Becoming wanted

Looking at the pair of a male and female sitting down and enjoying the scenario by the lake, one could not help but to feel a sense of jealousy, the two figures looked so much in peace, that they seemed to forget what time was, or how many people looked over at them, they were in such a tranquil state that it was as if they did not know what was going on, it was as if that they were not a couple from this world, it felt like they were a couple from another world that came to take a vacation on earth. Many of people who had passed by, looked at the two sitting by the lake in such a tranquil manner, could not help but feel somewhat jealous of the two, it seems like they were really a match made from heaven.

The young woman sitting by the young man was so beautiful, her looks mesmerized all the males passing by, to the point where they were left in confusion, "how could someone be as beautiful as that?," that was the question that appeared in their mind, the young man also sitting by her side was so handsome that the girls passing by could not help but want to throw themselves at him, sadly it seems like it was taken away by someone who was even more beautiful than them. No matter how people that tried to call out to the two or congratulate them, they did not move an inch, it seems as if they were no longer in this world, they just sat down unmoving.

Rachel and Alex naturally could hear the sigh of people passing by, some of them trying to call out to them to gain their attention, or trying to congratulate them, but how could they be concerned about them, they just sat down unmoving while staring at the lake ahead, ignoring the calls of people who was trying to get their attention, it was unknown to them how long they have been sitting.

"What a beautiful view" Alex commented finally breaking the silence.

Rachel who had her head on his shoulder smiled, she replied "it feels like the best day of my life".

Alex who was looking at Rachel, raised his head as he glanced at the horizon, "I have never expected fate to bring us together in such a grand manner" he said while smiling.

Fate is just as mysterious as ever, I hope that it will not separate us again" Rachel replied looking right into Alex eyes.

Alex looked back at Rachel in the eye, he felt his heart thumping heavily as he looked at the beauty before him, breaking into a smile.

"Why are you smiling" Rachel asked when she saw that Alex had broken into a smile.

"Who asked my girlfriend to be so beautiful I couldn't stop staring at her, I feel like she has made a charm on me with her beauty" Alex replied as he smiled mischievously.

Hearing his reply, Rachel looked at him, she then turned her head away from him, refusing to talk to him again.

Alex smiled bitterly when he saw her reaction, "ok I won't tease you like that again" he said.

Facing him with her bright eyes, she asked "why did your attitude changed towards me after you woke up from a coma four years ago".

Faced with this question, a glimmer of light flashed through Alex eyes, "actually after that incident last four years ago, you really crippled my last line of defence towards you, i felt that I had made a mistake, I felt I should give girls another chance, maybe I was entirely wrong about them". Alex replied after contemplating for sometime.

Rachel broke out into smiles when she heard what he said, she had finally changed his opinion of girls. "Why were you so persistent despite my coldness towards you before I opened up to you," Alex suddenly asked.

"Well who asked someone to steal my heart, right from the first time we met" she replied briefly, it was as if she did not want to talk on the topic.

Alex suddenly looked straight into her eyes, his eyes contained a sense of warmth and protection, Rachel on seeing his intense gaze was shocked, she stared back at him, suddenly Alex brought his head closer to hers, he moved it closer and closer until their lips remained inches to each other.

"Would he kiss me?", Rachel thought as she looked at his incoming lips, this would be her first kiss, she was not ready yet, but she could not help but to feel a surge of excitement, Rachel was doomed to be disappointed, Alex moved his mouth closer to her lips before he suddenly took a small it to her ears, he whispered "silly girl, what did you think I was going to do".

She glared at him angrily who have thought that he was just trying to tease her, she had closed her eyes expecting his lips on hers, but what did he do?, he just whispered into her ears.

Alex started tickling her, making her go wild in laughter "do you forgive me now" Alex asked amidst her giggle.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you, please stop tickling me" Rachel replied amidst her giggle.

"Are you sure you're not going to go go back on your words" Alex asked as he continued to tickle her, showing no sign of leaving her alone.

"I'm not going to go back on my words" Rachel replied amidst her giggle.

Alex finally stopped tickling her, she stopped laughing, putting her head back on his shoulders, silence descended upon them again, they both gazed at the horizon together, they had fully forgotten about time, they did not know how many hours they had been sitting there, now it was almost dusk.

Suddenly a phone ran out aloud, breaking the silence between them, with apologetical face, Rachel brought out her phone, it was her phone that was ringing, she glanced at the caller ID, she was surprised, it was her mother, picking up the call as she put it on her ears, only to hear the panicked voice of her mother from the other end.

"Rachel, Rachel, where are you right now" a panicked voice came from the other end of the phone.

Frowning slightly "I'm still at the campus and yet to return home" she replied.

"Good break your SIM card right away and throw your phone away, then go home and pack some of your clothes and leave immediately, don't forget to leave Bangor within thirty minutes, go to anywhere far from Bangor, I would come looking for you later, also check my drawer, you would see a new set of sim card and phone, take it, you are not to call me when you are at safety, I would call myself," the panicked voice of her mother came from the other end of the phone.

"Mum why and why this all of a sudden......" Rachel tried to say. You are in danger right now, leave right now as I am talking, her mother interrupted when she had her daughters contemplating voice. "But mum I.... wa....." Rachel was directly cut off from the call as she tried to talk to her mother, her mother had directly cut off the phone, she was worried for her mother, she did not understand what had happened to her mother to be in such a panicked state, it was similar to last four years when her mother had suddenly came back, and asked them to move out, without telling her anything.

Alex by the side, looked at Rachel's worried face, he asked "what's wrong," he heard a bit of the conversation when she was talking to her mother on the pho, he could clearly hear the panic in her mother's voice, as a secret agent, he knew in this kind of situation, one must do as the caller had said, if the caller could be trusted, because in that kind of situation the caller had risked their safety in calling the other person. Rachel told Alex what said her mother said as she looked at Alex for advice.

"Do as your mum instructed, I do not know what kind of situation she is in, but for her to call you means she had risked her safety just to get to you, besides you could come stay with me in Cambridge for the time being," Alex advised her.

Rachel nodded her head in understanding bringing out the SIM card out of her phone, she snapped it into two, she then stood up as she threw her phone into the lake.

Next, she and Alex quickly rushed to her house, which was not far from the University, picking up some of her important documents and some of her clothes into a bag, next she went to her mother's drawer to take the new phone and SIM card she had talked about, over the years, she could not count numbers of phone and SIM card she had used and changed, yet it seems like her mother had an endless supply of it. Alex who had already sensed something was wrong was checking out the windows periodically, Rachel was packing up our clothes into her bag, right then two cars drove right into the compound of the house, stopping right in front of their door, from the cars alighted a total of eight men, four from each car, clad in black, they held a pistol in their hand each as they advanced to the door.

Rachel was watching from the window with Alex almost wanted to scream out in impulse, her mouth was then covered by Alex as he instructed her to keep her calm. "I didn't expect them to find us so quick, it's not up to thirty minutes, yet they still found us, they are so quick," Alex thought in his heart. Earlier when he heard what Rachel had told him, he had guessed that she was being hunted by some kind organization, but now it seems that he was right, if he was not here they would have successfully taken her away, but since he was here, he might as well prevent that from happening.

Alex took Rachel to hide in a corner of the house, using the darkness as a cover, it was already night before the men appeared.

"Rachel daughter of Emma, we know that you are in the house, you are already in our wanted list in the organisation, just follow us in peace, or else we will kill all those that are nearest to you," one of the men shouted trying to get her to surrender, when they got to the door they did not want to barge into the house, they did not know what kind of trap she might have laid, after all her mother had called her to leave before their arrival, maybe it was because of luck, they still met her at home, if she had left already left, they would have a hard time finding her again.

"Rachel is wanted all of a sudden, but why?, which organisation wanted her?, and what was her dealing with the organisation that wanted her?", He could not say, Alex thought as he had observed the dressing of the men who came out to from the car, they were Hitman, but he had already made up his mind to help her from the present danger she was in today before asking her anything about it.