Chapter 30: Weapon

This was the second time that Aksel had been in the presence of all the members of the base, with all their attention zapped at him.

"Oh my goodness, what happened then?" 

Someone said from among the crowd making him look towards a woman who he recognized he had seen in passing and shrugging his shoulders in a languid manner he said, "We ran and came back safely but we don't know if the monster is still alive or not."

When they had first staggered inside the base back to Novus they had barely been given any attention at all until Yve had shouted and asked for immediate first aid for they had been attacked by the monster in the mines.

The words 'Monster' and 'Mines' had at once elicited the attention that she had wanted and almost immediately the remaining three people that had been in a worse state than her had been catered to at once with fervor and eager questions in respect to the creature that everyone had most definitely been curious about.