Chapter 51

I couldn't just sit at home and leave them to fight the battle all alone. I needed to make sure they don't end up being called kidnappers though that was the best name for them. I disguised myself as one street girl and settled in an open restaurant close to where they said would be easier for them to carry out their operation. I waited until the time they began the operation then I notified both Jimmy and Zick what they were up to. Jimmy scolded me and asked me to be ready to face whatever may be the consequences since I couldn't wait for the law to take the right course.

I knew they were the ones when I saw Dave's car. Unknown to them, three men were already assigned to take care of his daughter. It turned into a big fight since they refused to stop their car when they were asked to. To an extent, they started exchanging bullets. As the fight got hotter, One of Sam's accomplices took Sam's daughter into the restaurant where I was staying. I tried sending the guys a message but they showed no interest in their phones then. I followed them from a distance to know the exact place where they were running to. From the restaurant, I followed them from one street to another following shortcut. I followed them until I got a call from one of the boys that planned the operation. I told him about how I'd been following the person leading Sam's daughter and where we were then. They told me to turn on my phone's location so they could track me. I did just as they said. I followed them until they entered an uncompleted estate. I got confused about whether to enter the gate or stay outside. I already knew going inside would be a suicide mission.

After a while, I noticed an irregular movement of police vehicles in the street. I was still complaining to myself about the movement of the police vehicles when another vehicle stopped behind me. I almost passed out but regained confidence when I saw Dave's friends in the car. I never knew they were up to six in number.

I told them that the man took the girl inside the estate. They reorganized themselves and split themselves and took different positions. Two of them entered through the open gate. All of them left me there. Then I hid behind an empty kiosk opposite the estate. I just spent a few minutes and got a call from Jimmy

... Jessy I told you not to leave the house where are you?.. He questioned me in anger

Uncle, I'm safe sir

That's not my question Jessy where are you?

Sir, I'm following up with those guys though. I. don't follow them to the spot where they operate.

Jessy tells me. exactly where you are!!!!

His voice continued going higher and higher

Uncle, I don't know where exactly I am but in front of an uncompleted estate where they took Sam's daughter into.

I told you what to do. and you made your choice. That estate is not safe. Find somewhere and hide I'll be there soonest.

Okay, sir. I'm waiting, sir.

In a minute, a police vehicle drove across the estate gate and stopped. Jimmy called again I directed him to the exact place I was standing. We met and I told them how they brought Sam's daughter into the uncompleted building and the boys were after them. Jimmy called their office for backup and insisted that I stay inside the police vehicle. They decided to join the boys in the hunt since they wanted nothing disastrous to happen again. The issue became "how could the boys believe that the Policemen weren't against them? " I called the boys I had their number but none was taking my calls. Jimmy also called but no one answered his calls.

Jimmy and his friends split themselves just as the boys did. In a short while, I began to hear gunshots from almost all parts of the estate. In 25 minutes, I saw Dave run out through the estate gate with one of his friends. I didn't know when I opened the car door and ran to meet them. I saw behind them two other guys that used to work with Sam already handcuffed. Just like in a procession, they all matched out of the gate. Then there were other police officers already standing behind us.

I didn't bother to check whether anyone was shot or not. I hugged and kissed Dave as if I'd waited forever for that same moment. He already has many bruises all over his body. Wherever I touched him, he'll scream for pain. "Those guys are very wicked," I said. "Why did they do all this to you?"

"They said I killed one of them that night they wanted to take you"

I'm sorry Dave! I hugged him tighter ignoring the pain. We got into his friend's car. There we sat and waited for Jimmy to finish his duties. They got everyone they met in the building arrested excluding Dave's friends.

"We all need to report at the station for proper report and documentation, meanwhile, everyone should drive down to the police station," Jimmy ordered us all.

We then drove to the police station where they filed that "Dave who was kidnapped had been rescued by police officers and on the spot, they found a young girl who they were yet to know whether she was kidnapped or one of the kidnappers" Some people signed on the files provided. They detained Sam's accomplice and took his daughter to a place best known to them. I already felt less concerned since Dave has been freed. Dave, his friends, and I drove to his house. While he was taking his bath, One of his friends rushed to the pharmacy shop and got him some drugs while I prepared a meal for all of us. Since everyone was happy, we ate drank and made merry.