Take A Moment, You Deserve It

Tell me how the hell are we supposed to stay friends when all I am to you behind my back is some piece of dirt you wish to get rid of?

When life itself holds greater challenge than all your evil plans and no one run away from it why not save your strength and worry about what your life would if you keep your pants around your waist?

If this doesn't wake you up then your mistake will.The world you see is like an evil forest,a place where many are waiting for you to fall so they could step on you,a home where the battle never ends, an endless journey with lots of senseless and selfish monsters.

In life, there are many questions than answer, like we're do you belong? Do you even belong?

Verily the world is a bitch cause Alot of you see it as a she but take a minute to see it as a he. Different believes but one mind , in life you need to smoke out your enemies.

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight, pray to God to grant you the serenity to accept the things you can't change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Today I find myself in the mist of strange awkward souls.

As much I want to express my feelings I can't find nor put in words to share my thoughts, but the fact is life is to short the next seconds isn't guaranteed so why hold on to what hurts why get sad about what happened yesterday when its gone?

In this life time of yours and this mystery world we living in? All you have is you and you alone because you're the only one who's going to carry your cross, the only one who can save you from evil, the world, the one that can fight your own demon's and save u

you from yourself is you.

I just want to be happy even when am supposed to be sad because God you alone know my plans, prayers, heart, wishes, changes, and who am becoming…Am thankful for the gift of life.

When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart give it up.

What will be will be until the lord wills you can't move beyond where he wants u to be. On some days all we want is someone who looks at us and understands our unsaid words.

Today am having a different feeling, reminding, myself of the things I wished for and the things I have achieved now and the one yet to come.

I've found myself in a space full of broken mirrors picking up the pieces and getting hurt yet not giving up in my dreams, believe patience scarifies challenges Maya will keep moving through this trials till I can get a full picture of my face from the broken mirrors. Until then am still finding me.

I am in love with this new life force energy I am creating. I have built myself up quite nicely I know my strength and my weakness and am also aware of what need more work I have become this precise architect of my life with a great sense of independence and I also understand that other people in your life play a pivotal role.

Your back up is reminding you that there is always peace to be returned upon.

You can create your dreams and you can still be everything all at once.

Steers the sails but know that the wind will take you where you need to go regardless. You were different from a very early age. A part of you already knew that theres more to life than what was being passed on to you, which is why you always felt the need to step out of the line and explore more of what life could offer.

In doing so you took on tests and lessons that most others avoid.

The hawing and growth you've endured sent a ripple effect through your past and into your future. Be proud of the obstacles you took on. You and your life are better because of it. Accept life as it is the pleasures of life are short-lived and more often than not.

They are followed by sorrow. Life means responsibility a journey wherein change is constant and difficulties are relentless in their onslaught.

Smile, people who are always smiling not only make their own lives more joyful but what is more they are more productive people in their work and have a greater ability to live up to their responsibility.

They are more prepared to face difficulties and to find expedient solutions for them.

They are profile workers who benefit themselves and others. People say you can't change your past. Really?

The over-whelming aspect of your past exists in the form of a memory if you can change the memory you effectively shift the manner in which your past affects you.

This is literally healing in its glory.

You can't change your future really? What you do/think now dictates every single next step. You're so much more in control than you're led to believe.

Let them keep the hype let them keep the low vibrating manner in which they go about life. This path isn't for the basic minded.

That's why you chose it. Stay open, mirror wisely.

You're creating every single aspect of your reality no regrets just do better.

What would you do when you've got just a single breath to take?

How long do you think you can hold the breath? What is the first thing you would love to do?

What would be going through your mind at very moment?

Who would want to reach out first? How much time would that last you?

The fact is that's the only free gift you get in a life time.

Sad truth about the whole thing is when that moment comes you can't hold your breath because all you need is some air so breath while and live while you still can all you have is now.