A Kings Speech

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

{Book I is now complete on the site above.}

~~~(POV: Monterys Velaryon)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 9 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

The dragons of House Targaryen fly around the Dragonmont. It's hard to believe they're back. I've only heard stories of how mad Aery's was. The father of Raenon and Daenerys Targaryen. Everyone has told me Raenon is as mad as his father.

Our conversations the last few days have shown me that if he's as mad as people say, he's excellent at hiding it. We're leaving for Driftmark today, and I've pledged my support to House Targaryen.

One of the Queens, Margaery, was very kind. Apologized that I had to take my family's seat at a young age. It's forced me to grow up fast. Aurane, my bastard brother, will hear of my actions soon. Retaliation will follow.

The war coming to Westeros isn't something any Lord or Lady can win with troops and balistas. Whether Raenon will make a good King is yet to be seen. Ruling over 7 Kingdoms is different than ruling three cities.

"The ships are ready to depart, my Lord."

That's my sign it's time to depart.

Good luck, Raenon Targaryen.

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Dany and I watch the ships of House Velaryon sail away. The blood of Old Valyria is thin and hard to find anymore. It was nice to speak to someone that can say they descended from our home of ancient times.

A small hand grabs my own, and it's one that I recognize as Aly's. I bend down and pick her up. Holding her in my arms and letting her lean her tired form into my body.

"Now that Monterys is gone. I suppose it's time we sought our enemies in Westeros."

My sister is right. Oberyn is preparing the officers and troops. I'll be giving a speech in a few hours. Our first goal is The Riverlands. That's where Stannis is, according to the information I've gained from Varys.

I've been in the area before. When I visited Robb Stark some time ago, it's been a few years, actually. To think the time has flown that fast.

"Yes. We'll be conquering Westeros again. House Targaryen is almost fully healed. We have beautiful children. A future King and Queen. Now all we need is our Throne. All has been reclaimed aside from what's rightfully ours."

It's hard to believe we were living in a handmade shack in the deep Quhor Forest. That's where we conceived Aly. The nights of passion are still fresh on my body even now.

The daughter we made that night now sleeps in my arms. Alysanne holds a special place in my heart. My first child and daughter. All my children are special to me. But Aly... I don't know what I'd do if she were taken from me.

"What will we do once we've got The Iron Throne back?"

That's a question Dany and I haven't thought a lot about. Mainly from how little we thought we'd make it to this point. I thought it'd take a decade once I was committed. But it's only taken a few years.

The hard part will be reconsolidating our rule. Our father saw to it that Targaryens are as mortal and human as anyone else. Proving us to carry madness in our blood.

Viserys is still out there. That's another problem I'll have to deal with once we're King and Queen. Find out where our older brother is.

"We'll rule."

My strong and simple answer is what I think Dany needs. And I'm right. She gives me her beautiful smile and takes my free arm. Locking her arms around it and pressing her chest into my side. Several nights lately, I've partaken in the milk she offers.

Daenys feeds frequently. Allowing me to share in the wonderous liquid once she's asleep at night. Soon, Margaery will start lactating too.

My mind is getting off track. Shows the type of power my beautiful wives have over me.

"It's hard to imagine... That we're here..."

Sometimes, it is.

But not anymore.

~~~(POV: Margaery Tyrell)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 18 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Daenerys and I stand beside each other as Raenon stands on a rock. Overlooking his army and troops. All of their attention is on him. The Unsullied are completely loyal to Raenon and Daenerys. The Martell forces see him as a way for revenge.

My hand finds my sister-in-law's hand, and she gently squeezes back in support. This is where Raenon will inspire the troops.

"All of you have reasons for why you're fighting with me."

That's good. Addressing them as individuals and not as a group.

"Freedom. Revenge. Peace. Prosperity. Wealth. A life worth living once the war is over."

Raenon always claimed that he wasn't one for speeches. Never known anything other than fighting and killing. But he's grown in his ability to inspire people. Be it a simple phrase or a lengthy address.


There is a strong silence coming from the soldiers.

"All of you are my family. I will always lead you into the battle. Never leave you to die for my dreams and ambitions. When all of you chose to follow my sister and me, it was because you wanted to. And for that, the Unsullied will always be important to House Targaryen."

My hand gently glides over my growing belly. The father of my children is a man they can be proud of. Dragonblood is a bonus. But Raenon is more than that. More than a Bonus. The first man I've ever legitimately loved.

"Martell Spears."

The larger part of his army is proving to be listening as the clinking of armor and weapons is heard at their address.

"Your home was razed and destroyed by Tywin Lannister. That is my fault. In the name of my house, I will rebuild Dorne. I will restore everything that was lost that can be restored. I take responsibility for my faults and actions."

There is silence for a split second. However, spears from every soldier begin to slam the ground in a unison motion. Making a heavy thump over and over.




It's a special day for House Targaryen. This is where the war begins.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Margaery and I are watching the armies prepare for war as they make their way for the ships. Rae is speaking with Oberyn and Jorah. Overseeing the transition from land to ships.

"He's become a greater man than anyone thought a Targaryen could become anymore..."

The words Margaery speaks are true. Rae has proven to be one of the greatest Targaryens in recent times. Many are comparing him to Aegon the Conquerer. Our children and grandchildren will define where our house goes after we're gone.

All we can do anymore is instill good morals and principles. Show them and teach them how to be great. To be Targaryen.

"You'll be a mother to Targaryen children soon, Margaery. You're Targaryen in everything but blood to us. You are my sister. Our children will have a great role model to strive toward. The future is bright."

She raises my hand in hers and kisses the top of it in support and acceptance of my words. Margaery and I have grown close in our time together. I consider her my sister. Our journey together started rough, but that's not how it'll end.

We're building House Targaryen together. One child at a time.

Well, in her case, it might be two, given her size.

"That means a lot to me, Daenerys... More than you'll know..."

I think it's time...


She grips my hand a smidge tighter and looks at me with slightly widened eyes.

"Call me Dany."

She quickly wraps me in a hug. It's time that I fully embrace her. She's allowed to use my nickname. Something only reserved for people I truly care about.

"Thank you, Dany..."

She's my family.

~~~(POV: Oberyn Martell)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Heading South, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 44 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Ellaria holds me close as we watch Dragonstone fade from behind us. We're taking 1/3 of House Targaryen's forces to Dorne. We'll be moving into Westeros from below everyone while Raenon does so from the East.

"What do you think it'll look like..."

Our home...

It'll be hard for me to see Sunspear and the graves of the dead that resided there. The capital is abandoned at this point, and we'll be occupying the city I grew up in. People might start migrating back, but I don't blame them if they don't.

Doran... Trystane... They were the ones meant to rule... I wanted nothing to do with the Lordship of Dorne... Now, it's been thrust upon me in the worst way imaginable.

"My daughters told me stories of what it looks like now... They were there when it burned... It breaks my heart..."

Raenon will bring peace and stability to the Realm. He'll be what we've needed since Aegon The Unworthy.