Chapter 31

Very early on Saturday morning, I and Jeff accompanied aunty Sandra to where she boarded a bus to Enugu. That was the opportunity I had to tell Jeff what Zick told me and also the new development. He was very happy to hear such news. We kept chitchatting until we got to the house. Since it was on Saturday, we dressed up in our sportswear and then went for judo training.

Dave couldn't concentrate on what he was coaching people in his class. Whenever I looked in their direction, I'll find him looking at me. Could it be that he already knows about my parents or there's something he's yet to let me know? It even made me not concentrate on what our coach was teaching.

We just completed the training for the day and I went to Jeff in a hurry to find a way to escape the long conversation I already know Dave would bring up. Not up to a second, while I'm with Jeff, Dave met us there. The smile on his, I can say it's questionable. No one uttered a word but he was smiling as if he'd been in conversation for some minutes.

Good morning Jessy, how're you doing? After displaying his gap tooth, he finally greeted only Jessy while Jessy, Derrick, and Jeff were together.

I replied to him as I could. He went and shook Derrick and Jeff then came back to me.

I have something for you! He whispered into my ear.

What could that be? I asked out of curiosity.

Just give me some moments

You have it...

Jeff, I would want to have breakfast in the eatery close by. Even if we'll take only coffee, I'll appreciate it

There's no problem with that, but I want to waste no time. We have a lot to do at home. ... Jeff replied without even asking for another person's consent.

I won't waste your time. It's just for a few minutes... He replied and left us.

I and my brothers, Jeff and Derrick were still standing when he drove his car to our front and asked us to get inside the car. We did exactly as he said then he took us to the eatery.

In the eatery, Dave stylishly made my seat closer to him. I thought we would just take tea or something light and leave the place. But Dave who already planned his way brought a bottle of wine into the eatery. His body language made it obvious that there was something already between him and me. Though I pleaded with him not to let anyone know about his actions, someone could easily suspect there was something he was hiding. Because I told Jeff, he needed not to ask any other questions because even the looks on Dave's face says it all. The only person who I think may not know what was happening is Derrick. Though that one will always outsmart everyone. While I was still thinking of what may be next after Dave had poured drinks into cups for everyone. Derrick said

....Coach Dave, since we know you, it's just as our sister came that you started bringing us here some days. And since we started coming, he hasn't taken any drink except today. Are we celebrating anything?

The question took Dave unaware. He knew not whether to say yes or know, instead of looking at Derrick that asked him a question, he turned to me. I imagined that if I leave Dave, he might spill the beans.

...I don't think we're celebrating anything

I answered on Dave's behalf

Hmmm, interesting!! Seems I'm lost!!

I asked Dave and Jessy answered. Jeff, can you imagine? Derrick turned to his friend and asked him the question

Bro, free those guys. Drink up let's leave here. ..Jeff replied to his brother. Then we maintained silence. Because of the conversation I just listened to, I lost my comfort. Already I know Jeff will tell Derrick what was happening. And I don't that secret would be secure with Derrick. I heard a beep from my phone. Unlocked it to see Dave's message

.....Babe, there's nothing wrong with them knowing. They're your brothers. Don't panic.

As in, what's he insinuating? Does that mean that he has already told the guy? No, I guess. if he told them, Derrick wouldn't ask that question. I needed to act fast before my secret becomes breaking news. I replied to him this

...I don't know what you mean but let this discussion end here and now. Don't ever say anything about it again. I'll talk to my brothers.

I don't know whether my conscience was playing me, but whenever I lift my face, I'll find Derrick looking at me.

We finished up our drinks then he took us home.

At home, I overheard Jeff talking to Dave via phone call

...Coach Dave, I know you're my coach but I don't like what you're doing. I know you're my coach but that's not a reason for you to use me while playing your game. Right from day one, I knew your plans. Now you do take us to the eatery just to have quality time with Jessy. I'm not a girl, I'm a boy for Christ's sake. Let today be the last day you should try something like this. If Jessy wants to date you, it's left for both of you but don't put me in the middle. I'm not sounding like a threat but I don't like the way you use me and my brother to get what you want. You can invite her wherever you want, if she honors your invitation, good, if she doesn't good. That's between you and her and nothing concerns me and my brother. Remember I warned you earlier. I'm being cool just to respect Jessy. And if you wish not to reciprocate the respect, we may do it the other way. Thank you!!

His words express him better than his voice. I don't know what took me very close to his door just hearing what I heard. He was foaming and raging. I didn't know whether to meet him inside the room or act as if I heard nothing. I stood there for some seconds before I then left the door. I didn't even know he'd been having issues with Dave just because of me.

...I didn't come to cause anyone pain. I whispered to myself. I went inside my room quietly. What exactly will I do to stop the trouble that's already looming between these two people that loved themselves before I came? This may be disastrous. And Jeff has been nurturing such pain and anger in him without telling me. Must it be the reason why he told me that Dave's character is questionable? I even asked him earlier but still, he couldn't make me understand what he takes on this issue. Why is he acting funny now? Does that mean that it's either he becomes an enemy with both myself and Ben if we continue or Dave would be his perpetual enemy if I quit this young and bloomy relationship? Why am I always at this kinda juncture where I have to choose between the two think I don't like? I Jeff suppose to be my best friend. Dave also supposes to be a helping hand to me and my dream. ...I kept mumbling to myself for some time before I came up with the conclusion that I must discuss with Jeff. Already Derrick must've known since it's been a problem between his brother and our coach. That means I'll include him in the discussion