Chapter 18

It was time for dinner, and we had a visitor in the house. Because such never happened since we moved down to this city, I was a bit confused. I kept signaling aunty Sandra to know whether I'll dish the dinner or wait for the visitor to leave the house first. Sandra was lost immersed in the discussion that she couldn't even notice my signals. I walked from place to place just to draw Sandra's attention, but it was like she was discussing more important topics than that dinner. I knew not whether to take the food to the dining table or wait for the visitor to leave. Not only that, but I don't even know whether he'll be leaving our house anytime soon. The man relaxed like he owned the house. Ever since he came to our house, he's been chitchatting with aunty Sandra continuously. All my efforts to make her look at me were to no avail. I dished only my food and started eating it in the kitchen. It was up to two minutes as I was eating when I heard Sandra's voice.

Jessy! Where's this girl? How long is it taking her to prepare rice and stew? Jessy! She continued talking as she walked into the kitchen.

Jessy, what nonsense is this? When did this start? Can't you dish food for everyone to eat? It seems you've started learning nonsense from those friends of yours.

Aunty, I tried everything to call your attention, but you didn't even look at me, I didn't know what to do then I decided to eat and wait for you to request your food… I tried to make her understand my reasons.

Keep your mouth shut. When did that start? You can't respect yourself even as we have visitors. Jessy, what is all this?

Aunty doesn't see it that way. I tried to talk to you but discovered you were busy chitchatting with the visitor.

You mean I was deaf that I couldn't hear when you called me, or I'm blind that I didn't see you when you passed any signal to me? You've learned how to lie as well?

No ma I..... I was about to finish up my sentence when I received an unexpected slap from her. Everywhere got blank. That was the first time she slapped me ever since we started staying together. I had no choice but obliged to do whatever she said. I'm sorry ma, please don't see it that way. Then left my food and went on to dish food for them.

Even though Sandra was shouting in her voice, this man in our house never said a word or even come to the kitchen to know what was happening. He kept sitting quietly as he got busy with his phone. What kind of man could that be? He felt less concerned about what was transpiring between me and Sandra.

As I was dishing their food, Sandra left me in the kitchen and then went and stayed with him again. As she met him, all I could hear was a mumble from their side. Could they be discussing me? Or they planned what she did before she came and slap me. Nothing is impossible, as Sandra never slapped me since we started living together, this man may be the reason behind her rudeness tonight. I took the food to the dining and then told my aunt that their food was ready. Whether she heard me or not, I didn't know, but I was just trying not to attract another punishment myself. I needed to comport myself.

I went to the kitchen and finished my meal. I knew anything might happen that night. Furthermore, I rearranged the kitchen. Even mopped it that night then went to the bathroom and took my bath. Before I could get out of the bathroom, Sandra and her visitor were no more in the pallor. I don't know who drew this building plan for our landlord. From the bathroom, one must pass through the pallor before one enters the bedroom. I don't know whether that's how people in this area build their houses, unlike what we had in Abuja. I could only sight the plates on the dining table, which wasn't far from the pallor. It was just like an extension of the pallor. I packed the plates in the kitchen and then went to the bedroom. I walked to the bedroom door. Pushed it as usual, but it wasn't opening.

Aunty Sandra, please open the door for me … I begged My aunt as I also knocked at the door at the same time.

… Oh! Jessy, I'm sorry to wait a moment, please. I heard Sandra say from inside the room.

She stayed like three minutes before she opened the door for me. As I got in, Sandra was already in her nightwear. The man was still in the room. I got puzzled. I went to the wardrobe and picked up my nightwear. Not only that, but I couldn't untie the towel to wear my nightwear before the man. I took my nightwear to the pallor, where I knew I would be alone. But Sandra followed me to the pallor.

Jessy, I'm sorry you have to sleep in the pallor tonight. I have a visitor, and he's not going tonight. He'll sleep over. Come and take a blanket, so you'll sleep on the couch… Aunty Sandra said to me while I was wearing my nightwear.

It sounded strange to me because for almost five years we'd been together, I had never for once, slept on the couch. I needed to let that sink before I say anything to her.

I couldn't just comprehend what I heard. She found it as I was delaying her time, she went inside the room and brought the blanket to me. She cared not to look at my face. I collected it from her, then she rushed inside the room. I chuckled, but whoever may be seeing my face knew it wasn't just a laugh but mixed with anger.

Furthermore, I went and sat on a couch. Many things kept resounding in my mind

… What is all this that aunty Sandra is doing tonight? From slapping me to chasing me out of the room? What for? Though, she has a visitor. But why won't she dismiss the person this night so that they may meet again tomorrow? This is not the way aunty Sandra used to do. What's wrong? Did they just see each other today? I can't just imagine myself sleeping on a couch because we have a visitor. But the house is not even mine. Why is this happening now?

Ever since my parents' burial, almost all my relatives are less concerned about

my well-being. If not Uncle Jude who used to call Sandra at times. Well, everything happens for a reason and I believe this is also happening for a reason. I said as I relaxed my head on one side of the couch, then stretched my leg on the other side. I stayed for some time, but sleep wasn't coming. Though tear drops failed to seize rolling down from my eyes. Would I blame nature for bringing me here, or blame my parents to die? They never planned to die like that. Who then should I blame? Things are not just happening as I want them to happen.