Chapter 30

Early in the morning, Madam Ruth went around the rooms waking everyone up. I didn't know whether she planned it with anyone but I didn't know why. I asked her and she said we're supposed to have morning devotion. I thought I was the only one pissed but the expression on the faces of Jeff and Derrick made me understand that I wasn't alone. We had no choice but to obey. We all went to the pallor then she lead the prayer. I never knew Ruth can be troublesome like this. She began by singing some worship songs. Even the ones I never heard before. Sandra kept following up as if both of them do attend a fellowship in the same church. I just sang the one I knew and left the rest for people that could sing. I can't tell whether we were having morning devotion or jokes. At one point, Madam Ruth noticed that Derrick was asleep since he sat comfortably on the couch. She gave her such a slap that made a loud voice. The expression on Derrick's face was quite amusing. I knew not whether to laugh but that was just a warning. We all focused on the prayer as if we had all planned for it.

After the morning devotion, Sandra couldn't allow anyone to exit the pallor before she said.....

Good morning Uncle Jimmy, Mummy Jeff, and everyone here. I came to announce to you all that I'm getting married on the 19th of next month. That's the main reason why I visited now.

Wow!!! Such good news to start the day with. Congratulations. Madam Ruth expressed how excited she was by her words and also went and hugged Sandra.

Is that what you're just announcing on a low-key like this? It calls for celebration. We need to pop something for it... Jimmy also couldn't allow his wife to end her words before he chipped in

Congratulations aunty Sandra... I needed to sound like that was my first time hearing it again.

... But Sandra, how far about Jessy? that means she'll stay back in Abuja since you'll soon leave the house and I don't think it'll be good for only her to stay alone at this age. Jimmy asked

We'll discuss that later. Not now. That's between us. Sandra answered Jimmy with a pleasant voice.

The boys also congratulated Sandra then we left the pallor for Jimmy, his wife, and Sandra.

I went to wash the dirty plates in the kitchen. Then mopped there. I proceeded to mop other rooms. Why Jeff was using the washing machine to wash clothes?

I don't know what they discussed but they had a lengthy discussion since they spent almost an hour in the pallor.

Later in the day, Jimmy told me to prepare that we will meet with Zick. I can still remember Zick by his name but because it has been a long since I saw him, I may not recognize him. I, Sandra, and Jimmy went to Zick's office at the noon. He looked a bit surprised to see how mature I'd grown. He did welcome us well and even served us juice. His office changed and could see many new things I didn't see earlier. He already decorated his office with many award gifts. He looked older than the Zick I knew. But he still speaks with the same voice.

Well, Jessy, you're welcome. Zick said as we all got seated. He stood up and brought out some files from his cupboard. .....Jessy, He said

At that point, while both Sandra and Jimmy were silent, I couldn't phantom what was happening. Out of my mixed feeling, I replied to him

Yes sir!!!!!

This file belongs to your father. And you're his only child. It's the documents he used to register his supermarket. That's Louis' supermarket.

... He handed the documents over to me. I opened the files but knew not what was exactly written in there.

I'll take you to the supermarket but I don't think I'll leave the files with you now...He concluded

Sir, thanks, and may God bless you. I didn't know that such a thing exists. God bless you, sir

You're welcome, dear. The account he use to run his businesses... sorry, his business is with me. According to his Will, if anything happens to him before he reaches twenty years, he should be placed on a monthly salary. But in your twentieth year, we'll read the will to you. So let's go so that I'll show you the supermarket...

I didn't know how I felt exactly. All I knew was that tears were just rolling down my chin.

...So my parents thought well of me? I didn't even know my father had such investments. I asked myself though people within heard my words.

I began to shiver. Hot tears kept rolling down my eyes. I turned to Sandra to see that both Sandra and Jimmy were just excited looking at me. That means they all knew beforehand that my parents had the investment. None of them even cared to stop me from crying

Soon Justice Zick rearranged his office and picked up his car key

.... Okay, Now, Jessy let's be going!

He said and all of us in the office followed him. We all used his car since we were heading to the same place.

Oh my God, I never imagined that my parents had much money. The supermarket is just mightier than I thought. With many workers. He introduced me to the manager. I got surprised by the way the manager did respect me since he heard I'm the one inheriting the supermarket. He called in two other workers and made the same introduction to them.

I have never been this excited before now. Imagine myself that already thought there was no way for me to survive without begging for help, now I own a supermarket. I'm just grateful to God and my parents who struggled to make things easier for me.

Zick took us back to his office. He said that already, he has access to all my father's accounts, and my mum's account has been dormant since she died. I'm the only person that can access the account. But he won't permit me to access any. He advised that I should get an account where he'll be paying my salary. I had to follow his instructions because I knew not that such a thing existed. They took me to the bank where I opened an account. And he paid some money into the account. Later in the evening, he gave me a document to sign when I started receiving the salary. I signed it without wasting time. I thanked Justice Zick then we went back to Jimmy's house.

Later in the night after our dinner, Jimmy told Sandra that I'll continue staying in Abuja. But when the time comes for the preparation for her marriage, I'll visit her in Enugu to help her do the needful. We just had a brief conversation and everyone retired to his or her bed.

I couldn't just believe what happened during the day. Everything was just like dream to me. I brought out the ATM card issued to me by the bank, checked my phone again and I still saw the alert of the money Zick paid into the account. I needed another ear to hear what I heard. I checked the time and it was already a few minutes past 10 pm. It was already late to call Sarah. Should I drop a text message for her, that was the only option. I sent her a text message saying

... Babe, there's big news. Call or text me ASAP.

I couldn't even drop my phone before she called me back. I'm already some steps ahead of her. I just ended her call and then called her back. With tears of joy, I narrated what happened to her. Sarah's strong-heartedness failed her this time. I could hear her sobbing from her end. She was happy for me and couldn't control her emotions. That's how we celebrated the good news with tears. I can't tell why tears were very close to my eyes. Everyone keeps surprising me. In a few minutes, we ended the call. I wasn't just feeling asleep that night. I found no other one to shear in my joy. I was just smiling unnecessarily.