Chapter 57

Just as Ali agreed with Sen Yakubu, the following morning, he left his home with two police officers. They first went to the office of the commissioner of police as advised by Senator Yakubu. Mr. Austin's strictness is written all over him. Since he noticed that Ali was working for Senator Yakubu, he never allowed Ali to play with his intelligence. Ali tried his best to even convince him with money as Distinguished Senator Yakubu instructed him but it was like Austin already made up his mind not to accept anything. The meeting didn't end well since it yielded no better fruit for Ali. He left Austin's office pitifully.

Ali's journey continued in such a way until he met Mr. Adeboye, the Divisional Police Officer handling Kabir's case. Mr. Austin accepted their money offer and promised to help them release the culprits. Before they concluded the discussion, Jimmy walked into Mr. Adeboye's office. Already Mr. Ali knows Jimmy in person while Jimmy also knows him. Both of them continued tormenting themselves with such horrid looks. Adeboye got lost since Ali paused the discussion. He focused on the file Jimmy brought and settled Jimmy as fast as he could.

As Jimmy exited the office, Ali and Adeboye concluded their discussion and he left the office.

Jimmy couldn't rest since he found Ali in Adeboye's office. He called Zick and told him about it. Zick wasn't surprised since they'd been expecting them to make some moves. They smiled over it and hung up the call. But Jimmy didn't trust the person of Adeboye. He met Adeboye in his office and cautioned him to act with caution while doing anything with Sen Yakubu. Despite the warnings, the tone Jimmy used and the expression on Jimmy's face, Adeboye didn't flinch. He left him with no option but to allow him to do his part. Already he knew Adeboye was like a spy and opposer to him in the office.

Mr. Alli went to Zick's office after meeting with Adeboye. He wore a smiling face in other to create a conducive environment for the topic he was about to discuss. Zick also played along as if he never come across Ali. After exchanging pleasantries, Mr. Ali stylishly introduced his reason for visiting Zick. Justice Zick who already knew why Ali visited turned the friendly visit into an investigation. He started by asking why they wished to meet him even when he's not yet summoned anyone to the court. Ali also attempted to digress from Zick's question but seemed Zick was ready for them.

That's how they continued digressing from one question to the other until Ali noticed that Zick wasn't ready to compromise. He bided him farewell and left his office. It was such a stressful meeting that Ali was panting for breath as he left Zick's office. He needed not to be told that the case won't slide as others. They might lose the case in the end and it might extend to their boss.

As confused as he was, he demanded a quiet moment. They drove to the nearest hotel and he left the police officers in the bar while he got into the garden. There he sat alone and had some glasses of wine. Through a phone call, he discussed it with someone who advised him to discuss it with Jimmy and if Jimmy disagree with him, he should threaten him with anything possible since he was their last option. He bought the idea. He walked to the police officers who were enjoying themselves in the bar. They drove home. While on their way, Mr. Ali was worried about the way he should approach Jimmy. He knew not whether to make it a confidential meeting in a bar or meet him in his office. Many options kept knocking on his memory. Already, he knew gradually they were losing the case and he needed to do anything possible to change the game. He decided to call Jimmy since both of them knew themselves and what each person could do. He believed that whatever might be Jimmy's response if engaged in the oral discussion would still be his response while on a phone call.

As they arrived home, He dismissed the police officers.

After freshening up, he called Jimmy. As they greeted each other, Jimmy wasn't comfortable discussing with Ali. He already knew what Ali was looking for. He persuaded Ali to go straight to the point since he had something else to do. Ali did just as Jimmy ordered. At first, Jimmy told Ali that his hand wasn't in the case and that he should look for people handling the case. But because Ali knew they had unfinished business, he kept pleading with Jimmy until he agreed that he was involved in the case. Ali tried all he could and even asked Jimmy to say his price. Promising that he'll grant his wish if he ever releases the people in their custody but Jimmy couldn't give a listening ear to such an offer. Instead, he requested that Ali should bring back Sam to the country and he should free the kidnappers.

At a point when Ali knew that Jimmy wasn't ready to compromise, He threatened him saying that he would go after his family. That was when Jimmy made him understand that their call was been recorded for security reasons. Mr. Ali apologized but Jimmy wasn't ready to let it slide.

That's how Mr. Ali ended the call without achieving his aim. He couldn't report his movement to Sen Yakubu since almost all was to no avail.