A Snare III

Not fire, Jacob urged quickly.

I am not completely without sense. These creatures are honed in fire. Fire will only increase their power.

Dedari sounded as calm as ever, without expression of any kind.

Within the bird's body, Jacob found himself smiling despite the danger surrounding them.

 Dedari was a warrior. He had total and complete confidence in his own abilities. Jacob found himself believing that confidence was well-founded.

Lighting flashed from cloud to cloud, long whips of fiery energy. Thunder crashed directly overhead, slamming the earth with a roar of sound, shaking the ground with tremendous vibrations. 

The black shadow figures seemed to flinch at the sound, their strange shapes contorting, lengthening, so that they appeared to be thin caricatures of humans clothed in long, hooded robes, empty, staring sockets where their eyes should have been, the slashes of their mouths gaping open and moaning low and incessantly.