton combined."Lor fell back on the bed and sighed.

The amount of surprises today had been too much for him, the usual calm demeanor he always had was completely thrown out of the window due to the sheer intensity of the surprise's.

[It's alright host, it's only natural you would be so surprised but look at the bright side, you got what you wanted and even more. I'm sure you're at least happy about that right?]

Lor's eyes swung opened and he immediately rose up.

"You're right Sophia! Show me my status immediately Sophia!" He said with excitement.

With this, he won't have to worry anymore about someone suddenly altering his abilities or suddenly vanishing from reality.

[Of course host.]

Suddenly, a new and improved status page appeared in front of Lor. It was still the same blue color but it looked more grand and advanced. It had several lines running along it and diagram's that Lor couldn't understand on it.

Overall, it looked amazing.

[Name: Lor-Zod]

[Race: Perfect Kryptonian]

[Power Level: Large Building]

[Title/Alias: [Son of General Zod] [Cutest Child On Krypton] [True Prodigy] [Heart Snatcher] [Mama's Boy] [Future General] [Future Hot Stuff] [Teacher] [Artist] [Scientist] [Combat Specialist] [Weapon Specialist]

[Skills: [Basic Body Activities] [Acting] [Kryptonian Language] [Advanced Martial Arts] [Total Body Control] [Drawing] [Weapon Wielding] [Teaching] [Advanced Engineering] [Torquasm-Vo] [Torquasm-Ro]

[Abilities/Powers: [Perfect Kryptonian Physiology] [Superior Adaptation and Evolution] [Extreme Talent] [True Anti]

[Quest [1/1]: [Reach the peak of this universe[S]]

[Inventory: Empty]]

'Nice. The [True Anti] ability is the same as my previous [Anti Cloning/Anti Power Copy/Anti Power Theft] ability, just combined with new powers and all the stuff I requested from God right?'

[Yes, host.]

'Great! With this, I won't have to worry anymore. *Sigh* I'm glad it's been solved but still that quest..'

Lor thought as he looked annoyingly at the quest section.

'Sophia, bring up the information on the quest.'

[Affirmative host.]

[[Reach the peak of this universe [S class]]: God has given you a mission to become the strongest in this universe. Reach it and show him that you have potential, potential to be one of the strongest out there. Conquer this universe and prove yourself worthy of the abilities you've been given.

Reward: Title: [Conqueror]]


Lor's eyes twitched at the rewards for this quest. It wasn't even a reward, he would have gotten it by the time he conquered the universe.

That much is a given.

'*Sigh* whatever, I got the requests I want. I can take that as my reward.' Lor sighed as he laid back on the bed.

'All that's left now is to prepare for the destruction of the planet and get stronger. I'll have to be going closer to the sun now to make sure I get the maximum amount of energy I can get from it.'

'There's not much to do but there's still something, I guess.'

Lor thought as he sat up Straight and and folded his legs.

'And now to my daily routine. Sophia, you can go back to my head now.' He ordered as Sophia bowed before turning into a glowing blue mist.

She headed towards Lor's chest and disappeared into it.

[Take care, host. I'll be here if you need anything.] she said inside Lor's head.


Lor replied before activating [Torquasm-Ro]. The skill was useful for stopping people from manipulating his mind and Lor also found joy and peace in it whenever he performed the skill.

Lor could spend hours doing nothing but meditating and training the skill and still not get bored. It's something he does whenever he had free time or was bored.

At this point, it could basically be called a hobby for Lor.

'Huh. I thought I wouldn't be able to find another hobby here on Krypton but it seems I did. Neat.'

Lor thought before going back to focusing on his meditation, waiting for the next day so he can spend time with Kara and Ariella.

||Time skip - Two Years Later||

||Krypton, Argo City|| ||1977||

||Countdown till Planet Destruction...||

||24hrs. 20m. 15s.||

"It's almost time."


Chapter 11 done! Lets go!!

Sorry for not posting 3 days ago. This chapter took way too long to finish. I wasn't planning for it to be this long but it turned out like that in the end.

Now, I know y'all are wondering why canon hasn't started yet despite me saying it was gonna start this chapter.

Well, it was originally supposed to start this chapter but like I said, this chapter got too long.

If i kept on working on this chapter then not only would this chapter surpass 12k words, it'll also take far longer for me to post.

I already kept y'all waiting for 4 days and I didn't wanna make you guys wait too long so I ended the chapter there.

So I'm really sorry for y'all who were really excited to finally get to canon.

It'll have to be next chapter. For real this time.

In this chapter, y'all saw the relationship between Kara and Ariella. It's pretty toxic, lol.

And competitive. It's gonna get even more competitive when canon starts.

Imagine two super powered Kryptonian girls duking it out all because they're trying to prove their better than the other.

The amount of damage they'll cause would be insane. I'm really looking forward to it.

We also saw God after a long time now and he looked different from before. He was also pretty chill and generous to his creation despite being the complete opposite to creatures that are not.

He also got the back of his creations who got his interest.

It's like having a sugar daddy but on a larger scale and it's not sexual at all.

We also got to see the physical body of Sophia and I don't know about you guys but she was hot.

Yes, I love sexy anime girls. Bite me.

For those who are wondering why a quest is in the system, well, don't worry. MC isn't gonna be having quests pop up every single time. He only gets quests from God and that's it.

I'm also pretty sure none of you expected me to use this method to give the MC more protection and inventory.

Well, I don't blame you. I didn't put much detail into it after all. I basically just mentioned it once and that was it.

Tell me what y'all think about it. Was it Ok and acceptable to have God give MC what he wanted or MC should have figured out another way to solve it and I just ruined the entire fanfic for you.

Pls do tell, I'll love to see what you think.

Anyways, next chapter is gonna be about what Lor did for the past two years and just how strong he's gotten.

And just like I said, it's also gonna be the chapter when canon starts. I hope I do a good job on it.

Also, the voting pool is about to close and the results are not looking good for me.

Suit 1 has 202 votes! Pretty high and it's a big competitor for the winning position.

Suit 2 has 237 votes!! Suit 2 is my favorite suit and I'm hoping for it to win honestly but things aren't looking pretty good for me...

Suit 3 has only 16 votes. Pretty sad but understandable. Compared to the other suits, it's really lacking. I probably shouldn't have put it there. Poor suit 3.

Suit 4 is the problem. It has 247 votes!! Like how?! I was literally betting on Suit 2 winning but suit 4 literally came and swoop me out of my feet.

I'm worried...

I wasn't planning on suit 4 coming out on top and if it does...

Well, I'll just have to figure something out but really, team Suit 2, what's going on?! How is team suit 4 beating us?!

Come on! We're not too far away from them and we still got time, we can still win!

So come on! I'm rooting for you.

Anyways, Suit 4 is in the lead and has a high chance of winning. I don't want that but there's nothing I can do.

I'll just have to live with the results. I probably shouldn't have given the decision to pick a suit for Lor to you guys.

This chapter was also pretty long. Like really long.

It's the second highest chapter in my fanfic.

9334 words.

That's how long it is. It could have been longer but I cut it.

I really don't like writing long chapters because they wear me out but I always make long chapters somehow.

I keep trying to keep it to the minimum but it always seems to surpass 4000.

*Sigh* whatever, I would have cut this chapter in half so it can be only 3000 words but if I did that then you guys would have to wait till chapter 14 or 15 before canon starts and I've realized that I dragged the Krypton Arc for too long.

It's about time I get to canon and so I just put up with the long chapter and kept on writing.

Anyways, I hope this chapter was satisfying and do please tell me what you guys think. I'll highly appreciate it.

For the next four days, there's gonna be no chapter at all. I need to relax and write the 12th chapter.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

I'll see y'all next chapter.

Peace ✌️