•Thinking about him•

During the whole ride to the house Victon didn't even care to look towards her even for an once. She and Mrs Rion they both were sitting at the front seat ans Mrs Rion was driving while she was sitting on the passanger seat. Victon is sitting behind them alone. Through the mirror she often peeked at him to see whether he spares her even a single glance or not but never for once he tried to look towards her. All the way Mrs Rion has asked her about her favourite things like her likes dislikes etc etc but he was seeming like he is not interested even a bit in their conversation. But little did she know that even if he was acting like a jerk but his whole attention was solely focused on their conversation which was about her only. On the other side Stella was liking her new mother's company very much.

Very soon they were in front of that magnificent villa where Victon and his mother is living. It was looking really really very beautiful.

The villa was proudly stood whereas there was a huge pool in front of it. A big water fountain with a very big but beautiful garden was situated surrounding the villa enhancing the beauty of the whole place even more. It was just looking unique in it's own way and Stella just couldn't help but keep on admiring the villa in her mind.

When her parents were alive she also used to stay in a very huge mansion but the way this villa is looking right in front of her eyes she thought their mansion was nothing compared to this place.

While she was busy in admiring the villa she failed to notice that Victon had already went inside without waiting for her welcome. But Mrs Rion just lovingly welcomed her to her new house with her motherly gesture.

But the moment she entered inside she felt like her will bulge out from her eyes sockets at anytime. The interior design and the decoration was looking just beautiful. She instantly fell in love with the whole villa.

Then Mrs Rion lead her towards her new room. And again the moment she entered her room she remained speechless at her place. This room was absolutely perfect for her. Even her previous room was not as much as beautiful like this room. She felt like she has entered into another world. The whole purple theme of the room was making her feel like she is living in some kind of fairy tale world.

Then Mrs Rion told her that she is the one who designed this room for her. She also told her that she is a very famous designer by profession and she designs almost all sorts of things starting from the interior designs to fashion design to jwellery design. She is just expert and very popular in her field as well. That's why Stella was thinking that she have seen her somewhere in the past. It's because she has always seen her face on media or magazines. She also designs clothes for big big celebrities.

She also get to know that Mrs Rion had already predicted that there is no one to take care of her at this time and that's why she had prepared this room for her in advance last night when she was in the hospital. She was really really very greatful to her for that and she just loved her already and gave her a very special space in her heart.

'I'm feeling so lucky that God has given me another mother who loves me unconditionally. ' She thought inside her mind being very greatful to god. She can't ask the god for more than she already have.

But the next thing Mrs Rion revealed in front of her just made her shock to the core. She told her that Victon is the one who didn't sleep the whole night and kept awake to made sure that her room has not lack anything. He kept checking on workers who were decorating her room. He made sure that everything should be perfect so she won't face even a single minor problem in the future. He was really very cautious about this room as if it's gonna be his own room.

'But why did he do that? And more importantly was he already made up his mind that I'm going to stay with them? If yes then why did he denied mama to be my brother? Why did he told that he don't want to share his mom with me?' There are several questions were popping up in her mind and there was no answer to her any questions.

'If he wanted me to stay with them then why did he acted like he doesn't care for me and didn't wanted me to stay with them?' She again started to overthink but got interrupted by her new mother's sweet voice,

"Dear where were you lost???"

"Huh!!" Then only she managed to came out of her thoughts. Leave it. If she gets any chance to talk with him then she will ask him her all doubts. She decided in her mind.

"Nothing mama." She just smiled at her.

"So for now just rest ok! I'm going downstairs for some work...After some time sister Maria will come to inform you about your lunch." Mrs Rion said and she just nodded her head obediently. Then she went out of her room and here the only person who was occupied her mind was Victon!


In Victon's Room...

Victon's mom knocks on the door. Victon was there in his room doing his studies.

"Come in mom." He knew that his mom is knocking because when sister Maria knocks his door her knocking style is very different from his mom's knocking style.

Then his mother entered and said, "Son, Uncle Bernard had called me just now. He was asking me about your preparations."

"Mom just tell him that I'm doing great. No need to worry about that." He told her in a very calm but in dengerous voice.

His mom was well acquainted with her son's behaviour and that's why she didn't mind his voice but if any other person would have heard his voice then he is sure that he or she won't dare to talk with him for second time. But his mom knows that how much he loves her. Even if needed he will die for her without any ounce of hesitation. And also in every decision of hers he had always obeyed her like a very obedient child except that one decision where she had suggested him to maki Stella as his sister.

"I have already told him about your preparations. Another thing is today he is coming home for dinner. You know very well that if there is not very much important topic to discuss he will never appear here randomly."

"Ok mom, I will not give him any chance of complain." He replied to his mom.

"Yeah...that's like my good son and that's why I'm so proud of you." Victon just smiled faintly at her words.

"Thanks mom, and also one day I will make my dad proud of me as well. It's my promise to him." He said by getting slightly emotional but determined as well.

"So... son, are you coming downstairs for lunch or not? Stella is also gonna present there." His mom said to him.

He just didn't said anything for some moments. It's like he is feeling something everytime he hears her name. But he never showed his emotions on his face. Without thinking anything further he just said only few words,

"Yes...Mom! I'm coming."

On the other side Stella was sleeping in her room peacefully and after about two hours sister Maria came inside her room and gave her the medicines and told her to come downstairs for lunch. When she had done with her works, then headed towards dinning hall where no one was present there. She thought maybe they all will come after sometime so she decided to wait for them.

With that both just headed down stairs for lunch where Stella had already waited for them in the dinning room. When again both of their eyes met with each other a certain wave of emotions passed through both of their eyes. And suddenly Victon was the one who broke the eye contact between them and looked away as if nothing has happened just now!


To Be Continued...