Chapter 31: Push ups

"You should probably just take some rest now," Aksel said making Yve huff at him in reply and then do another push up with her tensed nerves visible in her arms.

Above her was placed a big heavy tire which constant training of the last fifteen days had made it easier for her to lift but she could only till now go up to a count of fifty. This in its own was a big achievement but had still left her a whole level behind Aksel who with his own ingrained strength, what came with being of a different sex, was now doing around a hundred push ups with two tires on his muscled back.

Continuing his own count to over ten more Aksel suddenly noticed Yve's arm falter and almost in an instant she came crashing down and Mort immediately went to remove the tire from her back to help her feel better. Aksel casting her a side glance at her huffing and puffing figure lying on the ground grunted and said, "See, too much effort will only result in-"