•Her past•

"Dear how are you feeling right now?" Mama asked her in her lovely motherly voice. Mrs Rion was sitting on the middle seat of the dinning table and he is at the right side of her and I'm at the left side.

"I'm fine mama. The wounds are still hurting a bit but don't worry I will manage." She told her hiding the pain behind her eyes. Actually the wounds are really very much painful for her. The scars are very deep and some are still looking very fresh.

"Don't worry dear, I have appointed a nurse for you. The nurse will come every day to treat your wounds. And the doctor will also visit you time by time untill you get recover completely. After lunch the nurse will come to treat your wounds ok?" Mama asked.

"Ok mama." With that she just nodded her head. After that they ate their lunch silently. But during this whole time she has no ounce of any idea that Victon was peeking at her occasionally to make sure that she eats well.

"Dear, will you mind if I ask you about how all these things happened to you and who did these things to you?" Mama asked getting hesitating slightly because she didn't wanted to hurt this little girl's emotion by making her remember those memories once again but at the same time she didn't have any choice as well.

Now, again all those painful memories started hunting her mind. But she knew she has to open up. She knew she can't bury these memories in her mind and heart for always and also have to share about this to someone. Then why don't she just share with them? And also both mama and Victon have the full right to know about her.

Then when she didn't said anything for sometime mama again told her,

"It's ok dear, don't force yourself this much. I was just concerning about you. But if you don't want...." But she cut her off.

"No mama I am ready to tell you everything now." With that she looked at Victon who was intently watching her, as if he is eagerly waiting for her to hear out the whole story. He didn't said anything but his eyes were telling everything to her at that time.

Then she started,

"I'm the one and only daughter of my parents. My father was a successful business man. I was my father's princess. He loved me so much and my mother, she was the best mom ever in the entire world for me. We were very happy in our life." Her eyes got watered but somehow she managed to control her tears. She was really missing her parents so much. "Then one day I was returning from my school, but when I reached at home there I saw my uncle who was talking with someone in his phone and looked very tensed. I asked him what happened then he told me that my parents had an accident and admitted in the hospital. That time I just couldn't able to believe my ears and that news just literally broken my heart into millions of pieces. Then my uncle told me not to cry. He was like my second father. After that we quickly went to hospital but when I reached there it was too late. My parents had already leave me alone in this whole world. I just couldn't believe that they died. I couldn't even get the chance to say my final goodbye to them and I could only cry at that time." Now tears are falling from her eyes without any stopping and mama is also patting on her back and consoling her for not to cry.

"Dear it's ok if you don't feel good to share it now but please don't cry. Let's get up from here and let's sit on the sofa comfortably ok!"

Then they all got up and went to sit on the sofa. Now mama is hugging her very lovingly to give her some comfort, while Victon has handed me a glass of water to drink so that she can calm down a bit. Then he went to sit on his place. Then again she started her story,

"After my parent's funeral I was completely broken down. My uncle then started to living with me. First few days he was very nice to me. He took care of me very well but as the time passed his behaviour got changed slowly slowly. One day he asked me to sign some bunch of papers. The way he asked me to sign those papers  it was feeling weird. But somehow I didn't sign those papers. Days passed and my uncle's behavior also started changing.  Every day he gave me those same papers to sign.I remember, once my father told me never to sign any papers untill you know what is written on the papers. That's why I always denied my uncle to sign. But one day, what happened that my uncle told me that we are going to another city.  I asked why? But he did not tell me anything properly. I started to doubt on him. Then we come to this city and started living in a villa that my father had owned, but my doubt on him was confirmed when I heard him talking with someone about my signature. He told him to get my sign anyhow on those papers even though they have to hit me. Then I was scared. But before I reacted, they saw me listening to their conversation. By then it was too late and I knew I was going to die. Then without thinking anything I started to run but I couldn't go far because my uncle has already ordered his men to capture me. When they captured me my uncle last time asked me to sign those papers but I denied him right on his face. Then he got more angrier than before. He ordered his men to lock me in a very dark room. I got scared at that time because he very well knew that how much I get scared of any dark room. I started pleading him so much but he didn't listen to me. Then thay put me in a very dark room where I couldn't see even a single thing. I got panicked but this was not the worst thing that happened to me. The worst thing was that they didn't gave me any food anymore. Only a glass of water per day. And food only once in 3 days. And you know what is the most worst part! They started to hit me here and there in order to get a signature from me. Every day some one will enter the room and will start hitting me until I lost my conscious. It went for a week untill I can't handle the pain anymore. One day after hitting me they mistakenly kept the door open. And that was the cue for me to leave the place. But how? I can't even able to stand properly. How can I manage to escape. But I thought I have to do it. If I can't escape today then I will cage here for forever which I can't afford. So I tried my best to get up from my place. When I managed to got up I kept struggling to reach near the gate. Slightly peeking my head outside I saw that no one was there. So I started to run but every time I ran my scars started to hurt very badly but there was no baking away. I had to do that. When I managed to get out of that villa I started to running on the road side. I didn't know where I was going but I keep on running and running untill my body gave up. That time it was raining furiously. I can't even saw anything properly and that time I slipped my feet on some mud and fall down on the road side. After that I struggled to wake up from that place many times but failed to do that because I had no energy left to do anything. With that before I can think anything I passed out on that spot. But luckily when I opened my eyes I found myself in the hospital." Now I am crying like a little baby.

"Ohh dear stop crying." Mama tried to consoling her. But her tears didn't stopped there. No matter how much I have tried but that torture, I don't think I can ever be able to forget that.

"Tell me the name of your uncle." Asked Victon. Even though from outside he was looking very calm and collected but from inside his urge to kill her uncle then and there is so high that he was ready to burn the whole world only for her to keep her safe and protected from all those monsters...


To Be Continued...