Sam got summoned by the court for the first hearing. Senator Yakubu who already knew the depth of what might be the consequences of what he has done persuaded his lawyer until he organized a Pre-trial conference with Zick who was standing for Jessy and Dave who were kidnapped. Obviously, by the way, Justice Zick and Jimmy were following the case, Someone needs not to be told that they had been nursing grudges for Sam, His boss, and his accomplice.
Unlike other cases involving politicians which judges always adjourn from month to month, The case of Sam and his accomplice got more attention and hence, they didn't give more than a week interval in any necessary adjournment.
They couldn't settle the issue in the Pre-trial conference, since Zick wasn't willing to compromise for anything. Sam's lawyer, Kareem, and Justice Philip Who used to be Yakubu's lawyer tried all they could to end the case in a Pre-trial conference, but all to no avail. They even met with Justice Zick to see if they could pay him off, but all their effort proved abortive. Finally, they proceeded to the high court.
As things continued to unfold Since Justice Zick already had all the evidence he needed to bring both Senator Yakubu and Sam to book, Senator Yakubu already knew that he was going to lose the case and the charges that might be levied against him won't be friendly. He tried to bribe Zick, but he refused to take his money. Even when he turned it into a threat, Zick couldn't flinch. No one knew what strengthens him. Then Senator Yakubu told Alhaji Ali to do an underground check about the person who was standing by him. Ali involved many of his friends in the inquiry, but they couldn't link the case to any other person except the Late Mr. Louis' family and Dave. They already knew time wasn't on their side.
Senator Yakubu and his workers, including his Lawyer, had a closed-door meeting to consider the next step to take. Then Yakubu suggested terminating either Zick or Jimmy. Sam couldn't even allow the lawyer to pass his verdict before he made it open that he won't involve himself in such acts any longer. Yakubu tried to scold him just to lure him into agreeing with his suggestion, but he stood his ground. Before they could turn it into an argument,
Justice Philip also rejected the idea. He told Senator Yakubu that if they eventually do something stupid as he was insinuating, things won't turn in their favor, and it'll also cause more harm to them.
As Yakubu found no means to thwart the judgment, he decided to flee from the country. He was in the airport when he was met by three police officers, who told clarified for him that he's been on their watch list. And they were doing so to make sure that he don't leave the country until they finish judging his case. It was something of a surprise to him because such has never happened to him.
Since Sam's daughter was still with the police, they needed nothing else to draw him to come closer to them. He once begged the police to see his daughter, and they agreed, during which He went with his wife. It was such an episode filled with emotions. Both of them cried like babies, but that wasn't just the solution to the situation at hand. Mrs. Edna stood her ground and reminded the police that they were infringing on their daughter's right since she wasn't supposed to suffer for the offense committed by her father. The police commissioner then told them that it's either Sam should move in, and his daughter would be freed. Considering how Sam's wife should continue with such a tiresome case alone made Sam break down in tears. To Sam's family, that was a great dilemma because they required the presence of each other at home.
I'm some moments like that, a choice needs to be made. Sam, who knew he, was suffering for what he committed, freed his daughter and moved in. Edna then went home with her daughter. Though, it wasn't easy for her to leave the scene. The policemen on duty showed no care since that was the ideal protocol.
On their way home, Mrs. Edna was a bit happy that she got reunited with her daughter. But deep down, she knew freeing Sam from police custody was like forcing a rat to vomit fish it already swallows. His daughter was happy and was even celebrating being reunited with her, but she was crying uncontrollably because of her husband.
At some point, she manned up and started questioning her daughter about how she was taken care of during the days she was away from them. She was amazed when your girl started narrating to her how she was being taken care of. Even while looking at the girl, one could easily notice that she was well taken care of.