Chapter 27

Jacob Ashton

I knew something was suspicious, she ran away. It was so positive that I don't need to confirm it. I saw it in her eyes when she left the house. I sat down alone beside the pool as I thought about this.

I'll just cancel the wedding because it's the best for the both of us. We want different things and I know that by marrying, the both of us won't get anything.

I like her.. I do but I don't want to chain her into this marriage. I think she still likes her ex-fiance and there's no doubt that she doesn't like me. I got up from my seat and walked inside to find Tim's studies.

"Hi. Are you busy?" I said as I walked into his studies.

"No.. come in, Jacob." He said and I sat in front of him.

"Uhm.. I don't know how to say this but.." I took a deep breath and looked straight into his eyes.

"I want to get out of this wedding." I said and he smiled nodding.

"Very well then.."