Chapter 12 Chapter 12

"Mom! Can you give me a ride to netball practise today?!" Tamara shouted from the top of the stairs on Saturday morning. I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching television.

"I can't today, honey." Mom answered from her room. "I'm leaving to go out now. Ask your sister." Tamara skipped down the stairs and came over to me.

"Can you?" She asked hopefully.

"Sure. I'm going shopping for my dance outfit today anyways, so I will drop you off on the way." I answered.

"Oh good." She sighed and plopped down on the couch beside me. She took up the remote and change the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that." I protested, reaching for the remote.

Tamara rolled her eyes and handed back the remote. "Fine." She turned to look at me. "How is practise by the way?" She asked.

"It's great. Progress is making." I replied.