•Ryan Anderson•

Stella's POV,

"What happened Bella?" Lisa asked me suddenly. Yes, my friends are still don't know my real name till now and calls me with my name's second word as 'Bella'. Everybody thinks that I'm Isabella Parker an adopted daughter of Mrs. Sienna Williams and a step sister of Luther King but no one knows the truth behind it.

"Uh... nothing Lisa."

"Then why are you looking so distracted?"

"Me?" I asked showing my fingers to myself. "Are you referring to me? No no I'm not distracted at all. I was just thinking about our projects, nothing else." I replied. Yes, today we got a project from our chemistry teacher and in that project we three are partners.

"Don't think about it now Bella. Now let's go and have some food. Seriously I think that the invisible mice are running in my stomach very fastly. We will think about the project after the lunch." With saying this without waiting for my response Nancy dragged both of us to the table where our usual spot is located. Nancy is a very beautiful with carefree person in our group where as Lisa is very smart and beautiful or in other words we can say beauty with brain. I love both of them too much.

Then Nancy went to the food counter to order the food for three of us. What I failed to notice is Victon and his other friends were also sitting exactly in front of us which I later noticed that. But it's like he just don't know that I'm sitting here that's why he didn't even spare a single glance at me for once. Then after about five minutes our food has arrived.

I'm become dissapointed that he didn't spare me a glance but somehow I didn't let that show on my face. When we were about to eat that time someone came from my behind and tapped on my shoulder. When I turned around to see the face of that person he turned out to be my Senior Ryan Anderson.

He is also one of the popular guy in our school and is one year senior than me. You know the typical charming badboy types! Yes he is like them. Handsome, charming, player and also very smart and intelligent. I know you are wondering about why I keep praising a guy while there is another guy about whom I always keeps thinking.

Actually Ryan is the perfect guy for every girls of his class. Like Victon he also comes under the list of the most popular guy of our school. Every class has its own popular bad boys. But there is one thing I want to tell you that I think Ryan is having feelings for me. I mean the way he talks to me, the way he cares about me and also the way he gives me his attention, these all activities of him just clearly shows that he is interested in me. But for me he is just a normal guy because there is already someone else who is present in my heart and you know very well who the person is actually.

Ryan always keeps asking me for dates, outings etc. etc. I can't ignore him because he had never behaved badly with me. Yes, he is a funny guy and also I think also the romantic type person as I said before that he is the dream guy of every girl of his class and even if some juniors and seniors as well. But no matter what he does, in my point of view he can never be able to reach the popularity of Victon in the school because along with students the teachers also admirers him a lot. And for me Victon was and will always come first for me. But for now Ryan is just like a friend for me and also I don't feel any type of negative vives from him. So I'm also behaving with him just like a friend.

"Hello Bella!" He told me. I just smiled at him and when I looked back to my friends they were just staring at me teasingly. 'Ohh god! these girls and their thoughts!' I just rolled my eyes internally. I know what's the meaning of their teasing smile. Yes, they also think that Ryan likes me and vice versa. I wanted to tell them that nothing like that is going on whatever they are thinking about me and him. But they never tells me directly and also I don't wanna exaggerate this thing in front of them.

"Hi, Ryan. What about you coming here?" I asked him.

"Uhh... nothing like that Bella. I just wanted to sit here. Can I?"

"Yeah, sure why not?" Then he sat right next to me because Lisa and Nancy were sitting next to each others opposite of me.

"Hello, beautifull girls." He addressed them with his most charming smile. By listening to him they both started to laugh but not in a joking manner. Actually he always addresses them as 'beautiful'.

"Hi, handsome." They also addresses him as handsome always. With that all four of us started laughing.

In between my laughing my eyes accidentally fall on Victon, and to my surprise now he was looking towards my direction. But wait... No not my direction but directly at me only and not to any other person. And after some seconds his eyes drifted towards Ryan and then again on me. What was that? Jealousy! This time I really saw jealousy in his eyes! Like seriously! No no it can't be true. After staring towards us for seconds his eyes just turned darker than ever I think. With that he averted his eyes from me like I am some kind of disgusted person for him. At that time his eyes were holding so much hatred for me that I just couldn't handle his gaze anymore and instantly averted my eyes from him. What is he actually thinking about me? I badly wanted to know that. God why is he so complecated person.

After that he just left the cafeteria with his other friends without giving me a single glance.

'Ok ok don't mind him Stella. You know he is always like this.' I continued to console myself with these two lines but deep down I know his behaviour is just hurting me to the core.

"Where were you lost Bella?" Ryan asked me.

"Nowhere." Only did he knew where I was lost. With that I just flashed him my warm smile.

"Actually Bella I came here along with a proposal for you." He stated this line feeling slightly nervous.

"About what?" I asked him with suspiciously. If he again asked me for outing I will just deny him right away. Because last time what happened I still can't able to forget till now.


When I last time went out with him the outing was fine. I was wearing a sky summer dress at that time. Mama helped me to choose the dress for me. She also gave her permission to go out with Ryan. But at that time Victon was in the school for practicing football and he has no ounce of idea at that time. It was 8pm. Then when I returned back home at about 10pm I became very shocked because of what I saw in front of my eyes. I didn't expected that scenario in my mind ever. Victon was in the living room sitting on the sofa and was arguing with mama. When I listened to their conversation I got completely shocked because they were arguing about me!

"Mom, I don't know anything. I'm going to bring her back to home. How can you send her out with some unknown person mom? What if something will happen to her? Did you ever thought about that." He was arguing with mom which was filled with so much rage. From when did he started to care about me? I questioned to myself in my mind.

"Calm down son. She is not a small child and besides she knows how to defend herself and moreover she went out with Ryan Anderson who is one of my business partner's son, and also I knew him very well personally and also he happens to be the closest friend of Stella in the school. So don't worry she will come back to home very safe and sound." Mama tried to coax him as if he is some kind of a little boy.

"No mom, you don't understand. I can't believe on anyone and moreover how dare she went out with a boy?" Now I can she his eyes were filled with so much rage and jealousy that he is ready to burn down the whole world.

"Son, why this fact is affecting you so much? Tell me?" Mama asked him. Yes yes, Victon tell her. I also wants to know what is that in your mind. Yes, come on V! I was mentally praising him to tell mama the answer.

"Because..." With that he paused in his track. It seems like he came to his sense fully and also as if sensing me standing at the doorstep he directly glanced towards my direction and then suddenly got stopped what he was saying about me.



To Be Continued...