•Her secret•

Stella's POV,

I also like to design the things like different types of clothes, jewelleries and other interior items. So mama always tells me to design various things for her fashion company. That's why sometimes I use to spend my time to help mama with my various designing ideas. Mama always told me to become a fashion designer because she likes my designing ideas very much. Yes, he is right even I also want to be a designer but there is another thing what I want most in my future is that I want to be a good person in Victon's eyes. Yes, I know it sounds very weird but it is also one of my wish from the wishlists I have prepared for myself. My only dream is to gain his trust, his smile, his heart the whole of him. I mean yeah if I want to say it in one line I would say that I want to spend my whole life with him.

I think... I think that I'm falling for him. There are so many reasons behind it. The first reason is that I always feel jealous to those girls who always tries to get his attention towards them and always clinging to him like the leeches. I just can't bear to see those scenes in front of my eyes. But what I hated most is that he also never missed any chance to be with those bitches. They are for no goods. All they want is his money and wanted to get in his bed. And he also does that happily everything they asked him for. Let me tell you an incident...

When I was just fourteen that time Victon used to brought girls to our house in the absence of mama. That time I was not that much of matured enough to understand anything what he is doing with them by spending the whole night with them in the guest room. One day mama caught him red handed and saw him bringing a girl to our home. Mama didn't said that much to him about that matter I don't know why. May be she knew about him or something else. I thought she will scold him for doing such things. But she only told him to not to do such things ever. So after that incident he never brought any girl to home in the presence of mama but always brought them in the absence of mama. I didn't know what they were doing behind the closed doors because as I said before, I was not that much mature enough to understand about their doings but now after two years of experience I can now clearly understand what they were doing in the closed guest rooms. Sometimes I have clearly heared those weird moaning sounds which were keep on coming from that closed room. Now I can clearly understand why the girls were so desparate to get into his pants. Just the thought of him with some other girl makes me so mad that I can't control my anger at that time. So I ended up by doing my one and only anger relief activity that is the dance. Yes, while dancing I manage to forget everything about me and Victon but when it overs, again the thought of him starts to encircles in my mind.

Till today he had never talked to me gently or sweetly, I don't know what is his problem with me. But one thing I'm sure that he doesn't see me as his sister for which I'm very much thankful for that.

Sometimes I saw some emotions in his eyes which I really can't understand their meanings. Naturally he is always very cold to me. He always treated me like I don't ever exists in this world for him. But above all these things sometimes I saw some emotions in his eyes like caringness , protectiveness, and also I doubt that the loving emotions. I saw this type of emotions only for some seconds in his eyes. In the school sometimes I catched him watching towards me with holding these types of emotions in his eyes and if coincidentally my eyes falls on him then immediately he averts his eyes from me as if nothing has happened between us. He rarely talks to me but if you ask me anything about him then I will tell you everything like what is his likes, what is his dislikes, his interests, his hobby and like every other things about him. The only one thing I don't know is what is he thinks about me actually. I know I caught him red handed while glancing at me but I seriously couldn't decipher what is that running inside his mind at that time. I badly wanted to know what he is really thinking about me.

And do you know what I like another thing about him? The another thing is that he is the topper of our school. Yes, he always tops in his class exams as well as in the whole school. I really admires him a lot. He is a typical bad boy for all the girls of our school. The type of boy every girl dreams of but when it comes to me he automatically gets converted into an cold arrogant ruthless man who doesn't give a shit about me and that's what hurts me a lot.

It was just a normal day and was still 7AM.  I got up and got ready for my school.  It was 7.40 when all my work was over.  Quickly I packed my bag and went downstairs to have my breakfast.

"Good morning Mama and Sister Maria." I wished them with a very gentle smile of mine.

"Good morning dear." They both wished me together. Then I wonder where is he? May be observing my glances here and there mama asked me, "Are you looking for my son dear?"

"Yes, mama." I replied her shyly. Actually I don't wanted to appear shy in front of her but it just happens automatically and I start to blushing so hard whenever I hear about him. But at the same time I always tries to control my feelings and put a normal face in front of everyone.

"He already went to the school dear. Don't you know him! He always does that." She said in a very sad tone.

"Ohh, I see." Actually he always goes to school earlier than me. I don't know why! Both his and mine classes are starting at 8.00am, and sometimes his classes are on 10am. But he never waits for me. I know he always went to college by the bike because he prefers bikes over the cars, but still he could've wait for me. And for that I'm really very much upset on him.

He owns several bikes, atleast seven bikes he owns alone for himself only. But there is a particular royal blue coloured sports bike is there which is his all time favourite. Of course he didn't tell me these things but from my observation I can tell that it is his favourite bike. And another thing is that when he rides that bike it perfectly suits him. It's like that bike is only made for him.

On the other hand I always go to school by the car. There was a permanent driver uncle hired by my mama whose only work is to always take me to the school and return me safely from the school.

After my breakfast I went to school and started my class there. I sat with my other two friends Lisa and Nancy. Because I'm in 11th standard that's why my building is situated at the different direction than his class's building. His building is in another direction because he is now a undergraduate student and also very senior from me. But the cafeteria of the whole University is one and also is very big. It can be able to accommodate all the students of the university at the same time.

During the lunch time we trio went to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Suddenly I stopped on my way when I met with his cold eyes and he was sitting at the far corner where he can able to see my each and every activities very clearly. His gaze is so intense and void of any type of expression that one could not say what he is thinking in his mind actually. He was sitting with his other three friends. His other three friends were also very rich, popular and handsome but not as much as my V. What! didi I say my V. OMG what did I say! Ohh, Stella you will go mad for him one day. That time I just cursed thousand times to myself in my mind.

Then we just stared at each other for about six or seven seconds. But after that he himself averted his eyes from mine as if he had seen something which he shouldn't have seen at all.

But still I can't understand why is he has to look this much of handsome, good looking and attractive as always!...


To Be Continued...