Event leading to the present

Rachel frowned when she heard what they said, those men even called out her mother's name, next they said that she was wanted by the organisation they work for, it actually sounded ridiculous to her, she never had dealings with any organisation, nor did she offend anyone, her mother had never told her anything that had to do with an organization, she was very confused, she did not know what to do.

"No need to worry about what they said, I'm sure your mother hid somethings from you, she would tell you sooner or later," Alex consoled her, when he saw her confused expression, he had already guessed what she might be thinking.

When the men heard no response, they had no choice but to barge into the house, proceeding inside, two of the men stationed themselves outside by the door, while the remaining six proceeded inside.

Hearing the sounds of the men barging into the house and then forcing their way inside, Rachel breathing became rapid, "control your breathing, if not, they are sure to find us here" Alex tried to calm Rachel down.

Nodding in understanding she used her hands to cover her mouth, decreasing her rapid breathing, Alex took her hands, slowly, they descended down the stairs, trying to make their way out of the house, they was about to step down the stairs when they saw a man among the men, he was ascending up the stairs, quickly he and Rachel hid in the dark hallway by the stairs.

"Wait for me here, what ever happens do not come out nor scream" he whispered to Rachel, trying to go out of the hallway, "don't go out there it's dangerous," Rachel tugged his sleeves trying to prevent him from going towards the man.

"Don't worry I would be fine, nothing would happen to me," Alex smiled gently, removing her hands from his sleeve, sneakily he went back to the stairs towards the man.

Tiptoeing towards the unsuspecting man who had already reached where Alex was, Alex sneakily went behind him, feeling as though someone was behind him, the man quickly turned around, only find nothing, before he could turn around, a figure kicked him from behind on his crotch, causing him to groan miserably in pain, loudly, the figure that kicked him swiftly covered his mouth preventing him from shouting any further, snapping his neck, he carefully placed him on the floor to avoid alerting the others.

Going back to the hallway, Alex held Rachel's hand, bringing her out of the hallway back to the stairs, passing on the stairs, Rachel saw the body of the man ascending the stairs before they hid on the floor, she almost shouted on impulse, Alex swiftly covered her mouth, proceeding silently to the door.

"Hold your steps right there," a voice shouted behind them, when they got to the door. It was one of the men who had entered into the house, Alex and Rachel slowly raised their hands, surveying the place, Alex noticed that there were no other man with them.

The man slowly made his way towards them, when he was about an inch away from them, Alex swiftly turned around kicking him on his crotch, bending down in pain, Alex kicked him on his head and sent him flying, landing on the floor heavily, he fainted immediately.

Rachel by the side was very shocked, she wondered how Alex was able to achieve that, suddenly she remembered that he had a black belt in Kung-fu, but something was still wrong, Alex was not afraid, it was like this was not the first time he had been in this kind of situation, "but maybe he's just brave," she thought, but his actions were too swift, it would catch one off guard, leaving them unable to defend themselves from his attack at that time, she was unable to ask at that moment, they were in danger.

After Alex had finished off the hitman, he asked Rachel to stay inside, being a little bit experienced he knew that it was not all the men that had gone into the house, there would be some outside, as he had expected the moment he stepped outside he was surrounded by the two that were staying vanguard at the door.

Rachel who was inside ony heard screams of pain, some moments later Alex opened the door, quickly he dragged Rachel outside, he knew that due to the commotion he had made earlier inside and the one that happened now, the remaining would soon rush out, there was no time to waste, he rushed into his car with Rachel.

As Alex had expected, the cries of the people he had beaten up made the remaining who were inside rush out of the house, seeing their comrades on the floor, they were shocked and became immobile for sometime, the reviving sound of a car woke them up from their shocked state, "there they are, quickly, let's follow them," one of the men who had woken up from his shocked state shouted at the others, waking the others up from their shocked state, quickly they went into their car following Alex and Rachel, driving at a very high speed, it had never occured to them that there was someone with Rachel, and that person even knew how to fight, or else they would not be that careless.

Rachel who did not know what was happening nor did she know why the men were after her, was in a state of shock, first her mother had called, asking her to leave Bangor in thirty minutes, before the duration of thirty minutes had ended, some men barged into her house saying that she was wanted by the organisation they worked for, they said she should follow them in peace or they want to take her using force, that similarly increased her state of confusion, if not for Alex that was with her, she would have been long captured, now Alex had also shocked her when they were trying to escape, she had seen Alex defeating a bulky man effortlessly, and when they had wanted to leave the house, she had seen two men groaning in pain outside the house, they had been beaten up into a miserable state by Alex, how could she not be shocked to the extent she wasn't able to say anything.

"Rachel fasten your seatbelt," Alex turned to Rachel before he started the car, moving at a high speed, checking the mirror by the side of the car, Alex saw the black car following them, "oh shit, " he cursed, increasing the acceleration of the car, he went ahead the black car by a huge margin.

"Don't let them escape," a man amongst the four shouted as the driver of their car increased the acceleration of the car.

Soon a race of speed was ignited between the two cars on the highway, although there were several cars on the highway, he still managed to bypass the car following them, veering dangerously anytime it seems like they were about to catch up to them, Rachel who was in the car with Alex was screaming in fear cause of the way he was driving dangerously, Alex had tried to calm her down but to no avail, any time she calmed down was when Alex would swerve dangerously, during that period of time they had narrowly avoided a series of accidents which caused Rachel to scream even more, Alex had no choice but to ignore her screams, he continued driving.

The men in the black car, had their expression changing, they noticed they couldn't catch up to the car, when it seems like they were about to catch up to them, the car would just swerve dangerously in such a manner that they did not have courage to do, they had no choice but to wait for the car that had blocked them, making Alex car going ahead them by a huge margin. It seems like the driver of the car was proficient in racing like this, on a busy highway, they did not want to use their guns as it would cause a chaos since they were on the highway, it would be hard for them to escape from the police when they came later, people would definitely call them.

"We have no choice but to use our gun to slow down the car," one of them said, taking out his pistol, he sat down on the window of the car using the top of the car as support, aming his pistol at the car, the remaining two poked their heads out of the windows aming for the car.

Alex glanced at the side mirror, noticing that the car pursuing them had already closed on them, the men inside had their heads out of the car, their pistol at them, "ohh shit, " Alex cursed silently again, looking back again, he saw one of the men pressing the trigger and shooting. "Get down" Alex forced Rachel head down in the car, sounds of glass breaking was heard afterwards, the windshield at the back was broken from the shot, two successive shot was heard, breaking the two side mirrors of the car, by now there was chaos on the road, everyone was running Helter skelter, cause of the sounds of gunshots, Alex was pretty confident that they would be able to escape since they were on the highway, he had never expected them too use their guns, disregarding that they would cause a commotion and the police would be called, it seems like they were desperate to catch them.

Seeing this Alex pressed the accelerator hard, accelerating the car to it's highest speed going ahead of the black car that had almost caught up to them by a huge margin, making their next successive shots unable to hit them, Rachel in the car was screaming at the top of her voice, but Alex paid no attention to her, he must bring her to a safe place, he couldn't allow the men to capture her.

Because of their nonstop shooting, Alex was afraid that they would not be able to escape, they would soon aim at the tyre of the car, he was thinking of a way to escape before that.

Alex arrived at an intersected road where cars where coming from the left, so the cars coming from Alex side were required to stop for some time to allow the cars coming from the left to pass to the other side, "this a good chance to escape," he thought as he came to the intersected road, looking at the road carefully he saw a truck with petrol coming from the left side of the road going to the other side, glancing at his back he saw the black car closing on them, they had already stopped shooting when they noticed it could not meet their car.

"This might be dangerous, hold yourself tight" Alex turned to Rachel, saying in a serious voice, before stepping on the accelerator and dashing right into the road where the truck would pass, the truck had already closed.

"What are you trying to do," Rachel shouted when she saw his actions, initially she did not understand his words at first, but now she understood what he was trying to do, he was trying to pass right in front of the truck before it could pass so that the other car would loose them, but it was too dangerous, was he running mad?, she thought.

The men the in other car smiled when they saw Alex actions, it seems like he was going to die anyway, one of the men then aimed his shot at one of their tyres as he shot it.

The driver of the truck was shocked when he saw Alex action of trying to pass before he reached, there was zero probability that he would not crush the car, because he was very close to it, quickly he veered the truck towards another side but in the process he lost control of the truck, going towards the black car that was following Alex, on seeing this the driver of the truck had already jumped out of the truck, the truck crashed directly into the black car before they could react, they were busy observing Alex car, although they saw the driver of the car veering his car in another direction they did not expect it to loose control and come directly at their car, so before they could react it crashed directly into their car, causing a huge explosion, none of them survived the explosion.

Alex who was trying to pass before the truck reached where he was, heard a loud bang from his car, he frowned, trying to control the car, alas it was too late, it was already was out of control, the car was initially on a high acceleration rate, now one of the tyre had burst making it totally go out of control, Alex quickly used himself to shield Rachel as they crashed into another car, blood spluttered everywhere, Alex was bleeding from his head, he was also breathing from the other part of his body but it was not as much as his head, Rachel was also bleeding but they were all minor.

Alex dragged Rachel out of the crushed car with difficulty as he groaned in pain, looking at the other side he noticed that the car following them had already been burned to ash, none of the men were alive, he initially heard the sounds of explosion but did not think that It was the car behind them, now when he saw that it was the car he sighed in relief, it would be dangerous if they were still there, seeing that they were not in any danger he fainted right away due to the loos of blood.

Rachel panicked when she saw that he had fainted, taking his phone she died the ambulance emergency number, shortly they arrived picking her and Alex and straight to the hospital, Alex was given first aid in the ambulance before arriving at the hospital.


Dear readers, just a short reminder do note that all what had been happening since chapter two is Rachel past as she had been thinking about it when she sat down in chapter one, so we would continue with happened in the hospital in the next chapter, the story is just beginning, so garb your popcorns as you wait for the next chapters.  


also you guys have just been only reading my story, have not seen anyone comment on the chapters, you guys should comment let me know your thoughts about the story.