Chapter 14 Chapter 14

The following day, I decided to visit the cemetery where my father was buried. I drove my car to a flower shop and bought a bunch of yellow lilies. I left the shop and drove to the cemetery.

The cemetery was a half hour out of town, so it took a while for me to arrive there. However, I finally pulled up at the cemetery at 12pm. I parked my car, took up the flowers that I bought from the passenger seat and exited the car. I walked over to where my father was buried.

As soon as I reach my father's grave, I placed the bundle of flowers on his tomb stone. I then knelt beside the grave.

"Hey Dad," I said quietly, "I miss you so much." I moved from my kneeling position and sat on the grave. "My dance competition is coming up in three weeks. But I guess you already knew that." I chuckled. I then became quiet.