•His caring side•

"I don't know mom. If you think like that then it may be true but why are you asking me I can't understand. All humans in this world are beautiful. I can't specify any of them ok?" He stated very annoyingly indirectly telling them that of course she is very pretty in front of his eyes.

"Why are you getting so annoyed Victon? She just asked you a simple question." His uncle asked him.

"I'm not getting annoying uncle. I'm just stating the fact. By the way why are you asking me about her. I don't know anything about her yet. So it's better you both should just stop asking me any questions regarding her."

"Ok ok calm down. We are not asking you anything ok." His mother finally said defeatedly but her voice was still sounding teasing. Now both Bernard and Mrs. Rion eyed eachother suspiciously.

"Sister where is she? Call her... I want to meet her personally." Bernard said to Mrs Rion.

"Yes, brother." With that she told sister Maria to call Stella downstairs to meet with her new uncle.

In this time period Mrs. Rion told everything about Stella to Bernard. When Bernard heard this specific news about Stella he felt really very sorry for her and also his determination of taking revenge from those monsters even got more stronger.

After sometime Stella enters the hall where all the three people are sitting and talking about random things. They decided not to tell Stella about their future planning because they don't want to frighten her at this condition of hers.

"He...hello Uncle....." Stella greeted him with her angelic like tone. Now all had stopped talking and looked at her. In that situation she got even more and more nervous. But what is bothering her most is Victon's intense stare on her at that time. Yes she can feel his gaze on her even though she is not looking at him directly.

"Bernard...I'm uncle Bernard my dear." Bernard told her very lovingly.

"Hello, uncle Bernard it's pleasure to meet you." She said in her cute voice.

"Me too dear, and yes as I heard you turned out to be a very pretty girl. As your mother said you are the perfect defination of a pure beauty."

She blushed a little. And that little blush can't get unnoticed by Victon. Suddenly his heart beat increased. But somehow he still sat there maintaining his cold posture.

"Umm... thanks uncle."

"How are you feeling now Stella? Are you still feeling the pain all over your body?" He asked her getting very concerned about her.

"Some wounds are still fresh, but don't worry Uncle it will get better slowly slowly." She assured him and Bernard just got too shocked to see her this much of strong. Even if she is feeling the immense pain on her body but still she is not showing it on her face.

"You are such a brave child my dear. And also sorry for what had happened with you. But don't worry from now onwards no one can even get a chance to touch even a single strand of your hair. You are now in the safety hands."

"Thanks uncle for your consoling words." She told him very politely.

All this while Victon was pretending to read a magazine but every now and then he kept staring at her angelic face like some teenager lover looking at his crush. But he didn't knew that his uncle is also watching him secretly. His uncle had already assumed all the things in his mind but didn't said anything. He knew that type of gaze which Victon is giving to Stella very well because once he also used to stare at someone and also fell in love very deeply.

Yes, Bernard had also loved someone wholeheartedly but that didn't last long like his best friend and his sister. And the girl whom he loved wholeheartedly is non other than his own best friend's sister Alina Halston. But unfortunately their love story only lasted for 3 years because Alina also got killed mercilessly by his enemies. That incident still has a greater impact on his life. After her he never loved any other women in his whole life. Now he is at his mid forties stage but till now is unmarried. That's why he never believed in love anymore. And the same thing he taught to Victon that 'If you can't protect your love then you have no right to fall in love with anyone. Because after losing your loved ones only you will be the one who is gonna suffering from that pain miserably for the rest of your life, which I am still suffering from. Never make anyone your weakness very easily. If you dare to fall in love then also be prepared to face the consequences of it. The world you are living is not made for lovers. So be careful before fall in love with anyone.' and Victon was also seemed to understand his words very well but now Bernard can see and clearly assume that in future this small girl is going to be the biggest weakness of Victon.

Then sister Maria entered and informed that dinner is ready. With that all of them went to having their dinner.

During the dinner time Victon and Stella both were sitting near each others. In between the dinner something got stuck in her throat accidentally. That time before someone can react Victon was very quick to handle her the glass of water into her mouth. Amidst this chaos she was so busy in coughing that she didn't even noticed this caring side of him and without thinking anything further she drank the water from Victon's hand. Only then after settling down of everything they both realised what had happened a few seconds ago.

"Th...thanks V." She told him very nervously but in her cute voice.

He suddenly glares at her blankly and she immediately regretted calling him by this name 'V' that's why she immediately corrected herself so that he won't get angry on her unnecessarily.

"I...I mean Victon. Sorry don't mind. I just thought to call you V but it's ok if you don't like it." She said in a slight dissapointed voice of hers.

"It's alright if you call me V. I didn't mind it." He said in the same cold voice.

"Really?" She asked him happily still unable to believe her own ears. And also both Mrs Rion and Bernard got shocked to see this new side of Victon. They thought how can he accept to called to be V? Didn't he the one who gets annoyed every time when someone called him by any other name other than his real name in school?


"O...ok" she is feeling extremely happy now.

"I also liked this new name very much dear." Mrs. Rion told her in a very appreciating manner.

"Thank You mama!" She chirped happily.

After the dinner it's time for Bernard to leave the house. "Ok sister, I think it's time for me to leave."

"Why don't you stay here brother for one night only. Tomorrow also you can go. Am I right?"

"If it would have possible then I must have stay here tonight, but you know very well about my works. I have to manage them so that Victon will not face any major problems in his future sister."

"I understand brother but you came here after so many days..."

"No buts sister, I have to go now it's really getting very late. Sometime come to visit me okey? Next time I will try to stay here for more days so don't get sad now dear." With that he kissed on his sister's head very lovingly, then also kissed both Victon and Stella on their cheeks lovingly.

"Ok, bye my dears...take care of yourselves very well."

"You too uncle." Victon told him. Then Stella just flashed him a very small but cute smile to him. With that Bernard left the house promising then that he will again come to visit them very soon.


To Be Continued...