One Stark Makes It Home, The Other...

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Sansa Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Locations: Horse Back, Nearing Winterfell In The North, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

The Hound and I have been traveling for a couple of months now. All of the hard nights and harder days have been worth it. In the distance, as the snow has stopped falling, I see the home I grew up in. Winterfell is someplace I didn't think I'd ever see again.

On the road to The North, we learned Robb retook Winterfell and The North. Driving out The Boltons and Greyjoys. We were set to meet him in Riverrun, learning that's where he was staying. But after all his victories, we've had to change directions too.

"Easy, Little Bird. We're almost there. Don't go falling off the fucking horse and breaking something. Your family will kill me for that."

The man I've been traveling with has been an enigma that I've come to learn very little about. Ser Gregor Clegane saved me from my fate in Kings Landing. Took me away during The Battle Of Blackwater Bay. Promised to bring me North.

I've asked him on occasion why he decided to save me... Why he risked so much to bring me home... He's insisted on multiple occasions that he's doing it for purely selfish reasons... But I can't help thinking there is some part of him that's...


"Sorry... It's just been so long since I've been home... I never thought I'd be in The North again. Now, it's like a dream to return..."

I hope everyone is alright. The last I heard of Arya, she had escaped Kings Landing. I'm hoping she's made it back to Winterfell too. Knowing my tough little sister, she's been here before Robb. My mother is someone I've been worried about.

~~~(POV: Robb Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 20 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Council Meeting, Winterfell, The North, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

"Mi'lord!! I bring important news!!"

A soldier comes busting through the doors in the middle of an important meeting. It startled my mother at the sheer abruptness. The man looks as though he's run here from the front gates. I stand up and wait for the report.

My troops know that they're not to interrupt my Small Council meetings unless it's incredibly important. He finishes, catches his breath, and a giant smile appears on his dirty face.

"Your sister... Lady Sansa... She's returned... She arrived in Winterfell a few moments ago... We're keeping her fed and warm at the barracks. The journey was long, and her traveling companion insisted on eating before anything else."

Before I can even think to say anything in response to this amazingly good news, my mother rushes out the door in a sprint. I look around the table at Bryndan and Edmure, and they themselves have awestruck faces. They believed my sisters to be dead, but one had made it home.

Instead of saying anything, I don't waste any time. Rushing out the door and making my way to the barracks where the soldiers stay. As I make it, I see a group of men surrounding a table and my mother hugging my sister as they stand there.

My eyes land on the said traveling companion. While I've never seen the man himself, the description matches. The Hound has brought my sister from Kings Landing.

As I approach, mother releases Sansa. My sister looks at me with tears in her eyes. There is a tired joy in them. To finally be home after a long journey.

"You've gotten taller..."

My little sister isn't little anymore. She's got our father's height and is only a few inches shorter than I am now. I can only imagine how hard it is for my mother to see her after so long. Seeing how much she's changed.

She rushes into my arms, and I wrap my arms around her. Closing my eyes and making sure she's actually real.

"I've missed you so much, Robb... I didn't think I'd make it back alive... He made me look at him every day... Forced me to look at fathers head on a spike..."

My stomach twists, and my heart swells in rage. Silence fills the room as the words leave my sister's mouth. My gaze shifts to my mother, and tears are running down her face.

"It's okay, Sansa... You're home now, and you're safe..."

That's all I can say to my sister. Never knowing if she does feel that way or not. There is only so much help given from words, and I've never been good at comforting my siblings. Especially Sansa. She pulls away from me after a few seconds and moves to the side of The Hound.

"Robb, this is Ser Gregor Clegane. He's the one that saved me. When Stannis was attacking Kings Landing, he took me away on horseback. Bringing me here. We tried to meet you in Riverrun, but you had already retaken Winterfell when we arrived."

Everyone's eyes shift to the massive man as he stands up in his plate armor. His scarred face marks him out even more than his size already does. I've heard legends of the Clegane brothers. I've pursued and hated The Moutain myself.

He's caused my troops and plans considerable damage in the past. It's strange and funny to see that his younger brother is far more... Sensible... I don't know if that's the right way to put it, but that's what I've got off the top of my head.

"Then Ser Clegane has my many thanks. There will be a reward equal to bringing my sister home unharmed and safely. I'm sure that's why you've done this in the first place, right?"

The smug and black-toothed smile is all I need in confirmation. While the greed of mercenaries isn't something I like, I can sometimes appreciate it.

"Come, Sansa. Let the men talk. I want to make sure everything is okay with you."

Mother quickly pulls away Sansa, and Ser Clegane and I will discuss his payment in the meantime. Perhaps he'd like another job. He's good at bringing Stark women back to their homes. Maybe he'll have luck finding my Arya.

~~~(POV: Arya Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 13 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Shipping Docks, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

"Get those supplies aboard!! We should've been on the open seas by now! Not wasting time in port!!"

The shouts and commerce of the Meereen docks fill my ears as I walk down the paved path. I've come all this way for one reason. The Targaryen power that resides here. I know my brother can't beat Tywin on his own.

There is only one person in the world capable of beating The Lannisters: Raenon Targaryen. I hope to gain an audience today, but I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't. I only just arrived, and a lot is going on. Something big must be happening.


I hit the ground and cover my head. My heart sinking into my chest. Never in my life have I heard such a sound. It was so loud and powerful that it shook the ground. But, as I lift my eyes, I see everyone walking around like normal.

As my eyes look into the sky and the direction the roar came from, the most intimidating monster I've ever seen in my life is heading toward The Great Pyramid.

"This definitely isn't Westeros..."

To be so used to dragons that it doesn't affect your day-to-day life... Wow... It was a beautiful cream color and white, though...

I've heard that out of the five dragons the Targaryens have, two of them are black and red. The others are a cream-colored white, a green bronze one, and a crimson red one.

The crimson red one is still very young, having been hatched alongside Jaehaerys Targaryen. I've had a lot of conversations with the merchants on the ship here. They've done a lot of business in Meereen and know a lot about the people who rule it.

After all, House Targaryen is more powerful now than it was before King Roberts's Rebellion.

~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Great Pyramid, Meereen, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 300 AC)~~~

My body is light and soft as the silk sheets run across my skin. It's a little late in the morning, but we had a late night last night. I turn on the bed and see that Raenon is already gone, but Daenerys is still in bed. Her back to me as she sleeps.

In the few weeks I've been here, I've yet to make any ground in building the stamina to keep up with them. But she's taught me a lot in our nightly activities with Raenon. I'm catching on. It's just taking some time.

The new year is coming, and all of Meereen will be celebrating. It's something that I'm actually looking forward to. One reason is the party that's being planned.

It's something to look forward to, given how Raenon will be taking his armies to Westeros after the new year to begin his conquest. The days have been calm and fulfilling, but I do miss my home. It'll be nice to return.

After all, I'm a Queen now too. Both here and in Westeros. When Raenon takes The Iron Throne from Joffrey, of course.