Chapter 35

Sandra screamed from her end.

You people should keep quiet!!! allow me to say something. Uncle Jimmy screamed since the room was getting noisier.

We all get quiet. That was the opportunity I had to look around. I saw madam Ruth sobbing behind Sandra. Jeff and Derrick were standing still as they were on assignment. Sandra still sobbing. I couldn't tell whether it was for my sake or her own sake.

Well, Sam is a criminal, but I may link it to his office. It doesn't mean that his brother is a criminal as well. We'll pay Sam back for his evil but Sandra has to continue with the marriage. Ken is the man after your heart. Besides you're marrying Ken and not Sam. Clean your tears let's finish the occasion of the day and plan on how to make Sam pay. But the certain thing is that he must pay.

Jimmy, that's not the best option. Do you know whether it's in their blood? I have my money. Marriage is not by force. Besides, I prefer my peace more than the scam called marriage... Sandra made herself clearer.

As long as you people put me in between and value me as a father, I insist that you should continue with the marriage. Ken is doing his own business and not in the same office as his brother Sam. I will handle the situation... No more petting. Jimmy said with open eyes

Jimmy why? Is that not a way of entrapping me? Remember the same Sam once attacked us during which he even shot in my direction aiming to kill me? Only God knew how I survived that. Do you think I may escape him again? Or you're granting him pardon for such a crime just because of..... Sandra lowered her voice and spoke with a pleasing voice.

Since I couldn't hold myself any longer by what they were discussing I shouted out...

Never!!!! No one is granting him anything called a pardon. Even if all of you abandon me, I must get to the root of the whole thing.

I'm still here. Remember I'm a legal practitioner. And I won't allow anyone to harm any of you. They're armed. And none of you know what that means. Jeff... Find Ken Ken the bridegroom wherever he is and tell him his presence is urgently needed.

Jimmy talked to his son as he turned to him and faced us again.

If Ken loves you, he'll fight for what he wants. I and my family will take good care of Jessy. I want us to address the whole issue in a way that won't ruin Sandra's day. The day she's been dreaming about since her birth. Meanwhile, as Ken enters here, you all should leave the talks for me.

Jimmy, I don't want to die young. I don't see this marriage as something that will stay long. Sandra kept pleading with Jimmy to cancel the marriage but he's just giving her request on deaf ears

Not up to a minute, Ken and Jeff ran into the room.

Iyawo mi ata-ta, they've been calling us to join our guests for some minutes now. I've been looking for you but couldn't find you. Now this small boy came and told me that you and your Jimmy are looking for me. What's wrong? Jesus Christ!!!!! You're even crying. What happened to you ..... He rushed and hugged Sandra where she was sitting helplessly. She already bathed herself with tears. Despite his words and actions, the whole room was quiet.

He reiterated then Jimmy began...

Well, my in-law. We have a big issue here.

What could that be sir? What happened? We have many police officers in the hall if their service is needed just a call and they'll answer.

My friend listens to me!!! Jimmy couldn't allow him to continue rig-rolling before he shunned him with his horrific voice



I believe you're a man and also believe you know what you want.

Yes sir!

Jimmy kept quiet for some seconds

Tell me please, why is my wife crying like this and no one cared to call me on time?

It's okay. Your brother Sam is the reason. We all know your brother Sam. He's the one that killed Jessy's parents. The reason why Sandra is crying is that she's confused about whether to continue marrying a family to train a killer or not. Now, our lives are at stake because he knows all of us and we all know him. Now, how do we address this issue?

With Ken's white trousers, he went on his knees.

Please. Sandra, you're marrying Ken and not Sam. I won't ask whether it's true or not because I've begged him to stay away from politicians but he never listened to me. Sandra, I love you and won't spare anything to stay with you forever.

Will you assure me that she's secure because as it is now, I'm even questioning your entire background? Which business do you do?

Sir, please I don't mean that you should pardon my brother for whatever atrocity he committed but please don't judge me with his offense. I import phones and laptops. I request that you should just give us today. After this occasion, do whatever you want. I already planned to take my wife to France for her honeymoon first thing tomorrow morning. Then you can do whatever you want. please I love Sandra and I may die if I lose her. You people should please allow this wedding to continue. She won't regret it.

Now, are we safe here? Because as a trained police officer, Sam has already sensed danger and may first pull the trigger to save his life... Jimmy asked him

That's not happening. If it implies that I'll strategically take him out of this arena, I can do much here and now

No!!!! He mustn't leave here before any of us. Let's be guided.

Jessy. Tomorrow will be a greater day. For the sake of Sandra, prevent your eyes from seeing the scars of yesterday until the occasion is over. My wife should go and book a flight for all of us. Excluding Sandra. So far your flight to France is already booked.

Jimmy, so this is a grand farewell to my family. This is unfair.

That's not true. We're still together.

Hmm. I've been doomed.

No. The problem is half solved.

I'll believe you but still scared

Well, let's go and complete the event of the day. Ken starts going... Jimmy ordered all of us

Thanks, sir. I appreciate sir.

He got up and kissed his wife then left us in the room. Truly I had to endure whatever comes my way that day just to make it a special day for Sandra. Though I was raging and foaming in anger for the sake of my aunt who's just more than a godmother to me, I had to comfort myself.

Madam Ruth left us and rushed to the airport to book our flight tickets just as ordered by her husband. Sandra sent for a make-up artist who did a minor touch-up on her face then we rushed to the hall for the wedding reception.