Chapter 26

Catherine Ashton

I think I have an ear problem out of the blue. Did I just hear Jacob right? He wants an heir? I was speechless after he said that and I felt like my brain froze suddenly.

"A.. a- a heir?" I stuttered as I looked at him disbelief and he nodded.

"A heir.. I want an heir and after that I'll leave you alone. You can go free roam around the world seducing any man you want." He said completely in a cool tone and I looked at him disbelief. Is this really the Jacob that I know? I never thought he would have this crazy idea. I mean he didn't even tell me about the plan for the marriage and now he's.. giving me this sick idea?

"Seduce any man? Do you think I'm a slut or something? And besides.. I won't give you an heir and why should I? You can easily pay a woman to sleep with you and boom.. she'll get pregnant in no time." I hissed completely wanting to slap his handsome evil face.