Jacob’s Tormentor

When the attack came, it was preceded by a sudden chilling silence. The robed shadows with their sunken pits for eyes went motionless and silent, their upraised branches growing sharpened points, several knives protruding from each stump.

 Dedari remained as still as a statue, the wind whipping his ebony hair around his face. He stood as straight as an arrow, his broad shoulders like an ax handle, his powerful body radiating strength and elegance.

Jacob actually felt the gathering of power in the air. It vibrated around him.

 Below, the ghouls began their rush at Dedari. 

Near the motionless bodies of Amia and Prest, the ground swelled until it bulged ominously. 

Jacob began his descent, forcing his mind to stay focused on his own battle. 

When it struck, the strength of the attack was enormous. For a moment Jacob couldn't breathe, his lungs fighting for air, so that it was only his tremendous discipline that allowed him to remain calm.