Chapter 19

.... I couldn't sleep till daybreak before I woke up. I looked at the wall clock hung in one corner of the pallor only to see that it was 5:33. I can't say that I slept during the night. I kept sleeping and waking. I felt pain all over my body. It was like I was beaten by many people. I didn't even know what happened to my neck. I was having sharp pain in my neck. As I got up from the couch, I stretched myself but it was like I need to stretch myself more. I couldn't comprehend how I felt. Despite the pain, I needed to rush everything as I had to tidy the house before going to school. I washed the plates my aunt and her visitor used to eat during the night.

I also mopped the pallor and dining room. It was when I finished bathing with hot water that I began to feel better.

I walked to my aunt's door to see if I could dress in my school regalia but the door was still locked. Because I was confused about whether she'll see it as an insult if I knock, I kept contemplating what to do. Should I knock on the door or wait for her to open the door when she pleased? It was already a few minutes after seven and I'm supposed to be in school before 8 am. I waited for some moments then knocked at the door. Luckily for me, aunt Sandra responded quickly. She opened the door for me and went back to bed. I greeted the man but didn't hear any response from him. I was dressing up for school and stylishly glancing at my aunt and her visitor who didn't even mind my presence but cuddled themselves. Thank God I slept in the pallor, maybe I might spend the whole night awake if I were to stay with these people in this room.

... Jessy, open my purse and take your transport fare. I heard Sandra saying to me

Yes, ma. Thank you... I replied and immediately opened the purse. I took the money then carried my school bag and leave for school.

Throughout my stay in the school, I was just dozing off. To the extent that Sarah my friend noticed. She woke me up the first time. Did the same the second time. Because that wasn't really how I used to sleep in school. She already knew that there was a problem. She questioned me about the cause but I didn't just feel free to tell her the reason. I only pleaded with her to wake me up whenever there was a teacher in the class and she obliged.

It was during the break period that I decided to tell Sarah since we could discuss it alone without any other person listening to our discussion. We isolated ourselves behind the staffroom then I narrated everything that happened during the night to her. She felt pity for me. I never knew Sarah was that kind. She felt as if she were the one that underwent such. I didn't even know when tears rolled down my eyes. Sarah started advising me. From there she narrated how she was also passing through some hard times as her family wasn't that financially buoyant and she's the firstborn of the family.

I imagined that everyone might be passing through one pain or the other. Sarah made me understand that it wasn't just easy for everyone. But we need to apply diplomacy in whatever we do to get what we want. It was just like a twinkle of an eye, we heard the school bell announcing that the break period was over. I checked the wristwatch on my hand to see that we'd spent 15 minutes. Discussion I thought could only last for five minutes lasted for fifteen minutes and we were still not satisfied. We hugged ourselves and calmly went back to the classroom.

Who could tell me that Sarah who I always see as 'Not my type of person could make me feel such comfort around her? Though in the class we do sit next to each other everyone had their boundaries. We just turned sister all of a sudden.

As the school dismissed, we held hands and walked together to the school gate. I noticed that some people were just glancing at us as if there was something special in holding someone's hand. We cared not because we was having something better in mind. I didn't even know that we do stay on the same side. We entered the same bus to our side. Then separated as we first got to her junction. Before she alighted from the bus, she pecked me on my cheek. I could tell that we were already friends since we shear similar stories of life. I waved at her as she got down from the bus.

... Thank God I had my spare keys. I met Sandra's absence. It was even better because I needed to rest before she says anything that might please her. I unlocked the house and got in. I took off my school uniform and decided to rest a little before doing any other thing. I didn't know when I fell asleep.

Sandra got home around 6 pm. She mentioned my name severally as she entered the house but I was deep asleep. She checked in the kitchen but I wasn't there. Then came to the bedroom to see that the girl was deep asleep. It was already time to prepare dinner. Ever since I entered senior class, aunty Sandra never cooked anything. She'll only tell me what to cook or even buy it herself. She woke me up though with a cool and appealing voice but I was scared thinking that she might continue with what she started the previous day.

Jessy, why are you asleep by this time hope all is well.

Yeah, aunty all is well just that I'm having a slight headache. And I'm also feeling tired...

When did it start?

Just this morning, I woke up with pains all over my body.

Sorry, but I don't think sleeping can solve it, let's go to the pharmacy.

It's not severe. I'm feeling better now.

Ok if you say so. How far about our dinner?

I'll prepare noodles.

Can you prepare it or I should go and prepare it?

Don't worry, I'll prepare it...

I got up from bed and went to prepare noodles. No one said anything again about what happened the previous day. It just ended during the night.

I knew that man was the cause of what happened between me and my aunt. My aunt can't just get angry unnecessarily to the extent of slapping me... first in history. I whispered to myself.

I hastened up and then prepared the noodles as fast as I could.

As we finished eating the meal, then Sandra announced to me that she'll be traveling and she may spend up to a month on her journey. I inquired to know the exact place she was going but she only said it was for vacation. Though she does travel regularly, never stayed up to a week. From the way I looked and sounded in my words, she discovered that I was a bit puzzled.

Jessy, you're no more a kid now, you're more than fifteen years of age. In less than six months you'll complete sixteen years. And you'll soon finish secondary school. You can stay alone. just do your daily routine. That's all. I'll provide food and money for miscellaneous expenses. You'll be fine. Sandra said jokingly as she put on smile on her face

Aunty, it's not just about that. I have no one to talk to and I don't have a phone as well. How will I cope? Here will be like a graveyard.

Aunty Sandra laughed out loud as she heard what I said

But Jessy, if the handset is your problem, I'll provide that before I go

Wait, aunty Sandra are you serious?

I needed to be sure of what I heard.

Yes Jessy I said I'll buy you a phone before I travel.

I walked to her and hugged her

....Thank you, aunty

But that shouldn't be an excuse for you to abuse the phone in any way and try your best to be a good girl so that I won't seize it.

That's not a problem aunty.

She already knew that she'd put a smirk on my face. We continued chitchatting until she complained that she was feeling asleep. That was even when she remembered that she had not taken her bath. She went to the bathroom then I went to arrange the kitchen.

That was just an apple opportunity for me to request for handset because the majority of my schoolmates already have theirs. I knew my opinion couldn't stop Sandra from going wherever she wants to go but I won't like to feel such idleness. Sandra has been more like a mother to me only that I don't know the man that visited us the previous day whether was a human being or a beast in human form. I got elated throughout the night forgetting the sorrows of the previous day