The Struggles In The North

~~~(POV: Robb Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Riverrun, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

Brynden sits across from me as we drink some wine. The fire is warming the room up. There is tension in the room. It's mostly from Edmure. We've all got differing opinions of what we're to do now that our soldiers and people are starving.

Raenon Targaryen destroyed Braavos a little over two months ago, and in doing so, he's killed the economy of Westeros. No wars are to be had cause our soldiers are starving to death and becoming poorer by the day.

"We should send a raven and declare Raenon for The Iron Throne immediately. We can swear fealty to his house and banner. He's the answer to ending this war with The Lannisters. With the support of House Stark and House Tully, he'd take Westeros within months."

The Blackfish lets a long sigh out, and he stares sternly at his nephew. Brynden and Edmure have been disagreeing far more than usual.

Brynden considers Raenon to be as mad as his father, and taking what he's done to Braavos. I'm inclined to think the same. No ordinarily thinking man would kill so many innocents.

"What makes you think Raenon Targaryen is a better choice than Joffrey Waters?"

Everyone North of Kings Landing has been referring to Joffrey by a bastard title since the knowledge spread across Westeros.

"Both of you!"

I slam my hand on the table, and look toward the corner and see my mother. She's looking out the window near her. Into the coming storm. She's been quiet the last couple of weeks. I know she's thinking about Arya and Sansa.

Edmure and Brynden look at me and are waiting for my input. I'm their declared King. Edmure doesn't like it, but House Stark is the one that should be leading this fight against Tywin.

At this point, there is no fight. The Boltons and Wildlings in The North are getting weaker and weaker as time passes. Fighting each other while starving makes things easier for us.

"We need to take The North back from The Boltons. That's the goal. Once we do that, we can gather our strength and march toward Kings Landing. Joffrey and his family have lost the support of The Vale and The Reach. All that's left is to take it."

My goal to kill Tywin and The Lannisters isn't unreachable anymore. This uncertainty now that Braavos is gone is what we need to take The North back.

"You'll rather waste our soldiers and food taking back a castle we can have after a few years of consolidating the Starks on The Iron Throne."

The oldest out of the three of us is questioning my motives now. Brynden and Edmure have been wise counsel, but Winterfell is more important than Kings Landing right now. They can't see even if we attack. We'd still lose.

Tywin has the strongest city in Westeros. We can't lay siege without money, men, and supplies. Things we don't have.

"We need to take Winterfell before we take Kings Landing. Even now, we don't have what it takes. Besides, what makes you think Stannis will stay away even now? Why not wait until he's been repelled and Kings Landing weakened."

I fear this debate will go on for far longer than I ever want it to. In the end, I'm King. But without Edmure and Bryndens support, House Stark won't win against the Boltons in the North.

~~~(POV: Catelyn Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 39 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Riverrun, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

The troublesome men of my family continue to argue. The Tullys and The Starks know not what they want. Only that they disagree on every point. All the while, Sansa and Arya aren't here with me. My two lovely daughters are away from me.

If Ned were here, I know that'd he'd call on honor and titles for something to be done. But he's gone now, and my son must lead our house into the future.

"NO! There isn't any proof that Raenon Targaryen would kill us after bending the knee! You both talked to him before! He could've ended you, but instead gave you time to make a decision!"

My younger brother Edmure doesn't realize the North still remembers Lyanna Stark. She was the whole reason The Rebellion happened. Robert went mad, and Ned was mad with him. Now, after all this time. He wants to give back what we've taken from House Targaryen.

This time, it's different. There are no ways to win against the Targaryens. They have 4 dragons, all capable of burning cities. The biggest of them all dwarfs warships that are bigger than city blocks.

"Raenon Targaryen is as mad as his father, Nephew! Why can't you see that!? Isn't the ash in the wind from Braavos enough for you!"

Brynden is getting tired of his nephew. I can hear it in his voice. I slowly turn and make my way to Robb. He stands as I approach, and wrap my arms around him for a hug. Everyone in the room is quiet now, and the tension is eased a little.

I don't wish this fate on my son. Robb is still so young, and I'm afraid he'll die like his father. On the orders of some mad child on The Iron Throne.

"I don't envy you, Robb... Do what you think is best for the people you love... In the end, only family matters... You're the leader of everyone here... What you say goes..."

Sometimes, I think Robb forgets that he's not alone in all this. He's not the last Stark left. As much as I hate it. Jon is still at The Wall, and even though he's a bastard. He's a Stark. Bran is alive, but I don't know how well he is.


It's been so long since I saw him...

I plant a kiss on my son's cheek, and leave the room, making my way from the battles and deaths of men. It's not a place for a woman.

~~~(POV: Jon Snow)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 18 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Castle Black, Jeor Mormont's Chambers, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

"Tell me, Snow... What do you think about all this shit happening South..."

Lord Commander Mormont and I are speaking about what's happening away from The Wall. It's not something I get to talk about a lot. Even now, I'm missing my family. When I heard my father died... It took all I had not to leave and help Robb.

But I've taken my vows, and I'm not an oathbreaker.

"I think Westeros will be changing faster than we can keep up with this far in the North."

It was only a little while ago we learned about Braavos. The name of Raenon Targaryen has been spreading fast. I know not of any Targaryen madness. I wasn't there for The Rebellion. All I remember are stories from my father.

"Aye... My son didn't realize how smart a move it was for him to abandon his House... His people... Now, he's probably living better in Essos than he ever could here... Not with what's happening..."

Braavos was connected to every part of the world. Even wherever Jorah Mormont went. I'm sure the money from The Iron Bank being gone has affected everything West of The Bone Mountains.

"What do you think your father would do if he were standing across from Raenon Targaryen? No dragons, no armies, and no help. Just man to man and sword to sword."

My father was one of the best fighters in The Seven Kingdoms. Even though he wasn't in his prime anymore, I don't think he would've lost to Raenon. No matter how much fear The Dragon Of Blood instills in his foes.

"I don't think he'd win, Lord Commander."

Jeor squints his eyes slightly and stands up.

"Then you don't know Targaryen Madness."

~~~(POV: Oberyn Martell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 42 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Manse, Astapor, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

"When do you think they'll come out of their room?"

Ellaria and I are enjoying the views of Astapor from The Targaryen Manse. Raenon and Daenerys haven't come out of their room for several days. The only time they let anyone in is for food and water. They're young and in love.

Daenerys will be giving birth in the coming month or so. And right now, they're probably closer than before now that they're having a second child. While I wasn't there for my daughter's births, their mothers were always a special kind of attentive when pregnant.

"I don't know when they'll come out of the room. There is peace in Astapor. Nothing needs the Targaryen's attention. If I had to guess, it'd be until Daenerys gave birth to their next child."

Raenon changed the course of any coming war with our enemies by destroying Braavos. Not only did he prove that he's powerful enough to take Westeros. He's shown the Lords and Ladies of Westeros that he doesn't need their support.

"Yunkai is our next target, and they've probably been preparing for an attack by a dragon for some time now. Our reports have told us ballistas are being built. Shall we call your banners to help in the attack?"

She brings up a great point. The Unsullied. The Golden Company. While they can take Yunkai, it'd cost a lot of men. However, if Martell forces rendezvous with us on the way there, it could make it easy. The Slavers of Yunkai won't give up their lives with no fight at all.

"I'll send a raven to my brother. It's about time we sent one to Westeros instead of getting them from Westeros."

Westeros won't stand what's coming.